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Intro to 5.3

Intro to 5.3. cry. Y can sometimes be a vowel. . You can also put an / i / above the y to show it makes the open I sound. The word try is open, so it is long. Y in an open syllable in a one syllable word has the long sound / i /. .

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Intro to 5.3

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Intro to 5.3 cry

  2. Y can sometimes be a vowel. You can also put an /i/ above the y to show it makes the open I sound. The word try is open, so it is long. Y in an open syllable in a one syllable word has the long sound /i/.

  3. Y in an open syllable at the end of a multisyllabic words usually says /e/. open Closed

  4. You can also put a /e/ above the y to show that it makes the open e sound.

  5. Many multisyllabic words ending in y have 2 consonants. Words with a short vowel get an extra consonant. This helps close in the first vowel to make it short. short vowel: long vowel pen nytiny bunny du ty sunnybaby Two exceptions: study copy

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