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BIOMES. Terrestrial Biomes – large land ecosystems with characteristic plants and climate (temp./rainfall) Plants are the foundation of ecosystems. Energy enters an ecosystem through it’s plants and photosynthetic organisms (like algae, bacteria).

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  2. Terrestrial Biomes – large land ecosystems with characteristic plants and climate (temp./rainfall) Plants are the foundation of ecosystems. Energy enters an ecosystem through it’s plants and photosynthetic organisms (like algae, bacteria).

  3. A biome’s climate is the limiting factor that determines which plants can survive there. The type of plants in a biome determine the type of animals which can survive there. Energy flows from producers, to consumers, to the decomposers.

  4. Biotic Groups – Autotrophs and Heterotrophs 1. Bacteria Kingdoms Archaebacteria/Eubacteria – 2. Kingdom Protista – algae, protozoan, etc. 3. Kingdom Plantae – all plants 4. Kingdom Animalia – all animals 5. Kingdom Fungi – all mushrooms, mold, yeast, etc.

  5. Tundra Located near the poles Permafrost – area just below the soil surface that stays permanently frozen

  6. Tundra

  7. Tundra Rainfall – light Summer temperature – 34oF Mosses, lichens, grasses Reindeer, foxes, artic wolves, lemmings

  8. Taiga/Boreal Forest/Coniferous Forest

  9. Taiga http://www.scsc.k12.ar.us/2005outwest/Projects/Coniferous%20Forest/default.htm

  10. Taiga/Coniferous forest Found above 60o N latitude Medium rainfall Summer temperature - 54oF

  11. Taiga Trees produce cones – conifers spruce, fir, pines (Christmas Trees) They have cones and keep their needles all winter Moose, black bears, lynx, wolverines

  12. Temperate Deciduous Forest

  13. Temperate Deciduous Forest

  14. Temperate Deciduous Forest http://www.marietta.edu/~biol/biomes/tempded.htm 20o – 60o N latitudes Summer temperature – 75oF Medium Rainfall

  15. Temperate Deciduous Forest Trees change colors in the fall and lose their leaves in the winter. Oaks, poplars, sweet gum, sycamores Deer, rabbits, squirrels, raccoon, opossums

  16. Grassland

  17. Grassland

  18. Grassland http://www.bcgrasslands.org/library/world.htm Middle latitudes Low rainfall Average summer temperature – 70oF Grass dominant plant

  19. Grassland Sunflower, goldenrods, clover Bison, pronghorn antelopes, prairie dogs The Midwest is considered the bread basket of America because of the large amount of wheat (a grass) grown there.

  20. Desert

  21. Desert

  22. Desert http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/deserts/what/world.html 0o – 20o latitude Very little rain 86oF

  23. Desert Cacti , sage-brush, mesquite http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/plants/types/cactus/ Kangaroo rat, snakes, lizards, birds, insects

  24. Rainforest

  25. Rainforest

  26. Rainforest http://www.marietta.edu/~biol/biomes/troprain.htm Found near equators A lot of rainfall/humid 77oF

  27. Rainforest Tall trees with dense canopies Lots of biodiversity - plants and animals

  28. Aquatic Ecosystems – Freshwater

  29. Freshwater Ecosystems Rivers, lakes, marshes, swamps Lots of variation in plants and animals from freshwater ecosystem to another

  30. Aquatic Ecosystems - Marine - saltwater

  31. Marine Ecosystems – 3 distinct areas • Intertidal zone – shoreline between low and high tide – available light and nutrients but most stressed because of changing tides 2. Pelagic zone – 0-200 m – light available – lots of organisms 3. Benthic – ocean floor – bacteria, worms, crabs

  32. Aquatic Ecosystems – Estuary – freshwater meets saltwater

  33. http://www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/farabee/BIOBK/BioBookcommecosys.htmlhttp://www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/farabee/BIOBK/BioBookcommecosys.html http://www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/farabee/BIOBK/BioBookcommecosys.html http://www-pub.naz.edu:9000/~jwitten2/about.htm

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