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PU veto and Multiplicity Cuts: plots for TDR

PU veto and Multiplicity Cuts: plots for TDR. L1 proc time vs L1L0 channel efficiencies for varying multiplicity cut Distributions of L1 clusters and Proc time for various robustness test (vs nominal settings) Channel efficiencies vs PU Peak2 threshold

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PU veto and Multiplicity Cuts: plots for TDR

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PU veto and Multiplicity Cuts: plots for TDR • L1 proc time vs L1L0 channel efficiencies for varying multiplicity cut • Distributions of L1 clusters and Proc time for various robustness test (vs nominal settings) • Channel efficiencies vs PU Peak2 threshold • BsDK “efficiency gain thanks to PU” vs Lumi

  2. Note on timing • I rerun L1 and time it again (on lxplus) • Compiled L1Decision package (only) with –O2 • I do first L1LoadInMemory (t1), then Level1 (t2) • Store both USER and ELAPSED times • Finally, t = f(t1) + f(t2), where f(x) looks if ELAP deviates more than 5 ms from USER. If yes, then use a shuffled USER time (within the 10 ms bin). If not, use ELAPSED time. • Time shown below are normalized to a calibration loop that typically takes 0.6 s on lxplus (sometimes ~1 s, depending on whether you end up in a new or old node) • I do not understand yet why I get average times of order 20 ms…

  3. Motovation for Multiplicity cuts Picture with PU<100 (=no PU Peak2 cut) looks better for TDR. Now… why does L1L0 look less sensitive to multiplicity cuts with (PU<3) ? • Statistics ? Start from • ~150k MBIA • ~50k signal (few 100s pass L1) • Because L0L1 have been retuned ?

  4. Nominal vs Robustness “Aggressive” Note: • Global test: mean time recovered only with “aggressive” cuts (~10% signal loss in Bs->DK) • Velo test: #clusters goes down (noise increased by “reducing loosing clusters”), but mean time goes up !

  5. Bs->DK in global test “aggressive” cuts

  6. PU motivation • Signal efficiency vs PU peak2 cut without multiplicty cuts

  7. PU motivation (vs Lumi) • For one channel: gain at PU<3 versus luminosity

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