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Data Compilation Issues for Electricity and Heat

This workshop provides an overview of global trends in electricity production from 1973 to 2009, as well as the data compilation issues associated with electricity and heat statistics. It explores the consistency of data, fuel shares, and the supply and demand chain of electricity and heat.

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Data Compilation Issues for Electricity and Heat

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  1. Data Compilation Issues for Electricity and Heat Energy Statistics WorkshopBeijing, China, Sept. 2012 Pierre Boileau International Energy Agency

  2. OVERVIEW • Global trends in electricity production 1973 – 2009 • Electricity and Heat Data Compilation Issues • Data consistency checks

  3. Global Trends in Electricity Production 1973 - 2009 2009 1973 Electricity usage patterns have changed over 35 years

  4. Global Trends in Electricity Production 2009 1973 6,115 TWh 20,055 TWh Global electricity generation more than triples in 36 years

  5. WORLD FUEL SHARES OF ELECTRICITY 1973 2009 ≈ 6,115 TWh 20,181 TWh Coal remains the major fuel source for electricity despite the increased shares from other sources

  6. Used for Heat Pumps andElectric Boilers producing Heat Sold Transmission and Distribution Losses Exports Transport Industry ResidentialCommercialAgriculture Imports Used for Pumped Storage ELECTRICITY AND HEAT SUPPLY & DEMAND CHAIN Consumption Supply Combustible Fuels Heat from chem. proc. Energy Sector Own Use Hydro Geothermal GrossProduction NetProduction Total Consumption Nuclear Solar Tide, Wave or Ocean Other

  7. Used for Heat Pumps andElectric Boilers producing Heat Sold Transmission and Distribution Losses Exports Transport Industry ResidentialCommercialAgriculture Imports Used for Pumped Storage TABLE 1 - Gross electricity and heat production ELECTRICITY AND HEAT STATISTICS Combustible Fuels Heat from chem. proc. Energy Sector Own Use Hydro Geothermal GrossProduction NetProduction Total Consumption Nuclear Solar Tide, Wave or Ocean Other

  8. Electricity and Heat Production Gross Electricity - the sum of the electrical energy produced by all of the generating sets (including pumped storage) measured at the output terminals of the main generators. Gross Heat - is the heat produced by the installation, including the heat used by the installation’s auxiliaries which use a hot fluid (for activities such as space heating) and losses in the installation/network heat exchanges, as well as heat from chemical processes used as a primary energy form. Plant Boundary Gross Electricity Gross Heat

  9. WORLD FUEL SHARES OF ELECTRICITY 1973 2009 68.4% 6,115 TWh 20,181 TWh

  10. Used for Heat Pumps andElectric Boilers producing Heat Sold Transmission and Distribution Losses Exports Transport Industry ResidentialCommercialAgriculture Imports Used for Pumped Storage Gross electricity and heat production ELECTRICITY AND HEAT STATISTICS Combustible Fuels Heat from chem. proc. Energy Sector Own Use Hydro Geothermal GrossProduction NetProduction Total Consumption Nuclear Solar Tide, Wave or Ocean Other

  11. Gross Outputs Inputs GROSS ELECTRICITY AND HEAT PRODUCTION FROM COMBUSTIBLE FUELS Gross Heat Combustible Fuels Gross Electricity • Coal and coal products • Oil • Natural gas • Biofuels and wastes Report in both physical units and TJ = average NCV for the fuels

  12. Used for Heat Pumps andElectric Boilers producing Heat Sold Transmission and Distribution Losses Exports Transport Industry ResidentialCommercialAgriculture Imports Used for Pumped Storage Net electricity and heat production ELECTRICITY AND HEAT STATISTICS Combustible Fuels Heat from chem. proc. Energy Sector Own Use Hydro Geothermal GrossProduction NetProduction Total Consumption Nuclear Solar Tide, Wave or Ocean Other

  13. Electricity and Heat Production • Net Electricity • the gross electricity production • Net Heat • Is the heat supplied to the distribution system as determined from measurements of the outgoing and return flows less the electrical energy absorbed by the generating auxiliaries and the losses in the main generator transformers. Plant Boundary Net Gross Electricity Gross Heat

  14. Electricity and Heat Production Gross Electricity - the sum of the electrical energy produced by all of the generating sets (including pumped storage) measured at the output terminals of the main generators. Gross Heat - is the heat produced by the installation, including the heat used by the installation’s auxiliaries which use a hot fluid (for activities such as space heating) and losses in the installation/network heat exchanges, as well as heat from chemical processes used as a primary energy form. • Gross production -? =Net production • Own Use • Net Electricity • the gross electricity production • Net Heat • Is the heat supplied to the distribution system as determined from measurements of the outgoing and return flows less the electrical energy absorbed by the generating auxiliaries and the losses in the main generator transformers.

  15. Gross Electricity – all the electricity produced Gross Heat – all the heat produced Own Use – amount consumed to support the operations of the plant Net Electricity - is the electricity sent to the grid Net Heat – refers to heat sold to third parties Electricity and Heat Production Plant Boundary Gross Own Use Net

  16. Electricity and Heat Production • Gross production -? =Net production • Own Use • Autoproducers • HEAT: • Own use of heat used by the autoproducer plant is not collected • Only heat sold to third parties is reported  Gross Heat = Net Heat • Gross Heat production =Net Heat production Plant Boundary • Autoproducer CHP and Heat Plants Gross Own Use Net

  17. Difference BETWEEN ELECTRICITY and heat • Gross Electricity production -=Net Electricity production • Own Use • Gross Heat production -=Net Heat production • Own Use • Gross Electricity production -=Net Electricity production • Own Use • Gross Heat production =Net Heat production

  18. Used for Heat Pumps andElectric Boilers producing Heat Sold Transmission and Distribution Losses Exports Transport Industry ResidentialCommercialAgriculture Imports Used for Pumped Storage Net electricity and heat production ELECTRICITY AND HEAT STATISTICS Combustible Fuels Heat from chem. proc. Energy Sector Own Use Hydro Geothermal Total Consumption GrossProduction NetProduction Nuclear Solar Tide, Wave or Ocean Other

  19. Used for Heat Pumps andElectric Boilers producing Heat Sold Transmission and Distribution Losses Exports Transport Industry Net Capacities ResidentialCommercialAgriculture Imports Used for Pumped Storage Table 2: Net electricity and heat production ELECTRICITY AND HEAT STATISTICS Typically about 15% of supply for Heat Combustible Fuels Heat from chem. proc. Energy Sector Own Use Hydro Geothermal Total Consumption GrossProduction NetProduction Nuclear Solar Tide, Wave or Ocean Other

  20. Used for Heat Pumps andElectric Boilers producing Heat Sold Transmission and Distribution Losses Exports Transport Industry ResidentialCommercialAgriculture Imports Used for Pumped Storage Net electricity and heat production by Autoproducer ELECTRICITY AND HEAT STATISTICS Combustible Fuels Heat from chem. proc. Energy Sector Own Use Hydro Geothermal GrossProduction NetProduction Total Consumption Nuclear Industry Solar ResidentialCommercialAgriculture Tide, Wave or Ocean Other


  22. Used for Heat Pumps andElectric Boilers producing Heat Sold Transmission and Distribution Losses Transport Industry ResidentialCommercialAgriculture Used for Pumped Storage Trade ELECTRICITY AND HEAT STATISTICS Combustible Fuels Industry Heat from chem. proc. Energy Sector Own Use Exports Hydro Geothermal GrossProduction NetProduction Total Consumption Nuclear Solar Imports Tide, Wave or Ocean Other

  23. Reported differently from trade of most other fuels: • Physical amounts (not final destination) • Equals amounts crossing borders either on land or underwater • Example: • Physical electricity trade data for Spain is accounted for only with: • France • Portugal • Morocco (underwater cable) • X not Germany • Exercise IMPORTS AND EXPORTS €

  24. Used for Heat Pumps andElectric Boilers producing Heat Sold Transmission and Distribution Losses Used for Pumped Storage ELECTRICITY AND HEAT STATISTICS Energy and Industry Sector Consumption (Table 4) Supply Consumption Combustible Fuels Heat from chem. proc. Energy Sector Own Use Exports Hydro Geothermal Total Consumption GrossProduction NetProduction Nuclear Industry Solar ResidentialCommercialAgriculture Imports Tide, Wave or Ocean Other

  25. ELECTRICITY AND HEAT STATISTICS Supply Consumption Used for Heat Pumps andElectric Boilers producing Heat Sold Combustible Fuels Electricity/Heat for further Electricity/Heat production Heat from chem. proc. Energy Sector Own Use Transmission and Distribution Losses Exports Hydro Transport Geothermal GrossProduction NetProduction Total Consumption Nuclear Industry Solar ResidentialCommercialAgriculture Imports Tide, Wave or Ocean Used for Pumped Storage Other

  26. Table 3 Electricity Electricity and Heat and Heat Supply Supply and and Consumption Consumption Combustible Combustible fuel Inputs fuel Inputs from other from other annual annual questionnaires questionnaires ELECTRICITY & HEAT OVERALL PICTURE Total Gross Table 8 Imports by Table 7b Total Imports Net Maximum Origin / Exports Imports by Electrical Capacity of Net Maximum Total Exports by Destination Origin / Exports Combustible Fuels Electrical Capacity of by Destination Combustible Fuels Total Energy Table 4 Consumption in Table 7a Sector Consumption in Industry and Net Maximum Net Maximum Industry and Energy Sectors Electrical Capacity and Utilisation rate Total Industry Electrical Capacity and Energy Sectors Peak Load Sector Peak Load Total Net Total Combustible \ Fuels Production Table 2 Net Production Total Net Production Table 5 Autoproducer Net Production by Net Production by Autoproducers Autoproducers Total Table 1 Production Gross Combustible Inputs to Gross Fuels Gross Production Table 6 Gross Production Production Production Gross Production from from Combustible Fuels Combustible Fuels

  27. Used for Heat Pumps andElectric Boilers producing Heat Sold Transmission and Distribution Losses Exports Transport Industry ResidentialCommercialAgriculture Imports Used for Pumped Storage Technical Characteristics ELECTRICITY AND HEAT STATISTICS Combustible Fuels Heat from chem. proc. Energy Sector Own Use Hydro Geothermal GrossProduction NetProduction Total Consumption Nuclear Solar Net Capacities Tide, Wave or Ocean Other

  28. Internal Consistency – (checks between tables internally) • External Consistency (comparison with other questionnaires) • Data Relationship Analysis • Ratio of gross to net generation • Ranges of calorific values • Capacity factors • Distribution losses vs. energy supplied • Own use vs. total production • Efficiencies • Fluctuations in time series data  rationale? DATA VERIFICATION

  29. energy efficiency indicators • Main activity power plant efficiency • CHP power plant efficiency • Share of generation from renewable fuels • Share of generation from fossil fuels • Electricity/GDP ratio • Electricity per capita

  30. THANK YOU ELEAQ@iea.org

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