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Design and Timing Closure Techniques for Managing Wide Semiconductor Timing Variations in Space Applications. Michael Cuviello Swales Aerospace Incorporated. Alexander Osovets Orbital Sciences Corporation. September 7, 2005. The Design Problem:.
Design and Timing Closure Techniques for Managing Wide Semiconductor Timing Variations in Space Applications Michael Cuviello Swales Aerospace Incorporated Alexander Osovets Orbital Sciences Corporation September 7, 2005
The Design Problem: • Long term exposure to radiation in space • Causes Component degradation resulting in Integrated Circuit specifications with wide timing variations. • Problems guaranteeing timing margin of FPGA based digital systems.
Example System Micro-controller Aeroflex RH80C196KDS Memory FPGA ACTEL RT54SX72S Peripherals
Example:Aeroflex RH80C196KDS Micro-controller Timing tolerances 40-50% of system clock period Timing tolerance 40-50% of system clock Timing tolerance 40-50% of system clock Signal Timing relative to output clock Signal Timing relative to address latch Worst case timing doesn’t add up!
Re-Sync Clock Domain Clock Domain Re-Sync Re-Sync Clock Domain Delay Delay Delay System Clock Time for an Updated Approach:A Multiple Clock System
New Issues! • Need for glitch free handshaking logic. • Re-synchronization of cross-clock domain signals. • A more sophisticated static timing analysis tool flow with multi-clock multi-mode capability.
Issue 1: Glitch Free Handshaking What Causes FPGA Cells To Glitch? • ASIC combinatorial cells do not glitch, since they are custom designed for a specific function. • In FPGAs all combinatorial functions are created from components available in the slice, i.e. C-Cell. • Actel devices have multiplexer based structures. • This results in all gates being built from muxes. • That in turn implies possibility of output glitches on the input signal transitions, even in the cases when other inputs are stable.
Issue 1:Glitch Free LogicWhy do we need glitch free components? • To avoid tri-state bus contention during the enable/disable boundaries of multiple drivers. • To create glitch free clocks and clock like signals i.e. ram writes, interrupts … • Clock gating. • Power dissipation reduction. • EMI reduction.
Issue 1:Glitch Free LogicOption 1: Register all desired ports • Hard macro Flip-Flops in Actel R-Cell provide glitch free operation. • However, 54SX-S device has Triple Module Redundancy (TMR) combinatorial voting circuit on the output of the registers. • Fortunately, glitch free operation is verified through simulation by NASA TMR designers. • This solution is not always feasible due to design speed, asynchronous driving modules or other limitations.
Issue 1:Glitch Free LogicOption 2 : OR-Gate or Multiplexer Macros • 4 OR-gate macros with glitch free operation • MX2 macro with glitch free operation • Only on S input transition • When A and B inputs = 0 • For Both • The only way to ensure glitch free operation is to keep inputs transitions far apart from each other (few gate delays). • Indicated by ACTEL Engineers; but not guaranteed. • Use syn_keep and alspreserve attributes for instantiation in VHDL. • Significantly reduces output glitch possibility.
Issue 1:Glitch Free LogicOption 3 : Asynchronous RS-Latch • Asynchronous RS-Latch may provide glitch free output transition • However, most of the Actel Flop and Latch macros are built from combinatorial logic • DFPCB (presented on the previous slide) is one of few Actel macros comprised out of pure sequential logic. • In addition CLR input has a precedence over PRE input, avoiding an uncertain condition. • Actel confirmed glitch free operation of this device, but again, as long as inputs transitions are kept far enough from each other • The hard macro approach is less susceptible to the affects of routing delays, synthesis and placement variations. • This option shows the most promise. • Good Luck!
Issue 2: Synchronizing Clock Domains Out of Phase Correlated Clock Domains - Metastability e-(tco-tmet)/t Tapperture = To * Clock thold+tsetup – metastability window Input Metastable Output tmet – output sample time Normal Output tco – normal output delay
Issue 2: Synchronizing Clock Domains Out of Phase Correlated Clock Domains - Metastability • Metastability • The output of the flip-flop becomes indeterminate for an extended period of time beyond the normal specified output delay. • Caused by flip-flop input setup or hold time violations. • tmet denotes the extended duration before the output settles. • tmet is related to a time window about the clock edge in which the input data transitions. • taperture. denotes a time window about the clock edge in which the input data transitions. • As tmet increases, taperture decreases. • The aperture need not be exactly centered on the clock edge.
Issue 2: Synchronizing Clock Domains Out of Phase Correlated Clock Domains - Metastability • To reduce the likelihood of propagating an indeterminate value into the system, we double sample data that might transition within the taperture window at a period beyond what tmet is likely to be. • The Worst Case – Correlated Clocks (from the same source) • Presents the possibility that the nominal data transition is always centered exactly in the middle of the aperture. • Typically, only the case of random occurrence is analyzed. • A Latent Fault - Because of timing changes due to radiation and correlated clock domains, this could occur repetitively at sometime during the life of a mission.
Issue 2: Synchronizing Clock Domains Out of Phase Correlated Clock Domains - Metastability • To analyze • Rely only on system noise to cause the actual data transition to occur sometime off nominal that is outsidetaperture. • To eliminate any possibility that correlation between the system noise and the input clock might work against us, we consider only thermal noise that we know is truly random. • This thermal noise could be considered to be in the input signal or actually noise on an internal node of the latch in the flip-flop. It is caused by channel resistance of the transistor. • If we make our sampling period large enough, taperture reduces to the point that it is insignificant compared to the timing jitter caused by thermal noise. • Thus, the failure rate because of tmet exceeding our sampling period also becomes very small.
Issue 2: Synchronizing Clock Domains Out of Phase Correlated Clock Domains - Metastability Tc Clock Uniform Input Distribution Corelated Input Distribution Td Tjitter Apperture Window Tapperture
Issue 2: Synchronizing Clock Domains Out of Phase Correlated Clock Domains - Metastability MTBF is expected value of the time between failures For uniform failure distribution MTBF =E(t)=T/Ne Where T is operation time, Ne is number of faults Ne= fd*T*Pfail= fd*T* Tapperure/Tjitter e-(tco-tmet)/t MTBF =1/fjitter*fd*To*
Tjitter Vnoise Issue 2: Synchronizing Clock Domains Out of Phase Correlated Clock Domains Input Jitter Estimate MTBF Estimate for Synchronizer in Actel RT54SX72S Input slew dU/dt=1V/ns MTBF = (Tjitter * Td / C1) * e(C2 * tmet) For Actel RT54SX72S C1 = To*e-(tco/ t) 7E-10 C2=1/ t 1e10 tmet = Tc-tsetup-tpd-tco tpd = propagation delay tsetup = flip-flop setup time. tco = flip-flop output delay tco+tpd+tsetup 1.5 ns Tc = 1/32 MHz Td = 1/8 MHz MTBF 2.62 x 10110 years Thermal noise V2noise=KT/C For T=303K(30C); C= 5E-12 pF k=1.38E-23 J/K Vnoise~=30μV translates into Tjitter~=.03pS This is a conservative noise estimate disregarding system noise
Issue 3: Static Timing Analysisfor Multi-Clock Domains Multimode Systems • Multiple Pseudo Asynchronous clocks - phase shifted synchronous clocks with slow drifting undefined phases. • Synchronization to master clock leads to messy manual analysis with reduced operating frequency and high probability of mistakes. Clock uncertainty is on the order of full cycle. • Sequential multi-cycle CPU operation and external DMA block require multi-mode analysis. • Board level cross chip analysis is required to meet ICs specification. • CLOCK DOMAINS ENCAPSULATION AND BOUNDARY RE-SYNCHRONIZATION IS A BETTER SOLUTION. • PRIMETIME IS AN ASIC TOOL, WHICH CAN BE USED FOR FPGA ANALYSIS TO MEET TIMING REQUIREMENTS.
Issue 3: Static Timing Analysisfor Multi-Clock Domains Multimode Systems Processor BlockDiagram Addr Data Wr_n wrln Clko OE ALE CS RAM CPU DMA FPGA Sys_clk
Setup Time Ts : (1) “Address Latch” valid to (2) “Read Not” valid to (3) Data Required on “AD” bus - wr (4) “Address Latch” detected to (5) “SRAM Read Not” valid to (6) SRAM Access time to (7) D bus to AD bus delay. 31.25ns Typical SYS_CLK T1min=2*Clk-10 T2min=2*Clk-5 T3max=2*Clk-26 ADV_RD 1 2 3 ALE RD_N Add/Data Address Required Data Valid T5max= Tp_rd3 T7max= Tp_d_ad 7 T4max=3*Clk + Ts_ale T6max =Tsram ALE_1 T1min=2*Clk-10 ALE_2 ALE_SYNC 4 Address CSsram 5 RD_n_3v 6 Data Issue 3: Static Timing AnalysisExample of Manual Analysis Required with full resynchronization to master clock SRAMBusRead
Issue 3: Static Timing AnalysisMulti Mode, Multi Clock Analysis SYS_CLK Read margin Address margin Clocks Clocks Clocks Clocks Clocks Write margin 80C196BusTiming
Issue 3: Static Timing AnalysisCross chip Data Mode Analysis Latch Ram Address 80C196BusTimingData Read margins from Ram CS to CPU read strobe RAM data out propagation delay CPU data read
Issue 3: Static Timing AnalysisPrimeTime Advantages for FPGA design • Industry standard timing analysis tool • Tcl scripting capabilities • Case analysis capabilities • Allows you to perform board level timing analysis • Advanced timing analysis features: • exceptions handling • multiple clocks and frequencies • transparent latch and time borrowing • mode analysis …
Issue 3: Static Timing AnalysisActel FPGA Static Timing AnalysisResults w/ PrimeTime • Analyzed modes for setup and hold margins for best and worst case corners: • CPU address to RAM write • CPU address to IO write • CPU data to RAM write • CPU data to IO write • RAM data to CPU read • Timing analysis results: • Setup timing margins were improved from negative slack to greater than 20% positive slack. • Some tight hold margins were identified for buffer insertion. • CPU address latch • Clkout register to register • Sys_clk register to register • DMA RAM read/write
Summary • Radiation environments present unique challenges for timing closure. • Relaxed Timing Definition • Long term timing Drift • To address these challenges, a single clock synchronous design was changed to a multi-clock architecture. • To implement the new architecture, new issues had to be addressed. • Guaranteeing glitch free handshaking signals from FPGA logic blocks. • Careful analysis of metastability in the cross-domain re-synchronization circuits. • Multi-mode, multi-clock Static Timing Analysis • The new design successfully improved overall system performance, timing margin, and quality of design.
References [1] Actel, “Metastability Characterization Report for Actel Antifuse FPGAs,” Application Note, May 2004 [2] Actel, “Antifuse Macro Library Guide for Software 6.0,” May 2004 [3] Paul R. Gray and Robert G. Meyer. Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits. Wiley, New York, 1993. [4] Charles Dike and Edward (Ted) Burton, “Miller and Noise Effects in a Synchronizing Flip-Flop,” IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, vol. 34, No. 6, June 1999.