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My books- Learning to Go https://gumroad.com/l/learn2go & The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers http://amazon.com/The-Goals-Challenge-Teachers-Transform/dp/0415735343 <br>Resources at http://shellyterrell.com/games
Online Games for Language Learners ShellyTerrell.com/games Photo by David Goehring, Flic.kr/p/6kuLfV
Whoever wants to understand much must play much. - Gottfried Benn Photo by Sherif Salama, Flic.kr/p/4unZDG
Why teach English with games? Powerful motivator Try till level is achieved Application within a context Peer support & learning Multimedia rich Photo by Jirka Matousek, Flic.kr/p/dYvX1s
Kindersite.org 6kuLfV
Learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/study-break/games 6kuLfV
Pumkin.com 6kuLfV
English-attack.com 6kuLfV
Brainnook.com/play.php 6kuLfV
Nickjr.com/games 6kuLfV
Games for drilling & memorizing! Photo by Kelly Hunter, Flic.kr/p/ai2U2f
GetKahoot.com • Create trivia games • Drag and drop • Students prompted to make quiz for their peers to take • Timed • Leader board
Tiny Tap Game & Creation App Features: • Add own images or from a web search • Record your own voice • Record a question, an answer, a hint • 20 different soundtracks • Track progress using the in- game scoring system • Personalize pre-made games from the TinyTap store with narration and images http://www.tinytap.it/
Instead of homework, play games! Photo by Kelly Hunter, Flic.kr/p/ai2U2f
Reinforce the learning! Walkthroughs Handouts Vocabulary lists Screenshots of the work Build Create a game Sketchnotes Photo by Laurie Sullivan, Flic.kr/p/egJ4y2
Have them design walkthroughs Bigfishgames.com/blog/game-walkthroughs/
Make it collaborative! Create a game together Play group games Build worlds together Image by Laurie Sullivan, Flic.kr/p/hnNbBR
SketchNation GetKathoot TinyTap Sploder Stencyl Unreal What2Learn Unity ClassTools X-Note Scratch MIT Zondle Gamestar Mechanic Game Maker Studio Hopscotch GameSalad Purpose Games Tynker Gamefroot Textbased Adventures Game Maker 3D Adventure Games Create games Code Avenger Flowlab Kodu Shellyterrell.com/games
Minecraft for Learning Photo by Kevin Jarrett, Flic.kr/p/dT7Lht
Eltsandbox.weebly.com @DaveDodgson
Gamification Vs Game based learning iPad Gaming by Michael Nugent, Flic.kr/p/9BXudk
Gum.co/learn2go 30Goals.com ShellyTerrell.com/games @ShellTerrell Facebook.com/ShellyTerrell