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BENIGN OVARIAN TUMORS. King Khalid University Hospital Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology Course 482. Ovaries are normally not palpable in pre-menarche, and after the menopause In the reproductive age group ovaries are palpable in the lean pts. Ovarian size of different age groups
BENIGN OVARIAN TUMORS King Khalid University Hospital Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology Course 482
Ovaries are normally not palpable in pre-menarche, and after the menopause • In the reproductive age group ovaries are palpable in the lean pts. • Ovarian size of different age groups Premenopause 3.5 x 2 x 1.5 cm Early menopause 1 – 2 yrs 2 x 1.5x0.5cm Late menopause 2-5yrs 1.5x0.75x0.5cm
If the ovaries are palpable in any of the age groups when it is not supposed to be through investigations and work up should be carried out • OVARIAN CYSTS CAN BE CLASSIFIED AS FOLLOWS: • I. Functional Benign • II Neoplastic borderline Malignant
FUNCTIONAL OVARIAN CYSTS INCLUDES: a. Follicular cysts b. Corpus luteum cysts c. Theca luten cysts BENIGN OVARIAN NEOPLASM 1. Serous cystadenoma 2. Mucinous cystadenoma 3. Endometrioma 4. Dermoid cysts 5. Fibroma
FUNCTIONAL CYSTS • These are cysts related to ovarian function i.e. the process of ovulation • They are the most common detected cysts in the reproductive age group • Can reach up to 10 cm in diameter • Resolve spontaneously.
Follicular cysts results from the growth of a follicle that does not rupture • Corpus luteum cyst results from Hge inside a corpus luteum • Theca luteum cysts result from over stimulation of the ovary by HCG. common in molar pregnancy, choriocarcinoma and reproductive technology
Benign ovarian neoplasia - 80% of ovarian neoplasm are benign - Benign ovarian neoplasm can be solid or cystic
Serous Cystadenoma (Commonest) - Usually are not very large - unilocular or multilocular - smooth surface - fluid filled
MUCINOUS CYSTADENOMA - May reach very large size - Filled with thick mucinous material - Perforation may lead to a serious condition called pseudomyxoma peritonei for which chemotherapy may be needed. • ENDOMETRIOMA (Chocolate cysts) - Associated with endometriosis
DERMOID CYSTS OR BENIGN CYSTIC TERATOMA - Usually small and may be bilateral - Contain sebum, hair, teeth etc. - Contains elements from endoderm mesoderm and ectoderm - Can change into malignant teratoma - Avoid spilling of contents which leads to chemical peritonitis
FIBROMA - Firm in consistency * Meigs syndrome Ovarian fibroma + ascites, hydrothorax following removal of fibroma, there is spontaneous resolution of ascites and hydrothorax
Clinical signs and symptoms of ovarian masses: 1. abdominal girth 2. Abdominal discomfort 3. Pressure symptoms bladder bowel 4. Acute abdomen due to - Haemorrhage - Rupture - Torsion 5. Asymptomatic coincidental finding
RADIOLOGICAL FEATURES OF BENIGN OVARIAN MASSES: 1. Unilocular 2. Smooth surface 3. No solid elements 4. No external or internal outgrowth 5. No ascites 6. Unilateral 7. Normal doppler flow
CLINICAL FEATURES OF BENIGN OVARIAN TUMORS Unilateral Cystic Mobile No ascites No cul de-sac nodules Slow or no growth
EVALUATION OF THE PATIENT WITH ADNEXAL MASS. Complete Hx and physical exam + Tumour markers U/S CT scan or MRI Laparoscopy or laparotomy accordingly
INDICATIOONS FOR SURGERY Persistant Ovarian cyst >5 cm Sypmtomatic ( pain or pressure or infertility ) Suspicion of malignancy Surgery either laparoscopy or laparotomy Either cystectomy or Oophrectomy according to age, fertility desire and malignancy index
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