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TRIMS Technical Risk Identification and Mitigation System

TRIMS Technical Risk Identification and Mitigation System. Ralph Sickinger PMWS Development Manager ralph@bmpcoe.org 25 August, 2008. Presented By:. The BMP Program. History of the BMP Program. Many programs failing or suffering cost/schedule overruns

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TRIMS Technical Risk Identification and Mitigation System

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  1. TRIMS Technical Risk Identification and Mitigation System Ralph Sickinger PMWS Development Manager ralph@bmpcoe.org 25 August, 2008 Presented By:

  2. The BMP Program Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  3. History of the BMP Program Many programs failing or suffering cost/schedule overruns Defense Science Board studies the problem; publishes findings in DOD 4245.7-M (The “Willoughby Templates”) Best Manufacturing Practices Program established to help the U.S. Defense Industrial Base - BMP conducts first Survey (Texas Instruments) BMP publishes NAVSO P-6071 (Best Practices Book) BMP contracts with Bell Labs to write more detail on each Template First version of PMWS is created BMP Center of Excellence established in College Park, MD BMP conducts 100th Survey (Northrop Grumman) 1960-1980 1983-1984 1985 1986 1987 1991 1993 2000 Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  4. History of the BMP Program Many programs failing or suffering cost/schedule overruns Defense Science Board studies the problem; publishes findings in DOD 4245.7-M (The “Willoughby Templates”) Best Manufacturing Practices Program established to help the U.S. Defense Industrial Base - BMP conducts first Survey (Texas Instruments) BMP publishes NAVSO P-6071 (Best Practices Book) BMP contracts with Bell Labs to write more detail on each Template First version of PMWS is created BMP Center of Excellence established in College Park, MD BMP conducts 100th Survey (Northrop Grumman) 1960-1980 1983-1984 1985 1986 1987 1991 1993 2000 Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  5. History of the BMP Program Many programs failing or suffering cost/schedule overruns Defense Science Board studies the problem; publishes findings in DOD 4245.7-M (The “Willoughby Templates”) Best Manufacturing Practices Program established to help the U.S. Defense Industrial Base - BMP conducts first Survey (Texas Instruments) BMP publishes NAVSO P-6071 (Best Practices Book) BMP contracts with Bell Labs to write more detail on each Template First version of PMWS is created BMP Center of Excellence established in College Park, MD BMP conducts 100th Survey (Northrop Grumman) 1960-1980 1983-1984 1985 1986 1987 1991 1993 2000 Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  6. Problem Areas Identified by DSB Money Phasing Design Reference Mission Profile Design Requirements Trade Studies Design Policy Design Process Design Analysis Parts & Material Selection Software Design Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Design for Testing Built-In Test (BIT) Configuration Control Design Reviews Design Release Integrated Test Failure Reporting System Uniform Test Report Software Test Design Limit Life Test, Analyze & Fix (TAAF) Field Feedback Manufacturing Plan Qualify Manufacturing Process Piece Part Control Subcontractor Control Defect Control Tool Planning Special Test Equipment (STE) Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) Manufacturing Screening Transition Plan Modernization Factory Improvements Productivity Center Logistics Support Analysis Manpower & Personnel Support & Test Equipment Training Materials & Equipment Spares Technical Manuals Manufacturing Strategy Personnel Requirements Data Requirements Technical Risk Assessment Production Breaks Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  7. Problem Areas Identified by DSB FUNDING: Money Phasing DESIGN: Design Reference Mission Profile Design Requirements Trade Studies Design Policy Design Process Design Analysis Parts & Material Selection Software Design Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Design for Testing Built-In Test (BIT) Configuration Control Design Reviews Design Release TEST: Integrated Test Failure Reporting System Uniform Test Report Software Test Design Limit Life Test, Analyze & Fix (TAAF) Field Feedback PRODUCTION: Manufacturing Plan Qualify Manufacturing Process Piece Part Control Subcontractor Control Defect Control Tool Planning Special Test Equipment (STE) Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) Manufacturing Screening TRANSITION: Transition Plan FACILITIES: Modernization Factory Improvements Productivity Center LOGISTICS: Logistics Support Analysis Manpower & Personnel Support & Test Equipment Training Materials & Equipment Spares Technical Manuals MANAGEMENT: Manufacturing Strategy Personnel Requirements Data Requirements Technical Risk Assessment Production Breaks Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  8. DoD 4245.7-M “Willoughby Templates” Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  9. NAVSO P-6071 “Best Practices Book” Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  10. NAVSO P-6071 (Best Practices Book) Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  11. NAVSO P-6071 (Best Practices Book) Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  12. NAVSO P-6071 (Best Practices Book) Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  13. NAVSO P-6071 (Best Practices Book) Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  14. Some Things To Consider • Defense Science Board Studies Determined that 80% of all Programs that Fail, Fail for Engineering not Technology Reasons • Example: N43 Reports that Over 65% of all Fleet Reliability Problems are Due to Inadequate Design • February 1998 GAO Report to the Subcommittee on Acquisition & Technology, Committee on Armed Services, U. S. Senate • Since 1975 Schedule Overruns Average 24% • Weapon Systems Overruns Cost 20% - 40% • March 2005 GAO Report: • Average Cost Increase Will be 28.5% in Only 4 Years • Reason: “Armed services order hardware with unproven technology, with too little time allowed for perfecting that technology before contractors attempt to insert it into weapons systems...” • With Acquisition Reform and Performance Specifications, We Must Monitor the Engineering Process to Understand Program Risks Do Not Get Technology Tunnel Vision Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  15. TRIMS Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  16. What Is TRIMS? • TRIMS (Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System): A Methodology for Doing Knowledge-Based, Process-Oriented Risk Management • Includes Set of Software Tools to Help Implement the Methodology (Navy Owned, Fixed Revision Cycle) • Outgrowth of DoD 4245.7-M and NAVSO P-6071 Templates • Fully Compatible with BMPCOE Combined Government / Industry Systems Engineering Model • Fully Supported: Training Classes, Computer-Based Training, On-line Help, 24-hour Help Desk Process Based And Predictive Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  17. TRIMS Proactive Methodology Risk Assessment Probability Effect • Guidance Documents • EngineeringProcess Model • Statistics Mission ProfileScheduleQualityCost PastExperience Planning &Tracking SystemArchitecture Risk Management • Milestone Dates TRIMS Risks PersonnelAssignments Next Actions QuestionWeighting • Risk Management • Snapshot Assessments • Multiple Program Rollups • Automatic Updates Responsibilities Due Dates Action ItemTracking ComplianceStatus References Understanding The Future Effects Of Today's Decisions Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  18. Proactive vs. Reactive Process Risks Proactive Technical Issues Schedule Slippage Cost Overruns Reactive TRIMS Identifies the Root Causes of Cost & Schedule Problems Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  19. Evolution of Risks T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Process Risks Product Risks Problems “A ‘Problem’ Is A Risk Whose Time Has Come” Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  20. Cost To Mitigate Increases Exponentially Design Test Production $100 Cost to Mitigate $10 $1 Time Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  21. Problems Cost To Mitigate Increases Exponentially Design Test Production Cost to Mitigate Product Risks Process Risks Time Risk Management or Damage Control? Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  22. TRIMS Baseline Templates PRODUCT TQM Money Phasing FUNDING DESIGN TEST PRODUCTION FACILITIES LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT • Integrated Test • Failure Reporting System • Uniform Test Report • Software Test • Design Limit • Life • Test, Analyze & Fix (TAAF) • Field Feedback • Modernization • Factory Improvements • Productivity Center • Logistics Support Analysis • Manpower & Personnel • Support & Test Equipment • Training Materials & Equipment • Spares • Technical Manuals • Manufacturing Strategy • Personnel Requirements • Data Requirements • Technical Risk Assessment • Production Breaks • Design Refer. Mission Profile • Design Requirements • Trade Studies • Design Policy • Design Process • Design Analysis • Parts & Mater. Selection • Software Design • Computer-Aided Design (CAD) • Design for Testing • Built-In Test (BIT) • Configuration Control • Design Reviews • Design Release • Manufacturing Plan • Qualify Manufacturing Process • Piece Part Control • Subcontractor Control • Defect Control • Tool Planning • Special Test Equipment (STE) • CAM • Manufacturing Screening TRANSITION PLAN Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  23. TRIMS Baseline Templates PRODUCT TQM Money Phasing FUNDING DESIGN TEST PRODUCTION FACILITIES LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT • Integrated Test • Failure Reporting System • Uniform Test Report • Software Test • Design Limit • Life • Test, Analyze & Fix (TAAF) • Field Feedback • Modernization • Factory Improvements • Productivity Center • Logistics Support Analysis • Manpower & Personnel • Support & Test Equipment • Training Materials & Equipment • Spares • Technical Manuals • Manufacturing Strategy • Personnel Requirements • Data Requirements • Technical Risk Assessment • Production Breaks • Design Refer. Mission Profile • Design Requirements • Trade Studies • Design Policy • Design Process • Design Analysis • Parts & Mater. Selection • Software Design • Computer-Aided Design (CAD) • Design for Testing • Built-In Test (BIT) • Configuration Control • Design Reviews • Design Release • Manufacturing Plan • Qualify Manufacturing Process • Piece Part Control • Subcontractor Control • Defect Control • Tool Planning • Special Test Equipment (STE) • CAM • Manufacturing Screening • CAM • Manufacturing Screening TRANSITION PLAN Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  24. TRIMS Baseline Templates PRODUCT TQM Money Phasing CostAssessment FUNDING DESIGN TEST PRODUCTION FACILITIES LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT • Integrated Test • Failure Reporting System • Uniform Test Report • Software Test • Design Limit • Life • Test, Analyze & Fix (TAAF) • Field Feedback • TEMP Development/ Execution • Software Simulator • Modernization • Factory Improvements • Productivity Center • Field Visits/Site Surveys • Logistics Support Analysis • Manpower & Personnel • Support & Test Equipment • Training Materials & Equipment • Spares • Technical Manuals • Logistics Analysis Documentation • Manufacturing Strategy • Personnel Requirements • Data Requirements • Technical Risk Assessment • Production Breaks • Determining Defining Need for System • Prepare Requirement Documents • Quality Assurance • Design/Milestone Review Planning • Make or Buy Decisions • Technology Base Analysis • Schedule & Planning • Dim. Manuf. Sources & Mat. Shortage (DMSMS) • Design Refer. Mission Profile • Design Requirements • Trade Studies • Design Policy • Design Process • Design Analysis • Parts & Mater. Selection • Software Design • Computer-Aided Design (CAD) • Design for Testing • Built-In Test (BIT) • Configuration Control • Design Reviews • Design Release • Concept Studies & Analysis • Bread Board Development • Brass Board Development • Specification Dev/Allocation/ Validation • Design for Assembly • Prototype Development & Review • Manufacturing Plan • Qualify Manufacturing Process • Piece Part Control • Subcontractor Control • Defect Control • Tool Planning • Special Test Equipment (STE) • CAM • Manufacturing Screening • Production Fabrication • Environmental Issues • CAM • Manufacturing Screening • Production Fabrication • Environmental Issues New PMWS Templates TRANSITION PLAN Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  25. Management Logistics Funding Design Test Production Facilities TransitionPlan TRIMS Tailoring User AddedCategories TRIMS Hierarchy 4.0 Design UserAddedTemplates 3 Tiers: Category Template Knowledge Base Question 4.6 Design Analysis UserAddedQuestions 4.6.1 Do the contractor's corporate standards identify design analysis as an integral part of the design process? Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  26. TRIMS Tailoring User CreatedModel 4.0 Design 3 Tiers: Category Template Knowledge Base Question 4.6 Design Analysis 4.6.1 Do the contractor's corporate standards identify design analysis as an integral part of the design process? Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  27. Tailoring TRIMS To Your Needs • Identify Risks Before they Become Problems • Build YOUR Knowledge into TRIMS • Use the Systems Engineering Knowledge Base as a Starting Point for A Good Engineering Process • Create a Concrete, Repeatable Process for Evaluating & Comparing Programs & Contractors • Ease the Learning Curve for New Employees • Retain Knowledge of Lost Employees • Share Knowledge • To Maximize Benefits of Using TRIMS • Apply as Early as Possible in Program Life • Apply to All Subcontractors, Divisions & Vendors Involved • Use Tool Regularly to Prioritize Resources & Make Decisions Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  28. TRIMS Knowledge Models • Existing (Released) Models • Systems Engineering • Software Risk Engineering (Carnegie Mellon) • Circuit Card Testability • Interoperability and Integration • Existing (Beta) Models • Human Factors Engineering • Development (Prototype) Models • Management • Port Security/Force Protection • SBIR ◄◄◄ TRIMS Has Many Applications Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  29. TRIMS Version 4 Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  30. TRIMS - Total Risk Management P3RM Problem, Product & Process Risk Management, in a Single Tool! Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  31. Conclusion Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  32. How To Get Help Using TRIMS • Use the Help menus • Use the Computer-Based Training (CBT) Videos • Available on PMWS CD and on BMP’s Website • These are Animated & Narrated Tours Showing Each Step of Using TRIMS • Call our 24 Hour Helpdesk 301-405-9963 • E-Mail the BMP Center at helpdesk@bmpcoe.org • Arrange a Training Session Help Is Available Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  33. 3 Things To Remember… • DoD 4245.7-M / NAVSO P-6071 • The Transition from Development to Production • The Best Practices Book • TRIMS • Free Tool • P3RM – Supports Problem, Product, and Process Risk Tracking! • BMP Enterprise / BMP Center of Excellence • An Available Resource – www.bmpcoe.org • Call our 24 Hour Helpdesk 301-405-9963 Technical Risk Identification & Mitigation System

  34. [ End of Presentation ]

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