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ACC 220 Week 1 Checkpoint Career Opportunities<br>ACC 220 Week 1 DQ 1 & DQ 2<br>ACC 220 Week 2 Checkpoint Proprietorships, Partnerships, and Corporations<br>ACC 220 Week 2 Assignment Financial Statements<br>ACC 220 Week 3 Checkpoint Classified Balance Sheets<br>ACC 220 Week 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2<br>ACC 220 Week 4 Checkpoint Cash Management Matrix Appendix B<br>ACC 220 Week 4 Assignment Internal Cash Control<br>ACC 220 Week 5 Checkpoint Financial Reporting<br>ACC 220 Week 5 DQ 1 and DQ 2<br>ACC 220 Week 6 Checkpoint Cost, Volume and Profit Questions<br>ACC 220 Week 6 Assignment Cost, Volume, and Profit Formulas<br>ACC 220 Week 7 Checkpoint Budget Matrix<br>ACC 220 Week 7 DQ 1 and DQ 2<br>ACC 220 Week 8 Checkpoint Flexible Budgets<br>ACC 220 Week 8 Assignment Responsibility Center Presentation<br>ACC 220 Week 9 Final Project Business Plan<br>ACC 220 Week 9 Capstone Discussion Question<br>
ACC 22O UOP Courses For more course tutorials visit www.uoptutorial.com Get Ready to grant success at exam by shop at uoptutorial
ACC 22O UOP Courses • ACC 220 Week 1 Checkpoint Career Opportunities • ACC 220 Week 1 DQ 1 & DQ 2 • ACC 220 Week 2 Checkpoint Proprietorships, Partnerships, and Corporations • ACC 220 Week 2 Assignment Financial Statements • ACC 220 Week 3 Checkpoint Classified Balance Sheets • ACC 220 Week 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2 • CheckPoint: Career Opportunities • Visit the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics athttp://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos001.htm for an overview of the accounting field. • Visit www.careers-in-accounting.com for additional details such as salary expectations and general job expectations. ACC 220 ENTIRE COURSE ACC 220 WEEK 1 CHECKPOINT CAREER OPPORTUNITIE1
ACC 22O UOP Courses • Discussion Questions • Based on what you know about accounting, what role do you see it playing in business operations? How dependent do you think a business is on its accounting department? Explain why. • Why are ethics so important in the field of accounting? • Assignment: Financial Statements • Write a 350- to 700-word paper describing a balance sheet, an income statement, a retained earnings statement, and a statement of cash flows. How does a company use these financial statements to make future business decisions? Use and define the following terms in your paper when explaining how a company uses the information on the statements: ACC 220 WEEK 1 DQ 1 ACC 220 WEEK 2 ASSIGNMENT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
ACC 22O UOP Courses • CheckPoint: Proprietorships, Partnerships, & Corporations • Explain the differences between a proprietorship, a partnership, and a corporation in 200 to 300 words. Why would an entrepreneur want to choose one over the other? If you were starting a new business, which would you choose? Explain why. • CheckPoint: Classified Balance Sheets • Write a 200- to 300-word response explaining what information would be found in each of the following groupings on a classified balance sheet and how that data might indicate the future success or failure of a business: ACC 220 WEEK 2 CHECKPOINT PROPRIETORSHIPS ACC 220 WEEK 3 CHECKPOINT CLASSIFIED BALANCE SHEETS
ACC 22O UOP Courses • Discussion Questions • When reviewing a financial report, why must information be reliable, relevant, consistent, and comparable? Why are these accounting characteristics important? What kinds of problems might result if a financial report is not reliable, relevant, consistent, or comparable? • Assignment: Internal Cash Control • Write a 700- to 1,000-word paper that addresses which internal controls are not being followed in these listed situations: • The accounting department receives from sales invoices once a month. Most of the information is missing on the invoices. ACC 220 WEEK 3 DQ 1 AND DQ 2 ACC 220 WEEK 4 ASSIGNMENT INTERNAL CASH CONTROL
ACC 22O UOP Courses • CheckPoint: Cash Management Matrix • UseAppendix B. For each principle in the matrix, describe how the principle ensures the reliability of a company’s financial statements and provide at least one example of how the principle might work in a real company. Do not use examples from your text. • PostAppendix B as an attachment. • CheckPoint: Flexible Budgets • Respondin200 to 300 words, to the following: • What is a flexible budget? • What are the steps to developing a flexible budget? • What information is found on a flexible budget report? ACC 220 WEEK 4 CHECKPOINT CASH MANAGEMENT MATRIX APPENDIX B ACC 220 WEEK 5 CHECKPOINT FINANCIAL REPORTING
ACC 22O UOP Courses • Discussion Questions • How would you describe the difference between financial and managerial accounting? What are the distinguishing features of managerial accounting? • Assignment: Cost, Volume, and Profit Formulas • Review the following illustrations found in Ch. 6 of your text: 6-12, 6-15, 6-17, 6-18, 6-19, & 6-20. • Write a 350- to 700-word paper that addresses the following: • Explain the components of cost-volume-profit analysis. ACC 220 WEEK 5 DQ 1 AND DQ 2 ACC 220 WEEK 6 ASSIGNMENT COST
ACC 22O UOP Courses • CheckPoint: Cost, Volume, and Profit Questions • Write a 200- to 300-word response that addresses questions 7, 9, & 14 in the Questions section on p. 284–285 of the text. • CheckPoint: Budgets Matrix • UseAppendix C to define each of the types of budgets listed and describe their uses. • Post Appendix C as an attachment ACC 220 WEEK 6 CHECKPOINT COST ACC 220 WEEK 7 CHECKPOINT BUDGET MATRIX
ACC 22O UOP Courses • Discussion Questions • How does budgeting help management make good business decisions? • What are some of the different types of budgets? Describe in detail one type of budget covered in the text. Describe what the budget is used for and what information it provides a business. • Discussion Questions • How does budgeting help management make good business decisions? • What are some of the different types of budgets? Describe in detail one type of budget covered in the text. Describe what the budget is used for and what information it provides a business. As you respond to your classmates, discuss how the budget you described relates to the budgets they described. Discuss how a business benefits from each of the budgets. ACC 220 WEEK 7 DQ 1 AND DQ 2 ACC 220 WEEK 7 DQ 1 AND DQ 2
ACC 22O UOP Courses • Assignment: Responsibility Center Presentation • Imagine you have been selected by your manager to present a training session to a group of new employees. The new hires do not have accounting backgrounds and have little or no work history in a responsibility center. The purpose of this training session is to explain the functions of each of the different responsibility centers. • CheckPoint: Flexible Budgets • Respond in200 to 300 words, to the following: • What is a flexible budget? • What are the steps to developing a flexible budget? • What information is found on a flexible budget report? • How is that information used to evaluate performance? ACC 220 WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT RESPONSIBILITY CENTER PRESENTATION ACC 220 WEEK 8 CHECKPOINT FLEXIBLE BUDGETS
ACC 22O UOP Courses • Capstone Discussion Question • Think back over what you have studied and learned in this course. Do you have a new perception of or appreciation for the field of accounting and how it contributes to business? Explain • Final Project: Business Plan • You want to start your own business. You found an investment group that is willing to give you the capital needed for the first year of your business, but onlyif you can convince them you have a solid plan for the success of this business. Your investor is very concerned with how the accounting functions of this business will be handled. ACC 220 WEEK 9 CAPSTONE DISCUSSION QUESTION ACC 220 WEEK 9 FINAL PROJECT BUSINESS PLAN
ACC 22O UOP Courses For more course tutorials visit www.uoptutorial.com Get Ready to grant success at exam by shop at uoptutorial