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Corning East High School. Graduation Requirements. Ms. Marmuscak , 2011. Core Course Requirements.
Corning East High School Graduation Requirements Ms. Marmuscak, 2011
Core Course Requirements Graduation from Corning-Painted Post Area High Schools must be in accordance with standards set by the Board of Regents of the New York State Education Department and the Corning-Painted Post Area Board of Education. A diploma will be granted to students who complete 22/24 units of credit and meet the requirements of the Regents Testing program. Included in the 22/24 units of credit are the following general requirements for all students:
Core Course Requirements Ctd. Class Requirements English 9, 10, 11, 12 4 units Social Studies (Global Studies 9, 10, U.S. History and Government, Economics, and Participation in Government) 4 units Mathematics 3 units Science 3 units Foreign Language 1 unit Art and/or Music 1 unit Health 1/2 unit Physical Education (4 years) (1/2 credit each year) 2 units All students will be required to carry a course load of at least 6 1/2 credits per year.
Local Diploma FOR A LOCAL DIPLOMA : STUDENTS MUST ACHIEVE (22 Credits) • At least 55 on the Comprehensive English Regents exam • At least 55 on the Math A Regents exam • At least 55 on the Global History Regents exam • At least 55 on the US History and Government Regents exam • At least 55 on one Regents Science exams • A passing grade on a Foreign Language Proficiency exam or a passing grade in a high school Foreign Language Course NOTE: Students with disabilities who fail a Regents examination may pass the Regents Competency Test in that subject area and qualify for a local diploma.
Regents Diploma FOR A REGENTS DIPLOMA: STUDENTS MUST ACHIEVE (22 Credits) • At least 65 on the Comprehensive English Regents exam • At least 65 on the Math A Regents exam • At least 65 on the Global History Regents exam • At least 65 on the US History and Government Regents exam • At least 65 on one Regents Science exams • A passing grade on a Foreign Language Proficiency exam or a passing grade in a high school Foreign Language Course
Advanced Regents Diploma FOR AN ADVANCED REGENTS DIPLOMA : STUDENTS MUST ACHIEVE (24 Credits) • At least 65 on the Comprehensive English Regents exam • At least 65 on the Math A and Math B Regents exam • At least 65 on the Global History Regents exam • At least 65 on the US History and Government Regents exam • At least 65 on two Regents Science exams (one must be Living Environment) • At least 65 on a Foreign Language Regents exam (or a 5-unit sequence in Art, Music, or Occupational Education)
International Baccalaureate Diploma FOR AN INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE DIPLOMA: STUDENTS MUST ACHIEVE • At least 1 course from each of the 6 subject groups At least 3 subjects taken from the Higher level (HL), all others can be from the Standard Level (SL) • At least the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course • At least write an Extended Essay of not more than 4,000 words • At least participate in the school’s Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) program
IEP Diploma An annotated IEP Diploma will be granted to a pupil with a handicapping condition as defined in Section 200.1(cc) (up to the age of 21) and also as prescribed in sections 100.9 and 100.6a of the Commissioner’s Regulations. The annotated IEP Diploma will be granted to pupils with handicapping conditions who have not earned a local diploma.
Graduating with Honors Graduation With HonorsStudents from East High School will graduate “with honors” according to the following criteria: GOLD CORD - “with highest honors” 4 years cumulative average of 94.50 or aboveSILVER CORD - “with high honors” 4 years cumulative average of 89.50 — 94.49MAROON or WHITE CORD - “with honors” 4 years cumulative average of 84.50 — 89.49
Other Opportunities BOCES Program This is designed for those students who wish to pursue education in a career-specific area. Areas range from cosmetology, heavy equipment, criminal justice, CIS, and much more. Depending on your grade level, you will spend half the school day at East High and the other half on the Coopers Plains BOCES campus working hands on in the area of your choice. For further information, please visit: http://www.gstboces.org/aboutBOCES.cfm
Other Opportunities Ctd. Honors Courses East High offers an array of Honors classes such as: Honors Biology, Honors Chemistry, Honors English, Honors Spanish, Honors History and more. These classes are designed for high academic achievers who wish to take on a more rigorous course. Recommendations from previous teachers in the Regents level course of the area are required to be admitted to an Honors course. Typically, these are targeted at those planning to enroll in college.
Other Opportunities Ctd. Advanced Placement (AP) Courses Currently, East High offers two AP courses: AP World History AP Physics These classes are designed for high academic achievers who wish to take on a more rigorous course. Recommendations from previous teachers in the Regents level course of the area are required to be admitted to an AP course. We also encourage students to take AP Exams in order to earn college credits. You do not have to be enrolled in AP class to take the exam.
Other Opportunities Ctd. A.C.E. Courses These courses are the equivalent of college courses taken on the Corning Community College campus. Successful completion can earn you college credit. Currently, East High offers: A.C.E. French A.C.E. Spanish A.C.E. Health
Other Opportunities Ctd. Syracuse University Project Advance (SUPA) Courses Currently, East High offers: SUPA Sociology SUPA Psychology SUPA Public Affairs SUPA Calculus These courses are the equivalent of college courses taken on the Syracuse University campus. Successful completion can earn you college credit.
Other Opportunities Ctd. International Baccalaureate (IB) The IB program is considered the most rigorous college preparatory program in place at East High. Requirements can be viewed on the International Baccalaureate Diploma slide. You do NOT have to be a full diploma candidate to enroll in an IB course. For further information, please visit: www.ibo.org/
Other Opportunities Ctd. Dual Enrollment For those who have successfully completed requirements in grades 9-11, there is an option to take your entire senior year at Corning Community College. You must be enrolled full time, participate in the core course requirements, and maintain a 3.0 GPA. In order to participate in this program, students must meet with their guidance counselor and principal during their junior year to make certain they meet the requirements and are considered an acceptable candidate.
Other Opportunities Ctd. Cooperative Program (Co-op) The Work-Based Learning Programs for the Corning-Painted Post School District are designed to provide an opportunity for all seniors to explore a career area while earning school credit. Students interested in a work-based learning experience must meet the following criteria in order to apply for the program.Ø A good attendance record Ø An 85% or higher average and current in graduation plans. Ø A tentative career occupational goal. In addition, the potential co-op student must not have a criminal record and must meet the requirements at his/her job placement site. Often these will include an interview, hiring and drug testing, dress code, and assessments.
Other Opportunities Ctd. New Vision The New Vision Programs are intended to provide college bound seniors with an "Immersion Experience" in a specific career field. Students rotate through a variety of internships at participating business sites three mornings a week and take related college level courses the other two mornings at a substantially reduced tuition level. Admission to any New Vision program is by application, and students will be asked to provide recommendations and a copy of their academic record to date. Students attend their New Vision program each morning their entire senior year. Currently, we offer New Visions in: Engineering Medical Field
The End As you can see, there are several opportunities available to you during your high school experience. These slides are to provide basic information as you explore your options. If you have any questions, concerns, or are ready to get started with a program please come see me during office hours, make an appointment or email me at almarm24@email.arzona.edu