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Completing a Travel Voucher. A tutorial. Table of Contents. Using this tutorial What you’ll need Getting started Completing the voucher: Traveler Information Preparer Information Trip Information Expense Information Airline Ticket Rental Car Taxi/Shuttle Mileage Meals/Lodging
Completing a Travel Voucher A tutorial
Table of Contents • Using this tutorial • What you’ll need • Getting started • Completing the voucher: • Traveler Information • Preparer Information • Trip Information • Expense Information • Airline Ticket • Rental Car • Taxi/Shuttle • Mileage • Meals/Lodging • Parking • Registration Fee • Telephone/Internet Charge • Other charges • Advance Information • Signatures & Approvals • Traveler signature • Employee Supervisor signature • 1st DeptID/ProjID holder signature • 2nd DeptID/ProjID holder signature • 3rd DeptID/ProjID holder signature • NCAA Compliance Officer signature • Additional Approvals • Submitting the voucher • Sample Travel Voucher • Contacting PPS
Using this tutorial • Click your mouse on the tutorial screen to advance to the next set of instructions. (Please click only once as the tutorial may take a few seconds to advance.) • Watch the red arrows and boxes to see where to click or enter information on the Travel Voucher. • As you see each new instruction, use ALT+TAB to switch between this tutorial and the Travel Voucher. Perform the instructed action, then use ALT+TAB again to resume watching the tutorial. • Click the links in the table of contents (previous slide) to skip to a specific set of instructions. • Click the Eagle icon on the bottom right of the tutorial screen to return to the Table of Contents at any time. • Click the yellow arrow at the bottom left of the tutorial screen to go back to the previous instruction. • Please click here to report any problems with the Travel Voucher form or this tutorial. Follow the instructions that appear in boxes like this one.
What you’ll need • The number of the funding source(s) (DeptID or ProjID) that you wish to use for this trip’s expenses. If claiming reimbursement for a meal tip, remember that you must use an unrestricted gift account for that expense. • All receipts • A copy of the conference itinerary (required for conference travel) • Mileage logs or MapQuest printouts (if mileage is being claimed) • J.P. Morgan transaction report (if a Travel Advance Card was issued). Click below to see instructions for: • Logging non-TAC transactions in SmartData Online • Printing a transaction report in SmartData Online • For team travel, a list of all students who traveled and their student ID numbers (No Social Security Numbers should be sent with Travel documents.)
Getting started • Download the Travel voucher by clicking here. Things to know about the Travel voucher: • Please do not use a voucher that you have saved to your computer as it is likely an old version and will cause delays in processing once it reaches PPS. Outdated forms will not calculate the reimbursement correctly. Return to the online form each time you need to complete a voucher. Set it as a favorite in your internet browser for one-click access! • The travel voucher linked above should be used for both UNT (NT752) and System (SY769) travel. It is designed for individual as well as team travel (including Athletic Travel), and is compatible with all vehicle mileage rates. • The Travel Voucher is a Microsoft Excel form that contains several buttons and hyperlinks. You can hold your mouse over any cell with a red triangle in the top right corner to see pop-up comments containing helpful information.
Completing the voucher Traveler Information
Enter the traveler’s name. Please do not use nicknames. If the traveler is an employee, please type the name exactly as it appears in EIS. Enter the traveler’s mailing address and job title. If the traveler is an employee, make sure to enter the mailing address exactly as it appears in EIS. Please do not include Social Security numbers anywhere on this form. Choose how the payment is to be delivered to the traveler by clicking on either “Mail check” or “Pick up check.” Reimbursement checks for vouchers where the mailing address does not match EIS must be picked up by the traveler with a photo ID. If the address on the voucher does not match EIS, the check cannot be mailed. If the traveler has been set up for Electronic Funds Transfer (“EFT”) payments Through Purchasing and Payment Services you may skip this step. The payment will be made electronically no matter which option is chosen for check routing. Click here or click the EFT link on the Travel Voucher to download PPS’ EFT application. (This is a different system than Payroll EFT and must be set up separately.) Start by checking the box indicating whether the travel will be funded by either UNT (NT752) or the UNT System (SY769). Then, if mileage is being claimed, select the type of vehicle and mileage rate by clicking the arrow in the drop-down box at the top of the voucher. For personal vehicles select the date range that fits when the mileage actually took place. Athletics only: If this payment should reimburse the Athletic Department Working Fund, please type the number of the ADWF check for this trip in the cell marked “ADWF Check #.”
Completing the voucher Preparer Information
Enter your name in the “Prepared by” cell. Enter your department name in the “Department” cell. Enter the date the Travel Voucher is being completed in the “date” cell. Enter your office phone extension in the “EXT” cell.
Completing the voucher Trip Information
Enter the destination for the trip in the “Destination” cell. NOTE: With the exception of “mileage only” vouchers, multiple destinations should only be used if the traveler did not return to headquarters between destinations. If the traveler returned to headquarters between destinations, a separate voucher should be filed. If the trip had multiple destinations, please be as complete as possible in the space allotted. Enter the traveler’s headquarters in the “Headquarters” cell. NOTE: In some approved cases the traveler’s headquarters may be a different location than their designated headquarters. For example, an employee leaving his or her home before normal business hours to travel on behalf of the University would have his or her home as headquarters. Enter the date of departure and the date of return to headquarters in the “Trip dates” cells. In the “Purpose of Travel” area, click on either “Individual Travel” or “Team Travel.” NOTE: “Team Travel” is defined as travel involving at least one student and at least one full-time, benefits-eligible faculty or staff member. If you choose Team Travel, be sure to complete the Team Travel Roster. Access that portion of the voucher by clicking that tab in the bottom of the Excel window. If this trip is for individual travel, click here to skip the instructions for the Team Travel Roster.
To complete the Team Travel Roster, begin by entering each student’s name in the “Name” column. Enter each student’s student ID number in the “EmplID” column just to the right of his or her name. If needed, continue adding students and EmplID numbers in the second set of columns. If the first Team Travel Roster page is full and you still need to add more students, click on the “Team Travel Roster (continued)” tab at the bottom of the Excel screen. Complete the continuation sheet using the same instructions you’ve seen here. When you have completed the Team Travel Roster, return to the front page of the Travel Voucher by clicking on the “Front Page” tab at the bottom of the Excel screen. NOTE: Be sure to print out the Team Travel Rosters and submit them with the completed Travel Voucher.
In the “Record of Transportation and Duties Performed” area, record a summary of the traveler’s activities and the date(s) on which they occurred. If more room is needed, click one of the “Continuation sheet” tabs at the bottom of the Excel screen. Enter the additional information in the “Record of Transportation and Duties Performed” areas on those pages just as you did on the main page of the Travel Voucher. NOTE: If the traveler performed the same duties on consecutive days, you may put a date range in the “Date” column rather than duplicating the same entry multiple times. • If the traveler attended a conference, meeting, or similar event, indicate whether food, lodging, and/or entertainment were included in the registration costs by clicking on the appropriate boxes regardless of how the registration was paid or whether the traveler is claiming reimbursement for the registration. • NOTES: • If UNT paid for the registration, the traveler is not eligible to be reimbursed for the meals, lodging, or entertainment that were already paid for as part of the registration costs. • Don’t forget to submit a conference itinerary with the Travel Voucher. In the “Purpose of Travel” cell, enter reason for the trip as it relates to University business. • If applicable, in the “Mileage” column, record any mileage for which the traveler requests reimbursement on the same line as the date on which the mileage occurred. • NOTES: • If the traveler is also claiming reimbursement of personal funds for gasoline, only the greater of the two expenses will be reimbursed. (The mileage reimbursement rate already includes an allowance for gasoline.) • If the traveler used a Travel Advance Card to purchase fuel and also claims mileage, only the difference between the two amounts (effectively the costs of insurance and wear & tear on the vehicle) will be reimbursed. • Don’t forget to submit printouts from Mapquest or a Personal Mileage Log showing the point-to-point mileage.
Completing the voucher Expense Information
To begin, enter the numbers of the funding sources (DeptID’s and/or ProjID’s) that will fund the expenses for this trip. The Travel Voucher has spaces for up to three funding sources. • NOTES: • You may enter up to three, but at least one funding source is required for processing. • You may list some expenses on one funding source, and different expenses on others. • You may split the same expense among multiple funding sources. • Any Travel Vouchers using ProjID’s (“Grants”) and/or DeptID’s in the 33XXX or 34XXX range must first be approved by the Office of Research and Economic Development before arriving in PPS. • If you plan to use a state-funded DeptID on the Travel Voucher, please e-mail or call the Travel team at 940-565-3200 and ask to speak to the Travel team about special restrictions associated with those DeptID’s. • If you plan to reimburse any tips, you must use an unrestricted gift fund for those expenses. (This does not apply to gratuities since they are required payments with amounts determined by the merchant.) If you are unsure about whether or not a fund is unrestricted, please contact your departmental support staff or the Budget Office. • Expenses that should be listed in the “Items to be reimbursed” section include: • Any approved expense for which the traveler used personal funds and for which he or she wishes to be reimbursed. • Any approved expense for which the traveler used funds from a cash advance issued by the Travel section of PPS. • Any approved expense that was paid in advance by the Travel section (i.e. airfare, first night’s lodging, or rental car). • Any approved expense that was paid during travel using the Travel Advance Card (“TAC”) issued by the Travel section of PPS. • Expenses that shouldNOT be listed in the “Items to be reimbursed” section include: • Any expense paid by departmental Purchasing Card. • Any expense paid by an eProcurement requisition/Purchase Order.
Airline ticket: If applicable, enter the cost of the airfare in one of the cells on the row labeled “airline ticket.” To split the cost of the airfare among multiple funds, simply put the amount of the airfare expense you would like to apply to each fund under the column containing that particular fund. Please ensure that the total of all three airline ticket cells equals the total amount of airfare expenses. NOTE regarding the use of airfare cancelation credit vouchers: If any part of the airfare used for this trip was a credit from a previously unused ticket that was purchased as a Travel Advance by the Travel Section: 1) Please claim the entire ticket amount (amount of the credit voucher plus additional costs paid by the Traveler) in the “Airline Ticket” cells. 2) Include only the amount of the credit voucher (but not the additional costs paid by the Traveler) in "Less Advance Received" below, along with any other non-airfare advances. 3) Because the Travel Section purchased the credit voucher as an advance, be advised the Traveler will only be eligible for reimbursement for any additional costs paid by the Traveler. 4) Please submit a photocopy of the credit voucher as well as receipts for any additional airfare costs for this trip.
Rental car: If applicable, enter the cost of the rental car in one of the cells on the row labeled “rental car.” To split the cost of the rental car among multiple funds, simply put the amount of the rental car expense you would like to apply to each fund under the column containing that particular fund. Please ensure that the total of all three rental car cells equals the total amount of rental car expenses. • NOTE regarding rental car and mileage: • Mileage expenses incurred through the use of a rental car are not reimbursable. The mileage reimbursement rate for personal vehicles is calculated based on allowances for fuel, insurance, and depreciation (“wear and tear”) of the vehicle. Since the traveler is not responsible for the upkeep of the rental car or its insurance, travelers are only eligible to claim actual fuel expenses when using a rental car. Fuel expenses can be claimed in the cells labeled “other.” • NOTE regarding rental car insurance: • “LDW” (Loss Damage Waiver) or “CDW” (Collision Damage Waiver) insurance on State Contracted rental cars are not reimbursable because the State contracted rate already includes both of those types of insurance. • When a non-contract rental car vendor is used, ONLY those two insurance types are reimbursable.
Taxi/Shuttle: If applicable, enter the cost of the taxi/shuttle in one of the cells on the row labeled “taxi/shuttle.” To split the cost of the taxi/shuttle among multiple funds, simply put the amount of the taxi/shuttle expense you would like to apply to each fund under the column containing that particular fund. Please ensure that the total of all three taxi/shuttle cells equals the total amount of taxi/shuttle expenses. NOTE regarding taxi/shuttle and tips: Any tips paid to an employee of a taxi, shuttle, or mass transit provider must be paid from an unrestricted gift fund. If you are unsure about whether or not a fund is unrestricted, please contact your departmental support staff or the Budget Office.
Mileage: The mileage expense calculates automatically based on the vehicle & mileage type you choose and the mileage that you entered in the “Record of Transportation & Duties Performed” area. To split the cost of the mileage among multiple funds, enter the amount you would like charged to the second or third fund in the column for that fund. The amount listed in the column for the first fund will adjust automatically.
Meals: Begin by entering each date of travel in the column labeled “Date(s).” If more room is needed, click one of the “Continuation sheet” tabs at the bottom of the Excel screen. Enter the additional information on the left side of the continuation sheet just as you did on the main page of the Travel Voucher. To split the cost of the meals among multiple funds, enter the amount you would like charged to the second or third fund in the column for that fund. The amount listed in the column for the first fund will adjust automatically. For the departure date, enter the time of departure from headquarters in the top cell of the column labeled “Time Depart.” For the return date, enter the time of return to headquarters in the corresponding cell of the column labeled “Time Arrive.” No other times need to be entered. • If claiming per diem meals, enter the portion of the total day’s per diem for which the traveler is eligible in the corresponding cell of the column marked “Per Diem Meals.” • If claiming actual meals, enter the total of that day’s meal expenses for which the traveler is eligible in the corresponding cell of the column marked “Actual Meals.” • NOTES regarding meals: • If you plan to reimburse any tips, you must use an unrestricted gift fund for those expenses. (This does not apply to gratuities since they are required payments with amounts determined by the merchant.) If you are unsure about whether or not a fund is unrestricted, please contact your departmental support staff or the Budget Office. • To see the eligibility guidelines for meals, per diem rates, and the meal-by-meal breakdown of the total day’s per diem click here.
To split the cost of the lodging among multiple funds, enter the amount you would like charged to the second or third fund in the column for that fund. The amount listed in the column for the first fund will adjust automatically. • Lodging: If applicable, enter the actual lodging expenses for each day in the corresponding cell of the column marked “Lodging.” Include any hotel related fees or taxes (except Texas State Occupancy Tax) along with the other hotel charges in this cell. • If more room is needed, click one of the “Continuation sheet” tabs at the bottom of the Excel screen. Enter the additional information on the left side of the continuation sheet just as you did on the main page of the Travel Voucher. • Don’t forget to submit the lodging receipts with the Travel Voucher. • NOTES regarding State of Texas Hotel Occupancy Tax: • As a State agency, UNT is exempt from paying this tax. If this tax is included on the hotel bill it will not be reimbursed. To be exempted from this tax, the traveler should produce a copy of the Texas State Occupancy Tax Exemption Certificate at time of check-out. • Please note UNT is only exempt from this tax for hotels in Texas. Hotel Occupancy Tax from hotels in states other than Texas is a reimbursable expense. City and county hotel taxes are also fully reimbursable expenses.
Parking: If applicable, enter the cost of the parking in one of the cells on the row labeled “registration.” • To split the cost of the parking among multiple funds, simply put the amount of the parking expense you would like to apply to each fund under the column containing that particular fund. Please ensure that the total of all three parking cells equals the total amount of parking expenses. • NOTE regarding valet parking expenses: • Valet parking is only a reimbursable expense if it is the required method of parking for the location (such as hotel, convention center, etc.). In those cases, please provide documentation showing valet parking is the required method.
Registration: If applicable, enter the cost of the registration in one of the cells on the row labeled “registration.” Be sure to submit a registration receipt along with the Travel Voucher. To split the cost of the registration among multiple funds, simply put the amount of the registration expense you would like to apply to each fund under the column containing that particular fund. Please ensure that the total of all three registration cells equals the total amount of registration expenses. NOTE regarding registration: If the registration was paid in advance by departmental Purchasing Card or eProcurement requisition, do not record it anywhere in the “items to be reimbursed” section. If you wish to inform Travel that either of those methods were used, please do so in the “Record of Transportation and Duties Performed” section.
Telephone/Internet: If applicable, enter the cost of the telephone/internet in one of the cells on the row labeled “telephone/internet charge.” To split the cost of the telephone/internet among multiple funds, simply put the amount of the telephone/internet expense you would like to apply to each fund under the column containing that particular fund. Please ensure that the total of all three telephone/internet cells equals the total amount of telephone/internet expenses. NOTE regarding telephone/internetcharges: For telephone/internet charges to be reimbursable the receipt must be accompanied by a certification that these charges were incurred as a result of University business. That statement may be included in the “Record of Transportation and Duties Performed” section of the Travel Voucher or attached to the receipt for the charges.
“Other”: These cells may be used to record other charges not previously listed that were incurred as a result of University business. If applicable, enter a description of the charge just to the right of the word “Other” in the “items to be reimbursed” column. Please provide documentation recording the reason these expenses were required for UNT business either in the “Record of Transportation and Duties Performed” section or attached to the expense receipt. Then enter the cost of the “other” expense in one of the cells on the row labeled “other.” To split the cost of the “other” charges among multiple funds, simply put the amount of those expenses you would like to apply to each fund under the column containing that particular fund. Please ensure that the total of all three “other” cells equals the total amount of those expenses.
Total Travel Expenses: Since both advances and personal expenses should be listed in the “items to be reimbursed” section of the Travel Voucher, the information in these cells should reflect the amount that will be charged to each fund listed on the Travel Voucher assuming all listed expenses are approved by the required parties, and are accurate and compliant with statute and UNT policy. The total of these cells should reflect UNT’s total cost of the trip.
Completing the voucher Advance Information
Less Advance Received: Enter the advance amount you would like charged to each particular fund in the “Less Advance Received” cell for that fund. NOTES: To ensure that the traveler’s reimbursement calculates correctly, include the total value of ALL advance services (airfare, lodging, TAC, cash, etc.) paid by the Travel Section on behalf of the traveler prior to or during the trip. For Travel Advance Cards, be sure to list the amount that was actually charged to the card, NOT the amount originally requested before the trip. To determine the amount that was charged to the card, click here to see instructions for printing a transaction summary report. Each advance purchased by the Travel Section should also be listed in the appropriate areas of the “items to be reimbursed/expensed” section as a record of the expense.
Completing the voucher Reimbursement amount
Total Reimbursement Due Traveler: These amounts calculate automatically. The amounts displayed in “Total Reimbursement Due Traveler” are the differences between the amounts in the “Total Travel Expenses” and “Less Advance Received” cells. The total off all three cells in this area should represent the amount of the reimbursement to the employee assuming all listed expenses are approved by the required parties, and are accurate and compliant with statute and UNT policy. NOTES: If the amounts in these cells are noted with parentheses, they should be read as negative numbers. This means the traveler owes money to UNT (typically for unused advances). The traveler should submit the Travel Voucher in person at the University Services Building and bring cash, or a check or money order made payable to “University of North Texas” in the amount shown as negative.
Completing the voucher Signatures & Approvals
Traveler Signature: By signing, the traveler certifies that all expenses and other information on the voucher are a true and correct record of the trip. Required:All instances. Prospective employees or other travelers no longer on campus may sign a faxed/scanned copy and return that signed copy by fax/e-mail. Type the traveler’s name on the line just to the right of the label “Traveler, print name.” Type the date of the signature in the “date” cell just under the typed Traveler name. The traveler should sign in the area labeled “signature.”
Employee Supervisor Signature: “Employee Supervisor” is defined as any individual above the Traveler in the decision chain for the Traveler’s department. For example, if the Traveler is a professor, the department chair should sign as the supervisor. If the chair is the Traveler, the Dean/Associate Dean should sign as the supervisor. Required:This signature is required on all Travel Vouchers. Type the supervisor name on the line just to the right of the label “Employee Supervisor, print name.” Type the date of the signature in the “date” cell just under the typed Employee Supervisor’s name. The employee’s supervisor should sign in the area labeled “signature.”
1st DeptID/ProjID holder Signature: By signing, the DeptID/ProjID holder for the first fund listed on the Travel Voucher approves all expenses listed for that fund. Required:All instances. Type the DeptID/ProjID holder’s name on the line just to the right of the label “1st DeptID/ProjID holder print name.” Type the date of the signature in the “date” cell just under the typed DeptID/ProjID holder’s name. The DeptID/ProjID holder should sign in the area labeled “signature.”
2nd DeptID/ProjID holder Signature: By signing, the DeptID/ProjID holder for the second fund listed on the Travel Voucher approves all expenses listed for that fund. Required:Only when there is a second fund listed on the Travel Voucher. Type the DeptID/ProjID holder’s name on the line just to the right of the label “2nd DeptID/ProjID holder print name.” Type the date of the signature in the “date” cell just under the typed DeptID/ProjID holder’s name. The DeptID/ProjID holder should sign in the area labeled “signature.”
3rd DeptID/ProjID holder Signature: By signing, the DeptID/ProjID holder for the third fund listed on the Travel Voucher approves all expenses listed for that fund. Required:Only when there is a third fund listed on the Travel Voucher. Type the DeptID/ProjID holder’s name on the line just to the right of the label “3rd DeptID/ProjID holder print name.” Type the date of the signature in the “date” cell just under the typed DeptID/ProjID holder’s name. The DeptID/ProjID holder should sign in the area labeled “signature.”
NCAA Compliance Officer Signature: By signing, the NCAA Compliance Officer for the for the Athletics Department certifies that all expenses listed on the Travel Voucher comply with NCAA rules and regulations. Required:Only on certain Athletic team and recruiting Travel Vouchers. Athletic department employees should check with their departmental compliance support staff for more information regarding when this signature is required. Type the NCAA Compliance Officer’s name on the line just to the right of the label “NCAA Compliance Officer print name.” Type the date of the signature in the “date” cell just under the typed NCAA Compliance Officer’s name. The NCAA Compliance Officer should sign in the area labeled “signature.”
Additional Approvals • The following types of Travel Voucher packets (the completed, signed Travel Voucher and all related materials) require additional approvals before arriving in PPS. Any Travel Vouchers without documentation of those prior approvals will not be processed by PPS until that approval has been obtained: • Travel Vouchers using ProjID’s (grants, as well as funds in the 33XXX - 34XXX range) must first be approved by the Office of Research and Economic Development. • Travel Voucher packets for foreign nationals must first be approved by UNT Human Resources Payroll division. • Travel Vouchers using DeptID’s 62001, 62137, 62138, and 62342, must first be approved by the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. • Travel Vouchers for spouses of UNT employees who are not themselves UNT employees must first be approved by the Office of the President.
Submitting the voucher • Travel Voucher packets may be submitted via intercampus mail addressed to “Purchasing and Payment Services.” • They may also be submitted in person at the Customer Service Desk located just inside the front doors of the University Services Building. • If funds are owed to UNT by the traveler due to a negative amount in the “Total Reimbursement Due Traveler” line, the Travel Voucher and payment in full must be submitted in person at the University Services Building. Acceptable payment methods are cash, or a check or money order made payable to “University of North Texas” in the amount shown as negative. NOTE: Always be certain to draw a PPS staff member’s attention to the check being delivered and wait for a receipt for your traveler’s records. • If a Travel Advance Card was issued for this trip, the card should be returned in person to the University Services Building. Please do not send credit cards through intercampus mail or by courier.
Contacting PPS This concludes the Travel Voucher Tutorial. University of North Texas Purchasing and Payment Services Travel Section Ph: 940-565-3200 Fax: 940-565-4516 http://pps.unt.edu PPS@unt.edu