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Bb. B. b. 1. Using the picture above, explain Mendel’s Law of Segregation. T. s. TT. TT. 2. Why is this Punnett square set up incorrectly?. 3. Why is this Punnett square set up incorrectly?. t. Tt. Tt. S. Di-hybrid crosses. Section 10.1 Summary – pages 253-262.
Bb B b 1. Using the picture above, explain Mendel’s Law of Segregation. T s TT TT 2. Why is this Punnett square set up incorrectly? 3. Why is this Punnett square set up incorrectly? t Tt Tt S
Di-hybrid crosses Section 10.1 Summary – pages 253-262 • Remember, Mendel performed experiments on pea plants that only differed in one trait: HEIGHT • Mendel then decided to perform another set of crosses in which he used peas that differed from each other only in TWO traits rather than one.
Di-hybrid crosses These experiments were called Di-hybrid crosses: • Dimeans “two” - because there were only two differences • Hybrid because the parents were different from each other (in two ways) • Cross because he chose the parents to breed with each other The pea plants were the same in every way, EXCEPT PEA SHAPE (round, wrinkled) and PEA COLOR (yellow, green)
THE TWO DIFFERENCES Section 10.1 Summary – pages 253-262 • In pea plants: Round is Dominant “R” and Wrinkled is Recessive “r” Yellow is Dominant “Y” and Green is Recessive “y” RR YY rr yy Mendel took pure-bred plants with round yellow peas and crossed them with pure-bred plants with wrinkled green seeds.
What happened with the first generation of offspring? Section 10.1 Summary – pages 253-262 P1- Parents F1- first generation of offspring F2- 2nd generation of offspring What happened with the second generation of offspring?
The Law of Independent Assortment Section 10.1 Summary – pages 253-262 • The Law of Independent Assortment states: genes for different traits—(for example, eye shape and eye color)— are inherited independently of each other. bb Bb rr RR Bb Rr
Punnett Square of Dihybrid Cross Section 10.1 Summary – pages 253-262 Dihybrid crosses Gametes from RrYy parent RY Ry rY ry RRYy RRYY RrYY RrYy RY • A Punnett square for a dihybrid cross will need to be four boxes on each side for a total of 16 boxes. RRYy RRYy RrYy Rryy Ry Gametes from RrYy parent rrYy RrYY RrYy rrYY rY RrYy rrYy Rryy rryy ry
Remember with the Law of Segregation in a mono-hybrid cross, you had to separate the alleles because you can only pass ONE ALLELE FOR EACH TRAIT on to your offspring. Section 10.1 Summary – pages 253-262 T t In a di-hybrid, you still only pass one allele PER trait to your offspring…. T TT Tt But remember: in a di-hybrid you have two traits…. t Tt tt RR YY R Y R Y R Y R Y
Male parent is Heterozygous for Brown eyes and Homozygous recessive for almond eyes: Let’s practice one together, then you will do one on your own. Bb rr Female parent is Homozygous recessive for Blue eyes and Heterozygous for Round eyes: bb Rr B r B r b r b r b R Bb Rr Bb Rr bb Rr bb Rr b r Bb rr Bb rr bb rr bb rr b R Bb Rr Bb Rr bb Rr bb Rr b r bb rr bb rr Bb rr Bb rr
Father, CcSs (Curly hair, Slanted eyes) CS Cs cS cs CS CCSS CCSs CcSS CcSs Cs Mother, CcSs (Curly hair, Slanted eyes) CCSs CCss CcSs Ccss cS CcSS ccSS ccSs CcSs cs CcSs Ccss ccSs ccss Head, C-curly, c-straight Eyes, S-slanted, s-straight