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Learn the top strategies to successfully publish your work in a scholarly journal. Target your publishing efforts, study publishing guidelines, and use previously published articles to structure your own. Include relevant literature, write a persuasive article, and revise, resubmit, and retarget if necessary.
Top Ten Ways to Get Published(in a scholarly journal)with apologies to David Letterman Jim Levin Education Studies University of California, San Diego
Top Ten Ways to Get Published • Target your publishing efforts.
Target your publishing efforts • Look at where other people in your field publish. • Ask others who know your work and who know the field what the best publication targets are for the specific paper you are writing. • Think about who you want to reach with your article. • Think about the benefits to you of publishing in particular journals. • Pick a set of target journals.
Top Ten Ways to Get Published • Read recent issues of the target journals. • Target your publishing efforts.
Read recent issues of the target journals • Look at what methodologies are in articles they've published. • Look at what theoretical issues are in articles they've published. • Look at what problems or goals are in articles they've published.
Top Ten Ways to Get Published • Study the target journals' publishing guidelines. • Read recent issues of the target journals. • Target your publishing efforts.
Study the target journals' publishing guidelines • Find the latest publishing guidelines, on the web site or in a recent print copy of the journal. • See if the focus of your article fits the guidelines. • See if the type of article (report, review, theoretical description, etc.) fits the guidelines. • See if the length of your article fits the guidelines. • Select one to submit to. • Select another as a backup in case the article is rejected by your first choice.
Top Ten Ways to Get Published • Let previously published articles suggest your article's structure. • Study the target journals' publishing guidelines. • Read recent issues of the target journals. • Target your publishing efforts.
Let previously published articles suggest your article's structure • Use the section headers that are most common. • Be sure to include in your article all the sections typically found in other articles so that editors, reviewers, and readers are more likely to find them.
Top Ten Ways to Get Published • Include the relevant literature and issues. • Let previously published articles suggest your article's structure. • Study the target journals' publishing guidelines. • Read recent issues of the target journals. • Target your publishing efforts.
Include the relevant literature & issues • Don't assume the readers will already be aware of them. • Don't overuse jargon or technical terms. • Include the most important, in a way that provides support for your article. • Reference other articles in the journal (if possible and appropriate).
Top Ten Ways to Get Published • Write a plausible article.
Write a plausible article • The data collection, analysis, and other elements of the argument structure should make sense. • Someone else reading your article should be able to reduplicate what you describe.
Top Ten Ways to Get Published • Keep it simple. • Write a plausiblearticle.
Keep it simple • Some reviewers and readers will just skim the article - make sure that the most important idea comes across when someone skims. • The title should capture the most important thing you want readers to take away.
Top Ten Ways to Get Published • Write a persuasive article and cover letter. • Keep it simple. • Write a plausible article.
Write a persuasive article & cover letter • Keep in mind that you're asking somebody to give you valuable print space. • Include a cover letter that lays out the most important point of the proposed article and why it is relevant for this particular journal. • Most articles contain a line of argument - be sure that your line of argument makes sense and is supported as strongly as possible.
Top Ten Ways to Get Published • "Debug" your article. • Write a persuasive article and cover letter. • Keep it simple. • Write a plausible article.
"Debug" your article • Have experts in the field read your article. • Have informed laypeople outside the field read your article.
and the number one way to get published is… If you are turned down, revise, resubmit, and/or retarget.
Top Ten Ways to Get Published • If you are turned down, revise, resubmit, and/or retarget. • "Debug" your article. • Write a persuasive article and cover letter. • Keep it simple. • Write a plausible article.
Revise, resubmit, and/or retarget • Most articles are not accepted the first time they are submitted: "accept" is rare, "accept with revision" or "reject but resubmit" are more common. • Many articles that are published have been previously submitted and turned down. • Take the reviewer and editor comments seriously. • Talk to the editor if the suggestions are unclear.
Revise, resubmit, and/or retarget • Resubmission cover letter: Address the most important reviewer and editor comments in your revision, and point to them in a cover letter. Provide support for why you don't follow any of the suggestions for changes, if you decide not to follow some. • If the reply doesn't invite resubmission, ask to the editor to suggest other targets.