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42)In your problems, pray to the Holy Spirit for light and strength. 43)Pray to St. Joseph, the patron of a happy death. 44)Never be discouraged; discouragement comes from the devil. 45)You live in a pagan world; you need courage.
42)In your problems, pray to the Holy Spirit for light and strength. 43)Pray to St. Joseph, the patron of a happy death. 44)Never be discouraged; discouragement comes from the devil. 45)You live in a pagan world; you need courage. 46)Always keep a religious picture in your home. 47)Follow the Mass with a prayer book. 48)Take things from God, not for granted, but with gratitude. 49)Read books which bring you closer to God. 50)Pick out such friends as to bring you closer to God. 51)Forgive injuries, as God forgives you. 52)When sad, think of the joys of Heaven which await you. 53)Fear sin, because it can destroy you in hell. 54)Hate sin because it is ingratitude to God. 55)Be loyal to God, your Church, your country. 56)Try to know your religion well and live it well. 57)Never be ashamed of your True Catholic Faith. 58)Have great respect for priests, who take God’s place. 59)Often say: “Lord, increase my Faith.” 60)Your Guardian Angel is always with you. • 1) Make frequent use of holy water. • 2) Often use exclamations like Jesus, • Mary, and Joseph. • 3) Love the Mass, the greatest thing in • your life. • 4) Frequent Communion means God • is often in your heart. • 5) Remember Holiness and • Cheerfulness go together. • 6) Your good life and example is a • real good sermon. • 7) By your Morning offering you offer • up the whole day. • Always bow your head at the name of Jesus. • Always carry a Rosary -- pray the Rosary daily. • 10)Look at a Crucifix; think, How God loves me. • 11)Don’t pass a church without saying “hello” to God. • 12)Learn to make a little sacrifice each day. • 13)God does not like hurry and worry. • 14)Whatever your work, always do it well for God. • 15)Be kind to all people, to please • God. • 16)All through life, help the poor. • 17)Visit the sick to please God. • 18)You must help priests win back • fallen-away Catholics. • 19)Try to lead others to the true • Church. • 20)Do a little Catholic reading • everyday. 21)Follow Our Lord’s footsteps by saying the Stations. 22)Pray for those dying today in mortal sin. 23)Remember to pray for the poor souls in Purgatory. 24)Begin and end the day right with prayer. 25)Be patient in troubles, big and small. 26)The Blessed Mother is your Mother --- pray to Her. 27)Be happier in knowing God then in knowing anything else. 28)Be considerate of others’ feelings and wishes. 29)Follow God’s wishes, rather than your own. 30)Do some act of kindness each day. 31)Never go where your Guardian Angel would not feel at home. 32)Your motto: Always a Christian gentleman (lady). 33)Smile your way to Heaven. 34)Avoid persons, places, things which lead to sin. 35)Try to go regularly to one confessor. 36)Be careful not to waste precious time. 37)Remember your soul is more important than your body. 38)Pray to the saint after whom you are named. 39)When you see something beautiful, remember God is more so. 40)Join up with some (traditional) parish society. 41)Guard your tongue against unclean and uncharitable speech.
Advice For A Happy Life