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INTRODUCING AKUNA’S NEWEST PRODUCTS. By Dr. S. Khoshbin. Weight Management Pack. AkuCleanse. Function: Cleanses the liver, colon, kidneys and skin Protects the liver Ingredients: Milk Thistle extract Beetroot extract Parsley extract Dandelion extract Burdock extract.
AkuCleanse Function: • Cleanses the liver, colon, kidneys and skin • Protects the liver Ingredients: • Milk Thistle extract • Beetroot extract • Parsley extract • Dandelion extract • Burdock extract
Milk thistle (Sylibummarianum) • Active ingredient is called silymarin • It is used to treat liver disease such as cirrhosis, jaundice and hepatitis • It protects the liver against poisonous substances • It works against liver cancer cells • It is beneficial for alcoholics and those with hepatitis B and C
Milk thistle (cont’d) • The medicine marketed under the name sylimarin is also derived from this herb • Has antifungal property • Repairs liver cell damage • Significantly improves liver function (ALT and AST) • Reduces liver damage caused by chemotherapy treatments • Also lowers cholesterol levels
Beetroot extract (Beta vulgaris) • An excellent source of folate and a good source of manganese and acute dietary nitrate • Prevents plaque formation and reduces ‘bad’ cholesterol • Beetroot juice lowers blood pressure and therefore may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease • Rich in a lot of iron • Helps relieve fatigue
Beetroot extract (cont’d) • Beats constipation and keeps the stomach healthy • Boosts brain power and may treat dementia • Studies have shown betaine may protect against liver disease, particularly the buildup of fatty deposits in the liver caused by alcohol abuse, protein deficiency, or diabetes, among other causes • One study found positive effects beetroot may have on human exercise performance, showing that distance runners ran 5% faster times after consuming baked beetroot
Parsley (Petroselinumcrispum) • A very strong antioxidant • Contains folic acid as well as vitamins K, C, A, B12, lycopene and bioflavonoid • 1 g of parsley has 10.7 mcg of alpha carotene, 82.9 mcg of beta carotene, 82.9 mcg of lutein and zeaxanthin • Helps flush out excess fluid from the body, thus supporting kidney function • It is a tonic for the heart and can help control blood pressure
Parsley (cont’d) • With daily use, relieves joint pain • Can relax stiff muscles • Encourages digestion • May play a role in inhibiting growth of cancerous tumors • Best remedy for kidney problems
Dandelion (Traxacumofficinale) • Dandelion leaves are abundant in minerals and vitamins • Especially rich in vitamins A, C, D, and K, and are good source of calcium, potassium, iron, zinc and manganese • Has been used a s a herbal remedy for gallbladder and liver problems and as a diuretic • Helps to adjust blood pressure • Normalizes blood sugar levels • Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides while raising HDL
Burdock (Arctiumlappa) • Burdock root is eaten as a vegetable in Europe and in Asia • It’s a diuretic and cleanses the blood • It is rich in fatty acids • It is diaphorelic (meaning that it increased perspiration) • Has been used to treat skin diseases, especially eczema, acne and boils
Burdock (cont’d) • It treats scurvy and rheumatic problems • Good remedy for stomach problems and long standing digestion • Known as a liver cleanser and liver tonic • Eliminates constipation • It is useful in cases of hormone imbalance, cancer and many other diseases • Burdock can metabolize hormones such as estrogen and thereby improves symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance
Aku-WM Function: • For healthy weight management Ingredients: • Green tea leaf extract • Garciniacambogia • Raspberry extract
Green tea extract (Camellia sinensis) • Changes the metabolism of body to burn more calories from fat • Studies have shown that green tea can help maintain weight following weight loss • In individuals with diabetes, helps to stabilize blood sugar • Blocks the formation of plaques that are linked to Alzheimer disease • It improves blood flow, lowers cholesterol, and adjusts blood pressure
Green tea extract (cont’d) • Prevents congestive heart failure (CHF) • Aids healthy cell formation in all stages of growth while destroying cancer cells • Green tea contains the amino acid thiamine, which has a calming effect on the body, helping to eliminated depression • It is also abundant in catechins that have anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, thus is beneficial in treatment of everything from influenza to cancer • Green tea also helps to fight off wrinkles and other sign of aging due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity
Garciniacambogia(Garciniagammi-gutta) • Considered a magic herb for weight loss • Contains hydroxicitric acid which is an anti-obesity agent • Inhibits fat production • Is a purgative and curbs appetite • Has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties
Garciniacambogia(Garciniagammi-gutta) • Fights the symptoms of aging • Also a great source of energy • Can be used for treating many gastrointestinal diseases • Has an excellent remedy for constipation and rheumatism
Raspberry fruit extract (Rubusidaeus) • Eliminates toxic material of liver and kidneys • Cleanses the blood and is rich in iron • Helps with expulsion of baby at childbirth • Contains many antioxidant such as ellagitannins, flavonoids, cyaniding and pelargonidin • Also, is a good antacid and a very strong tonic