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The Export Energy Efficiency Initiative in Germany

The Export Energy Efficiency Initiative in Germany. April 2 nd , 2012 in Ljubljana, Slovenia Antje Kramer eclareon GmbH Management Consultants on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. On the Importance of Energy Efficiency in Buildings.

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The Export Energy Efficiency Initiative in Germany

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Export Energy Efficiency Initiative in Germany April 2nd, 2012 in Ljubljana, Slovenia Antje Kramereclareon GmbH Management Consultants on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology

  2. On the Importance of Energy Efficiency in Buildings

  3. Final energy consumption in Germany 2010 Trade: 16 % Industry: 28 % Heating: 72 % Households: 28 % Transport: 28 % Hot water: 13 % Electricappliancesandlighting: 15 % Source: dena, 2011

  4. 75% Households Commercial Units 37% 33% 19% 13% 12% 11% 0% 0% 0% Heating Lighting Hot Water Cooling Services Share of energy consumption in households and commercial buildings in Germany Source: BDEW

  5. How to implement energy efficiency in buildings?

  6. Energy efficiency aspects in buildings 1. Geographical position Source: Brochure „Bauen für die Zukunft“, published by German Energy Agency (dena)

  7. 1. Geographical position • Exposed position  energy losses through wind • Shadow makes passive use of solar radiation impossible • Northward windows  higher energy needs Source: Brochure „Bauen für die Zukunft“, published by German Energy Agency (dena)

  8. Energy efficiency aspects in buildings 2. Type of building 1. Geographical position Source: Brochure „Bauen für die Zukunft“, published by German Energy Agency (dena)

  9. 2. Type of building Comparison of primary energy need of different types of (new) buildings kwh/m² p.a. Single-family house End-terrace house Mid-terrace house Source: Brochure „Bauen für die Zukunft“, published by German Energy Agency (dena)

  10. Energy efficiency aspects in buildings 2. Type of building 1. Geographical position 3. Building materials and insulation Source: Brochure „Bauen für die Zukunft“, published by German Energy Agency (dena)

  11. 3. Building materials & thermal insulation Ventilation 20% Roof 30% Walls 25% Windows 13% Thermal bridge 5% Ground 7%

  12. 3. Building materials & thermal insulation The same insulation effect have: Insulating material Aerated concrete or light honeycomb bricks Coniferous wood Straw clay Full clinker Concrete Source: Brochure „Bauen für die Zukunft“, published by German Energy Agency; original source from „eza!“

  13. Energy efficiency aspects in buildings 2. Type of building 1. Geographical position 4. Windows 3. Building materials and insulation Source: Brochure „Bauen für die Zukunft“, published by German Energy Agency (dena)

  14. 4. Windows Layer reflectingheat Surface temperature ofwindow: -1,0°C Surface temperature ofwindow: +15,7°C Source: Ludwig Häussler GmbH Source: IWU

  15. Energy efficiency aspects in buildings 2. Type of building 1. Geographical position 4. Windows 3. Building materials and insulation Source: Brochure „Bauen für die Zukunft“, published by German Energy Agency (dena) 5. Ventilation

  16. 5. Ventilation Simple form ofventilation Mechanicalextractventilation (MEV) Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR)

  17. Energy efficiency aspects in buildings 2. Type of building 1. Geographical position 4. Windows 3. Building materials and insulation 6. Heating systems Source: Brochure „Bauen für die Zukunft“, published by German Energy Agency (dena) 5. Ventilation

  18. 6. Heating - several options to use Renewable Energies Combined heat and power unit (CHP) Wood heating Solar thermal heating Heat pump Source: GMW Ingenieurbüro, 2007

  19. 7. Quality of planning, design and installation Consulting & Support Planning After-sales quality assessment Installation

  20. Energy efficiency aspects in buildings – Developments Not Insulated Building Passive House Source: WIKIPEDIA, Lutz Weidner, PHI & Scherz &Scherz Architekten

  21. Energy efficiency aspects in buildings – Developments Zero Energy House Plus Energy House Source: Wikipedia, www.das-energieportal.de

  22. The Companies

  23. Participating German Companies

  24. Thank you for your attention! eclareon GmbHAntje KramerLuisenstraße 4110117 BerlinTel: +49 30 246 286 90Fax: +49 30 246 286 94Internetseite: http://www.eclareon.com

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