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Designing Virtual Learning Environments that Engage Students

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Designing Virtual Learning Environments that Engage Students

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Designing Engaging Virtual Learning Spaces ShellyTerrell.com Bit.ly/eltlinks

  2. “I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.” by Albert Einstein

  3. Blended Learning “Join the best features of in-class teaching with the best features of online learning to promote active independent learning.” Teacheronline.us/flip/lecture_cap.html

  4. Online Learning Spaces

  5. Edmodo.com

  6. Search    Links   Home  Page   Events   Categories   Events   Google Plus Communities Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission.

  7. EnglishStoryTime.pbworks.com

  8. Which web tools and apps?

  9. Register Register Security Security options options Multiplatform Multiplatform Embeddable Embeddable Age Age appropriate appropriate

  10. Digital Blooms by Kelly Tenkely, iLearnTechnology.com

  11. Edshelf.com

  12. ideastoinspire.co.uk

  13. Focus on the learning! iPad  car  mount  by  hammershaug,  Flickr  

  14. “Pedagogy is the driver, technology is the accelerator.” by Michael Fullan iPad  car  mount  by  hammershaug,  Flickr   Steve-­‐wheeler.blogspot.com  

  15. Peeragogy Collaboration Play Creativity Real-world connections Exploration Experimentation Connectivism Citizenship

  16. Connect Communicate Collaborate Create

  17. ©wordle.net

  18. 3,2,1 Introduction 3 Things we should know about you 2 Places you love to visit 1 Job you wish you had

  19. Co-learning & Peeragogy •  Students shape their learning & the curriculum •  Instructor(s) builds the foundation & provides various opportunities for learners to collaboratively create and curate the content and resources •  Students learn from & support each other Howard Rheingold Peeragogy.com

  20. Collaborative Bookmarking PearlTree List.ly Pinterest Livebinders

  21. Pearltree.com

  22. PearlTrees

  23. List.ly

  24. Peer Groups with Leaders

  25. HangOuts Peer Edit

  26. Linoit.com & Free App All Devices

  27. Padlet.com & Works on Mobile Devices

  28. Popplet.com

  29. Voicethread.com •  Free iPad app •  Students doodle, comment by voice/ text •  Upload videos, images, documents

  30. Encourage play with a digital sandbox!

  31. Bit.ly/digisandbox

  32. Image caption contests Memes Keep it Active Fill in the blank Post multimedia Live events

  33. Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission.

  34. Visual writing prompts & challenges Makebeliefscomix.com 350+ Free Printables

  35. Google

  36. Goobrics and Flubaroo! Youpd.org/doctopus

  37. Get parents to sign a Respectable Use Policy!

  38. aupexample http://bit.ly/

  39. Resources at Pearltrees.com/shellyterrell Pearltrees.com/p/b7uG9 Pearltrees.com/p/bt1gr

  40. ShellyTerrell.com Bit.ly/eltlinks Twitter:@ShellTerrell

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