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Dijets background to the diffractive Higgs production in pp->pHp, H->bbbar. A.Sobol , V.Petrov, R.Ryutin (IHEP,Protvino) and J.P.Guillaud (LAPP, Annecy). 11 October, 2004 LHC-HERA Workshop A.Sobol.
Dijets background to thediffractive Higgs production in pp->pHp, H->bbbar A.Sobol, V.Petrov, R.Ryutin (IHEP,Protvino) and J.P.Guillaud (LAPP, Annecy) 11 October, 2004 LHC-HERA Workshop A.Sobol
B/S: 0.06 0.06+0.08 0.06 ~0 pp-tagging: 60% bb-tagging: 60% BR(H(120)->bb): 0.67 A. De Roeck et al, hep-ph/0207042 Previous background estimations Method: analytical S/B~3 Background channels: L=30fb-1 11 signal and 4 background 11 October, 2004 LHC-HERA Workshop A.Sobol
protons tagging by 3RPs at210,308,420m Ej1>45GeV, Ej2>30GeV |hj|<2.5, |Dhjj|<0.8, 170<Dfjj<190 Mjj/Mall>0.75, Mjj/Mpp>0.8 M.Boonekamp et al, hep-ph/0406061 Previous background estimations Generator: DPEMC (hep-ph/0312773) based on Bialas-Landshof model + rapidity gap survival probability non-diffractive dijets Background channels: inclusive DPE dijets (qq, gg) exclusive DPE dijets (qq, gg) Fast MC for CMS (CMSIM ?) L=100fb-1, sM=2.5GeV,DM=4GeV 20 signal S/B~0.5 11 October, 2004 LHC-HERA Workshop A.Sobol
exclusive DPE Higgs: s~1.94fb at M>120GeV exclusive DPE bb dijets: s~142fb at Et>25GeV exclusive DPE gg dijets: s~152pb at Et>25GeV EDDE generator (hep-ph/0409180) Theory: Regge-eikonal approach by Petrov and Ryutin(hep-ph/0311024) 11 October, 2004 LHC-HERA Workshop A.Sobol
t z,m 400 300 200 100 x 0.002 0.02 0.1 x Protons tagging by 3RPs at 210, 308 and 420 m RP3 0.002 0.02 RP2 0.003 0.1 RP1 0.02 11 October, 2004 LHC-HERA Workshop A.Sobol
Protons tagging by 3RPs at 210, 308 and 420 m 11 October, 2004 LHC-HERA Workshop A.Sobol
Dijet background by EDDE and DPEMC L=100fb-1 sM=2.5GeV DM=6GeV DPEMC S/B~0.1 EDDE S/B~3.5 11 October, 2004 LHC-HERA Workshop A.Sobol
Conclusion The main reason of the difference between A. De Roeck et al, hep-ph/0207042 and M.Boonekamp et al, hep-ph/0406061 is the big divergences in the cross-sections of the exclusive dijet production: 2130pb 11 October, 2004 LHC-HERA Workshop A.Sobol