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Kick Off Meeting of the contracts TW5-TSS-SEA5.6., TW5-TSS-SEA5.5.D8-9 “Enhancement of the PACTITER computer code and related fusion specific experiments” & “Validation of safety computer codes and models (D8 & 9) - PACTITER in support and later against experiments on CORELE facility”.
Kick Off Meeting of the contracts TW5-TSS-SEA5.6., TW5-TSS-SEA5.5.D8-9“Enhancement of the PACTITER computer code and related fusion specific experiments” &“Validation of safety computer codes and models (D8 & 9) - PACTITER in support and later against experiments on CORELE facility” CEA Cadarache, 26 October 2005
AgendaKick Off Meeting of the contracts TW5-TSS-SEA5.6., TW5-TSS-SEA5.5.D8-9 “Enhancement of the PACTITER computer code and related fusion specific experiments” “Validation of safety computer codes and models (D8 & 9) - PACTITER in support and later against experiments on CORELE facility”Wednesday, 26 October 05, CEA Cadarache
Introduction • The ITER Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR) is still due for the end of 2006. • Activation Corrosion Products (ACP) is important as contribution to the source term to the ORE (Occupational Radiation Exposure) during normal operation and to a lesser extent of the potential released activity to the environment in case of accident. It will also allow to estimate the waste and material stream when components or loops are replaced or dismantled. • The main aim of this meeting is to review rapidly what has already be done, what are the follow up of the January ’05 meeting and mostly what is proposed as main activities in the new tasks, and what is the schedule.
Introduction Sv/y Effluents DCF Normal working Occupational dose man*Sv/y conditions PST SOURCE PIE DCF Containments Thermodynamic transients dose/sequence TERMS Release from the plant Aerosols and H3 transport to MEI ASSESSMENT PST EST Overall Plant Safety Analysis FMEA frequency*dose • Inventory • evaluation • Radioactive • Energies • Magnetic • Chemical • Fluids • …. • Management • On-site • Recycling • Final disosal Quantity and Radioactive waste waste Identification&classification Operational&Decomm waste categories General safety analysis approach Potential impact of ACP estimates
Aim of the KoM Meeting "Define in detail the task, the methodology, the reference design documents, the information needed (if any), the relationship between the different subtasks, the relevant planning of deliverables and meetings” • CEA will present • The situation and the impact of the new version of PACTITER • The foreseen experiments in CORELE (CIRENE ?) • ENEA will present • The tests calculation and validation activities foreseen, • The results of activation calculations in support of the Pactiter tests (SEA 4.1.) • These tasks should progress also through exchange of information-documents between CEA and ENEA if necessary with focused meetings too. • Regarding the history of these tasks, it is important to estimate in advance the difficulties which can already be foreseen for carrying out the tasks (in terms of schedule, resources availability, experimental facilities availability, etc…) • Output of the task: • tbd during the meeting • Ultimate aim of the task: validation of the used version of the PACTITER code for ITER and qualification for the PSAR.