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Sustaining Quality Curriculum. Supporting students and teachers by keeping Ontario’s K - 12 curriculum current and relevant. US. WELCOME. YOU. Are You…?. A Classroom Teacher A consultant, co-ordinator, resource teacher An Administrator A Parent of a child in grade 7 - 10.
Sustaining Quality Curriculum Supporting students and teachers by keeping Ontario’s K - 12 curriculum current and relevant
Are You…? A Classroom Teacher A consultant, co-ordinator, resource teacher An Administrator A Parent of a child in grade 7 - 10
Introduce your MATH-self to the others at your table My name is…. As a result of this training I hope…. Teaching is my chosen profession because…. Home for me is….
GOALS OF THE TRAINING • become familiar with important changes in the 2005 revised mathematics curriculum document • clarify the purpose of the Achievement Chart and establish common assessment and evaluation terms, definitions and messages • share resources, and presentation ideas to conduct your school board training sessions
Throughout the training….. - E + NING
WHAT IS SUSTAINING QUALITY CURRICULUM? A staged process to review Kindergarten to Grade 12 curriculumdocuments by discipline area that: • builds on the quality curriculum foundation already in place, and • ensures that the curriculum remains current and relevant
RATIONALE FOR SUSTAINING QUALITY CURRICULUM • ensures ongoing high quality education and continuous improvement in student achievement • assures curriculum coherence and age- appropriateness from Kindergarten through Grade 12 in all disciplines • sustains the effectiveness of Ontario’s curriculum for students in a knowledge-based society
RATIONALE FOR SUSTAINING QUALITY CURRICULUM • supports students, teachers, schools and boards by identifying targeted areas in need of support • allows lead time for development or updating of related support materials as required (e.g., textbooks, exemplars) • supports continual improvement to the curriculum
WHAT REMAINS THE SAME ? • high standards for all students • the framework of grade-by-grade and course-by-course overall and specific curriculum expectations • destination-related secondary school course types
WHAT REMAINS THE SAME ? • criterion-referenced assessment based on four levels of achievement as described in the achievement charts • standardized provincial report cards • diploma requirements under Ontario Secondary Schools (OSS) Grades 9 to 12
Review Process Analysis included: • Technical analysis of the English- and French-language curriculum policy documents completed by educators • Content Analysis of information from over 500 educators through province-wide Focus Group sessions • Consultations held with the Minister’s Advisory Council on Special Education, Faculties of Education, parents, students, colleges, and workplace organizations
Review Process Analysis included: • A joint report by English- and French-language teams of educators recommended a draft common framework for achievement charts to promote consistency in assessment • Focused benchmarking of the Ontario curriculum against other provinces • A literature search of recent curriculum reviews was done
Focus Groups: Strengths Elements of a Developmental Continuum 4 Prominent Role of Mathematical Processes like Problem Solving and Communication 1 Overall and Specific Expectations 5 Broad Range of Mathematical Topics 2 3 6 Use of Technology and Manipulatives Emphasis on Real Life Applications
Focus Groups: Suggestions Reduce Number of Expectations 4 Eliminate Gaps and Redundancies 1 Cluster Expectations More Appropriately Using Big Ideas 5 Improve Concept Development and Grade Appropriateness 2 3 6 Strengthen Link Between Expectations and Achievement Chart Improve Balance Between Expectations Related To Facts/Procedures and Those Related To Conceptual Understanding
Review Process Research: • Background research paper prepared Fall 2003 involving a literature search related to curriculum development. • Focussed benchmarking of the Ontario curriculum against other provinces and countries (e.g. Alberta, British Columbia, Quebec, England, New South Wales, Japan) • Extensive use of well researched sources (e.g., N.C.T.M.)
Review Process Synthesis: • A content analysis of information from the technical analysis, the focus group sessions, focused benchmarking of Ontario’s curriculum, and research on the curriculum review process was prepared • Research, data and consultation input were summarized and used as a basis for recommendations for revision to the Mathematics curriculum policy documents
Review Process Revision and Feedback Consultation • Parallel English/French writing teams of educators from across Ontario, with curriculum expertise, drafted revised documents based on the recommendations • Early feedback from educators informed preparations for broader feedback process • Feedback Consultation on proposed revisions in fall 2004
Review Process Post Feedback Activities • Analysis of feedback surveys • Two post-feedback consultations • Extensive consultation and feedback with Early Math/Junior Math team • French alignment meetings • Subject/Division Meetings • Editing, Fact Check, Bias Check
1 - 10 11 - 12 Stages of Review Process for Mathematics Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 2004 2005 2003 2007 2006 Analysis and Synthesis Revision and Feedback Consultation Editing, Publication and Distribution Implementation
Technical Analysis Focus Groups Other Consultations and Input Subject / Division Associations Analysis / Synthesis Achievement Charts Feedback Consultation Opportunities and Routes for Input Revision Teams
RESOURCES/INITIATIVES • Some provincially available resources or initiatives for mathematics education are…
Some Recent Initiatives Impact Math Tinkerplots GSP PRISM TABS +
Key Messages from Revision • Curriculum Expectations • Learning • Teaching • Assessment/Evaluation • Learning Tools • Equity Areas adapted from N.C.T.M. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, 2000
Curriculum Expectations From The Ontario Curriculum Grades 1-8 Mathematics, 1997Page 3 The specific expectations for each grade should be seen in the context of the overall process of building mathematical knowledge and skills from grade to grade.
Curriculum Expectations From The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 and 10, 1999Page 4 A coherent and continuous program is necessary to help students see the “big pictures” or underlying principles of mathematics.
Curriculum The revised curriculum is coherent, focused on important mathematics, and well articulated across the grades.
Learning From Notable Strategies: Closing the GapResearch and Literature Review - Page 1 It is important …that students have opportunities to learn in a variety of ways – individually, cooperatively, independently, with teacher direction, through hands-on experience, through examples followed by practice…
Learning The revised curriculum supports students learning mathematics with understanding and actively building new knowledge from experience and prior knowledge.
Learning Tools From Teaching and Learning Mathematics - the Report of the Expert Panel on Mathematics in Grades 4 to 6 in OntarioPages 25 and 28 Manipulatives that are used well are central to effective instruction and have the capacity to greatly improve and deepen student understanding. Technology is not meant to replace mathematical thought but to expand it.
Learning Tools The revised curriculum promotes the use of technology and manipulatives as tools for teaching and learning mathematics.
Assessment & Evaluation From Targeted Implementation and Planning SupportsPage 21 Quality assessment includes a variety of tools and strategies that assess both the processes and products of mathematics learning and serves a variety of purposes: diagnostic, formative, and summative.
Assessment & Evaluation Assessment should reflect instruction. Teachers need to adapt their assessment plans to ensure that the needs of all learners are met. From: Leading Math SuccessPage 33
Assessment and Evaluation The revised curriculum supports assessment for the learning of important mathematics and to furnish useful information to both teachers and students.
Teaching From: Leading Math SuccessPage 31 Effective instructional strategies in mathematics emphasize the ability to think, to solve problems, and to build one’s own understanding
Teaching The revised curriculum supports effective mathematics teaching that requires understanding what students know and need to learn and do.
Equity From Building Pathways to Success, Grades 7 – 12Page 11 Ontario schools should offer an educational program that …. provides all students with the learning opportunities and support they need
Equity This curriculum supports equity by promoting excellence in mathematics education for all students
Working Toward Alignment INTENDED CURRICULUM Ministry Curriculum Expectations DELIVERED CURRICULUM Instructional Program In The Classroom ACHIEVED CURRICULUM What Is Being Assessed
MAKING CONNECTIONS Student action should focus on solving problems. • The teacher helps students make connections within mathematics and between mathematics and the world and develop lifelong learning skills. • The more that connections are made among a network of ideas, the stronger will be the student’s understanding and the less pressure will there be on the student to memorize and to worry about forgetting. Leading Math Success - Page 46