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网络资源在英语教学中的应用 Utilization of Online Resources in Senior EnglishTeaching

网络资源在英语教学中的应用 Utilization of Online Resources in Senior EnglishTeaching. 湖北省教学研究室 张祖春 qutzhang@yahoo.com.cn. Framework. 一、问题提出 二、做法探讨 三、选文加工 四、功能拓展. 一、问题提出 1 、价值观导向偏离. 2009 年湖北省高一英语优质课展评的例句 (必修 2 中 Unit 2 The Olympic Games )

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网络资源在英语教学中的应用 Utilization of Online Resources in Senior EnglishTeaching

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  1. 网络资源在英语教学中的应用Utilization of Online Resources in Senior EnglishTeaching 湖北省教学研究室 张祖春 qutzhang@yahoo.com.cn

  2. Framework 一、问题提出 二、做法探讨 三、选文加工 四、功能拓展

  3. 一、问题提出 1、价值观导向偏离

  4. 2009年湖北省高一英语优质课展评的例句 (必修2 中Unit 2 The Olympic Games) 1、If your score reaches 680, you’ll be admitted tothe famous university. 2、You compete againstone another every day just for the chance to go to university.

  5. 2、教学例句缺乏新意

  6. 高一“定语从句”的教学例句 1. The assignment (that / which) I gave you yesterday must be handed in by Friday. 2.This is the place we visited last week.

  7. 3、应试痕迹过于明显

  8. 一节单元复习课(知识梳理) 1、.......... 2、.......... 3、..have no choice but to do.... 有do 无to,无do有to。(does, did, done) I do nothing but stay home. do all/what/everything +s+can/could to do sth.

  9. 湖北卷 第四部分 书面表达 Could you possibly let us know _______?(as) 你一决定了,请尽快告诉我们好吗?

  10. 4、忽视语言实际运用

  11. 现在进行时被动语态举例(必修2 Unit 4) 1、The cat is drinking milk. Milk is being drunk by the cat. 2、The cat is scratching the boy’s face. The boy’s face is being scratched by the cat. 3、His leg is being hit by me. The cat scratched the child’s hand. (外研社《汉英词典》)

  12. 5、顺应高考命题趋势

  13. 2011年高考湖北卷阅读短文题材分析

  14. C In today’s throw away society, dealing with the city’s growing mountain of waste is an inereasing challenge for the city countil(市议会)。 Recently Edinburgh is faced with the problem of disposing of(处理)about250,000Million tons of waster a year . ...... The European Union(EU) has issued a new policy,....... (348 words) 环境保护与城市管理

  15. E Which are you more likely to have with you at any given mement—your cell phone or your wallet? Soon you may be able to throw your wallet away and pay for things with a quick wave of your smart phone over an electronic scannet. In January, Starbucks announced that customers could start using their phones to buy coffee in 6,800 of its states. This is the first pay by phone practice in the U.S.,..... (325 words) 消费时尚:钱包还是智能手机?

  16. 2012年2月武汉市调考阅读篇目题源分析

  17. 阅读C篇 Commuters who drive to work face a new ‘parking tax’ of up to £350 a year. Ministers are backing a ‘workforce parking (charge) ’ which will come into force in Nottingham in (2013)- and is likely to be adopted across the country. ..........

  18. 阅读理解C篇 Now a £350 tax just for parking your car at work 1st August 2009, dailymail UK Commuters who drive to work face a new 'parking tax' of up to £350 a year. Ministers are backing a 'workforce parking levy' which will come into force in Nottingham in 2012

  19. 阅读E篇 (Till 2010,)only two countries in the advanced world provide no guarantee for paid leave from work to care for a newborn child. Last spring one of the two, Australia, gave up the (dubious) distinction by establishing paid family leave starting in 2011. I wasn‘t surprised when this didn’t make the news here in the United States—we‘re now the only wealthy country without such a policy. ...........

  20. thedailybeast.com/2009-8-3 community.thenest.com/2009-8-4 2010年6月英语六级真题及答案 2012年2月武汉市调考英语阅读E篇

  21. Passage One Questions 51 to 56 are based on the following passage. Only two countries in the advanced world provide no guarantee for paid leave from work to care for a newborn child. Last spring one of the two, Australia, gave up the dubious distinction by establishing paid family leave starting in 2011. I wasn't surprised when this didn't make the news here in the United States—we're now the only wealthy country without such a policy. The United States does have one explicit family policy, the Family and Medical Leave Act, passed in 1993. .......

  22. 2012年2月武汉市调考书面表达分析 76. “If China saw social and economic confusion, then _____ a disaster for the world,” Wen Jiabao. (be) “如果中国经济和社会出现问题,将会给世界带来灾难,”温家宝。(it would be)

  23. By May 2008, the world Bank was estimating that 100 million people _____ subsistence poverty due to food inflation in the first quarter of that year. (push) 世界银行估计: 到2008年第一季度由于粮食价格的飞涨,有1亿人口陷入勉强维持生存的贫困。(had been pushed into)

  24. 二、做法探讨 1、词汇教学

  25. 必修2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games BRICS: For a better United Future The meeting of Brazil, Russia, India, China and newly admitted South Africa (BRICS) in Sanya drew worldwide attention because..... South Africa was newly admitted to the Brics,which is ...

  26. 必修 3 Unit One Festivals around the world Look forward to Business: US firms prepare to expand business in China ....in 2011," said Brenda Foster, president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai. "But there are challenges facing us and I look forward to addressingthese issues with both the US and the Chinese governments.“

  27. Sports: "They are more willing to show off their characters at the All-Star Game compared with the Chinese. They are good at making fun and stylish stunts. I am looking forward to their play." I am looking forward to the All-Star Game, during which the foreign players are more willing to show off their characters, good at making fun and stylish stunts(performances).

  28. Obama’s speech in Shanghai And I am very sorry that my Chinese is not as good as your English, but I am looking forward to this chance to have a dialogue.

  29. 必修 3 Unit 2 Healthy Eating cut down Obama tells agencies to save on travel, coffee mugs 奥巴马号召政府节省开支削减经费 ...Wednesday's order urges agencies to use to cut down teleconferences and videoconferences on travel and to reduce printing costs by making more information available electronically.

  30. Adidas and Nike are still first choice for youths, because theyspent much money on TV commercials and sponsorships(广告和赞助).

  31. "Better City, Better Life" is a key element of the 21th century life which more and more countries are aware of.

  32. 必修 3 Unit 3 This year, Apple is predicted to account for 18.2 per cent of the global smartphone market.

  33. The five countries (The Brics) together account for about 40 percent of the world population and about 18 percent of GDP.

  34. 2、语法教学

  35. 必修 2 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection 现在进行时的被动语态 Government bodies are also being encouraged tolimit the number of laptops, cellphones, smart phones and other devices issued to bureaucrats and workers to cut unnecessary cost

  36. 高一的定语从句教学 奥巴马就职演说 I thank President Bush for his service to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition.(定语从句)

  37. 丹麦的美人鱼 Denmark‘s world famous little Mermaid left Copenhagen on March 25 for Shanghai, where she is to represent Denmark at the World Exhibition Fair, EXPO 2010. (非限定性定语从句)

  38. 世博“东方之冠” The main structure of the China Pavilion, “The Crown of the East,” has a distinctive roof, made of traditional dougong(斗拱)or brackets, which date back more than 2,000 years.

  39. 必修 2 Unit 5 Music 介词+关系代词(which/whom)引导的定语从句 Vice-President Xi Jinping is scheduled to pay anofficial visit to the United States, during whichhe will visit Washington, Los Angeles and the state of Iowa(衣阿华).

  40. 中国的“两会”即将召开 China's legislators and political advisors are scheduled to start their annual sessions in early March, during whicha wide range of issues will be discussed under the backdrop of complicated circumstances both at home and abroad.

  41. Obama’s speech: The question we ask today (定语从句)is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works, whether(表语从句)it helps families find jobs at a decent wage, care they can afford(定语从句), a retirement that is dignified.(定语从句)

  42. 必修 3 名词性从句 Obama’s speech in Shanghai I'd also like to thank our outstanding Ambassador, Jon Huntsman, who exemplifies the deep ties and respect between our nations. (定语从句)I don't know what he said,(宾语从句)but I hope it was good.(宾语从句)(Laughter.) What I‘d like to do(主语从句)is to make some opening comments, and then what I’m really looking forward to doing(主语从句)is taking questions, not only from students who are in the audience,(定语从句)...

  43. 3、阅读教学

  44. 必修1 Unit 4 Earthquakes

  45. Shaken Japan latches onto earthquake warning app 日本推出手机地震预警服务 In what has become a too-familiar experience in Tokyo, a crowded subway train screeches to a sudden stop. From around the car, mobile phones start to ring. The sound is an emergency earthquake warning from an iPhone app that lets subscribers know when the quake will come, where the epicenter will be located and how strong the shaking will be. Often, seconds after the phone rings, the shaking starts. (红体是3个宾语从句)

  46. 必修 1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela -- a modern hero 必修 5 Unit 1 Great Scientists

  47. Steve Jobs, Apple “visionary”, Dies 苹果梦想家--乔布斯辞世 Steve Jobs, co-founder and former chief executive of US technology giant Apple, has died at the age of 56. Mr Jobs had announced he was suffering from pancreatic cancer in 2004. Apple said he had been "the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives" and had made the world "immeasurably better".

  48. 模块2 Unit 4 Wildlife protection

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