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DISCOVERING THE NATURE OF THE DARK MATTER. Vu Huy Toan - Vietnam Academy of science and technology - Construction Machinery and Industrial Works CONINCO Joint Stock Company (CONINCO-MI) No.4 Ton That Tung, Hanoi, Vietnam. Email: vuhuytoan@conincomi.vn. CONTENTS. I - INTRODUCTION
DISCOVERING THE NATURE OF THE DARK MATTER Vu Huy Toan - Vietnam Academy of science and technology - Construction Machinery and Industrial Works CONINCO Joint Stock Company (CONINCO-MI) No.4 Ton That Tung, Hanoi, Vietnam. Email: vuhuytoan@conincomi.vn
CONTENTS • I - INTRODUCTION • 1- What is the dark matter? • 2- The accepted postulates • 3- The total energy of physical objects in the potential force field • II - NATURE OF THE DARK MATTER • 1- What is the photon? • 2- Photon is the reason for the fast rotary of a galaxy • III - CONCLUSIONS • V - ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
I-1. WHAT IS THE DARK MATTER? • When observing the movement of the stars in the galaxy, Mr. Jan Oort [1] discovered that the stars are far from the centre of galaxy do not rotate slowdown as the calculation of Newton’s mechanics but nearly do not change, and this phenomenon is observed in all galaxies. See the Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 B - B – The observation Rotary speed A - A - The calculation without dark matter Distance Figure 1 Figure 2
I-1. WHAT IS THE DARK MATTER? Figure 3. Some body assume that galaxies Abell 222 and Abell 223 are connected by the dark matter fibre. However, it is wrong! In own report, the author would like to proof that the existance of the abnormal rotate of galaxies are not caused by any “dark” matter but only the “visible” matter in the universe, it is just photons.
m m I-2. THE ACCEPTED POSTULATES • Postulate 1: All physical objects interdependently exist. • Until now, the physics only consider every thing according to the opposite concept that "existence itself" accordingly, allowing the existence of a physical object (PO) isolating completely, unique in the universe, with mass m and then from there to consider its movement under action of a force by the laws of dynamics. F =ma m – isolated body Y IT IS WRONG Figure 7. Free space X 0 Z
I-2. THE ACCEPTED POSTULATIONS • “The interdependent existence” is shown for 3 aspects: Thus, it can be said that the universe "within every PO" is not wrong and that is also true for any other object and for this reason, they are interdependent. Both the two the “body” and “field” parts related to each other dialectical: The more the energy of this part increases, the more the energy of other one reduces and vice versa • 1a. Aspect of a form: • Formally, every PO consists of 2 parts: - A “body” part with the limited size (r) which we can “see” and • The “field” part with the unlimited size (R ∞) which we cannot “see”. Field Field Field R Body ∞ r Field Field Figure 8. “Physical object” = “Body” + “Field”
I-2. THE ACCEPTED POSTULATES • 1b. Aspect of the content: “Interaction” • Every PO can mutual interact with other PO – it is simple because “You are in me and I am also in you”. • This interdependent existence” has the internal cause, it is the “interaction”; M2 M1 M3 M4 Interaction of Physical object Figure 9.
I-2. THE ACCEPTED POSTULATES • 1c. Aspect of a manifestation mode: • Both the above form and contents lead to a most common manifestation mode for every PO that, by our subjective awareness, we call a “mass” with two types: • - “Gravitational mass” (we will symbol by Mi) characterize for an interaction ability of each PO and • - “Inertial mass” (we will symbol by mik) characterize for an inertia of movement of a PO having a gravitational mass Miin a potential force field of other PO having the gravitational mass Mk. • For example, if we only pay attention to two PO with the gravitational masses M1 and M2, their inertial mass m concerns to that gravitational mass as per the formula which have been proofed by the author in the book “The New way For Physics” [3]:
I-2. THE ACCEPTED POSTULATES • In here, F12and F21 – are the gravitational forces of M1 and M2 acting on each othercorrespondingly; a12and a21 – are the relative movement accelerations of M2 and M1 with respect to each other correspondingly. Shortly: (1)
M1 M2 I-2. THE ACCEPTED POSTULATES • From (1), we can see clearly that the interdependent existence has been shown how to quantity: Only one of two gravitational masses equals zero and that PO is considered as the isolation, i.e, the inertial mass is also equals zero. Or in the other words, when one PO moves without interaction with other PO, its inertial mass will be zero(m ≡ 0). There is a truth: Non-Interaction ≡ Non-Inertia Y Potential force filed Free space M1 M2 0. m = m = 0 a =F/m = ∞ M1 0 + M2 X Z Figure 10. The interdependent existence
I-2. THE ACCEPTED POSTULATES • Postulate 2: The fundamental particles • The fundamental particles are the particles cannot be broken further into anything other, so all physical objects are composed of them. The author assumed a following postulate: • “Electron and positron are two fundamental particles; they have only electric interaction rather than gravitational interaction”.
I-3. THE TOTAL ENERGY PHYSICAL OBJECT IN THE POTENTIAL FORCE FIELD • As we know, “total energy” of a body is determined by Einstein as per the famous expression [3]: • (2) • However, people have forgot the important detail the expression (2), is not total energy of the PO, because it only consists of kinetic and internal energies, in which it does not completely contain a potential energy.
I-3. THE TOTAL ENERGY PHYSICAL OBJECT IN THE POTENTIAL FORCE FIELD • In the book “The New Way for Physics” [3], the author has proofed an expression of total energy of the PO corresponding to a most characteristic state – a freely falling state, or resting in a force field: • (3) • where Uk – the critical potential energy of the PO in the force field, i.e, the biggest potential energy that one PO can have in that force field, still maintain its structure; exceeding this value, the “body part” of the PO will be crushed by the force field. Also starting from that critical condition, the formula (3) can be written in the more simple form: • (4) • Compare (4) with the formula (2) received by Einstein for a body freely moved, we see that when calculating to potential energy in a force field, its total energy is bigger than twice.
I-3. THE TOTAL ENERGY PHYSICAL OBJECT IN THE POTENTIAL FORCE FIELD • On the other hand, according to the postulate “1a”, photon must have its “field” part far ∞ so, according to the postulate “1b”, it must have an interaction with other PO in this “field”, this interaction can be only the gravitational. In other words, photon have the gravitational interaction as any other PO that we know. While, according to the postulate “1c”, it must have gravitational mass Mph and inertial mass mph in gravitational field. We can approximately determine this minimum gravitational mass of photon based on the total energy of electron and positron to create it as per the expression (4): • As per (4), we can write for photon: • From here, we can calculate the inertial mass of photon when balancing (5) and (6): (5) (6) (kg) (7)
e- RT p+ + • From certain distance RT, atom become the neutral object II-1. WHAT IS THE PHOTON? • In the "Photon structure" Report published in the Proceedings: “Advances in Optics, Photonics, Spectroscopy & Applications VI, 2011” [4], the author showed that there are some experiments, for example, phenomena of photon decay and photon emission, evidences us the structure of photon, including two fundamental particles: electron and positron; these particles in some way, the combination of two particles with opposite charge may result in the electric neutralization from a certain distance, like atom, molecule. F = 0
E E = 0; H = 0 X c) H Electromagnetic wave E E b) X H H Orbit of e- Orbit of e+ e- X a) e+ c e- λ e+ RT R II-1. WHAT IS THE PHOTON? In the near distance, this photon creates electromagnetic field with the vector of electric-field intensity E andmagnetic-field intensity H putting as per the description of the Maxwell equations. “Photon” is the particle which have the structure from electron and positron both turning around the center of the common inertia and moving with the light speed c (see Fig. 4a) At the limited distance RT far from the movement axis X, photon do not interact with other electric charges and from the distance R ≥ RT, it does not have the inertial mass in the electromagnetic field, i.e, its inertial mass must be zero. Figure 4. Motion of a photon created the “electromagnetic wave”.
II.2 - PHOTON IS THE REASON FOR THE FAST ROTARY OF A GALAXY • Up to now, the modern physics still assume that photon do not have the rest mass, its relative mass is too small and calculated as per the formula of Einstein: • where h ≈ 6,63x10-34 Js – Planck constant; c ≈ 3x108 m/s – the speed of light in the vacuum; v – frequency of photon. They estimate that there are about 500 microwave photons in each cm3 in the space among galaxies or N = 5x108 photon/m3 [8]. While, the density of photon as per the mass is only by: (8)
II.2 - PHOTON IS THE REASON FOR THE FAST ROTARY OF A GALAXY • If the frequency of microwave photon is average about 1010 Hz, in each m3 have ~4x10–32 kg photons. While, the average matterdensity of universe is ~10–27kg/m3 [8], ie, is bigger than thousand times. May be because of that reason, photons have been ignored? • However, if we draw mph from (7) and place it into (9) with the numerical value we obtain a density of photons ρp0 ~ 10–22 kg, that means, it is bigger than the matter density of thousand times.
II.2 - PHOTON IS THE REASON FOR THE FAST ROTARY OF A GALAXY • We will evaluate concretely: Assuming that the matter distribution in the galaxy with the simple form is the black hole in the center with the mass of M0, the stars and interstellar dust with the density ρs = const up to the radius Rs (see the Fig. 3).
II.2 - PHOTON IS THE REASON FOR THE FAST ROTARY OF A GALAXY Z Rs Ri M0 Y Ri+1 r X Figure 5. The model of matter distribution in a galaxy
II.2 - PHOTON IS THE REASON FOR THE FAST ROTARY OF A GALAXY • In the fig. 6, the density distribution of matter and photons in galaxy is demonstrated.
II.2 - PHOTON IS THE REASON FOR THE FAST ROTARY OF A GALAXY • While, the gravitational mass of the matter quantity contain in the globe with the radius r < Rs will be: • From this radius (R > Rs), assuming that the matter density reduce as per the formula: • where a – anyconstant. (9) (10)
II.2 - PHOTON IS THE REASON FOR THE FAST ROTARY OF A GALAXY • Simply, we can divide the galaxy into the globe thin-layers with the thickness of (Ri+1 – Ri) and assuming that the matter density in the scope of each thin-layer ρsi+1 ≈ const, so we can calculate the matter mass contain in each thin-layer as per the normal way but cannot to use a complex integral: • Thus, the total mass in the globe with the radius R > Rs will be: (11) (12)
II.2 - PHOTON IS THE REASON FOR THE FAST ROTARY OF A GALAXY • On the other hand, we also assume that the density of photon ρps = const in the radius Rs, and outside this radius it also reduce as per the exponential function rule as per the distance to the center of galaxy from the value ρps ≈ 2x10–22 kg/m3 as above mentioned: • where • with – is the density of photons in the space among galaxies; b – constant. (13)
II.2 - PHOTON IS THE REASON FOR THE FAST ROTARY OF A GALAXY • In the scope of galaxy (<Rs) where the stars and interstellar dust concentrate essentially, photon density is higher in comparison with its density in the space among galaxies because photons always produced from the stars and reduce their density as per the distance. While, similar to the matter form as above mentioned, we also have the gravitational mass of photon contain the globe with the r < Rs: • I (14)
II.2 - PHOTON IS THE REASON FOR THE FAST ROTARY OF A GALAXY • In the scope of outside radius Rs, we also do similar to the type of other matter and so the mass of photon in the globe with the radius R will be: • While, we can calculate the total matter quantity of matter and photons in the globe with the radius R as well as centripetal force due to that total quantity effects to a star with the mass M. (15)
II.2 - PHOTON IS THE REASON FOR THE FAST ROTARY OF A GALAXY • a) In a distancer < Rs • - From (9) and (14), we have the total mass Mr∑: • From a balance condition between centripetal and centrifugal forces, we take out a rotary speed Vr of the star in the radius r: (16) (17)
II.2 - PHOTON IS THE REASON FOR THE FAST ROTARY OF A GALAXY • b) AtRs • - From (4) and (10), we have the total mass Ms∑: • - From a balance condition between centripetal and centrifugal forces, we take out a rotary speed Vs of star in the radius Rs: (18) (19)
II.2 - PHOTON IS THE REASON FOR THE FAST ROTARY OF A GALAXY • c) In a distanceR > Rs: • - From (7) and (11), we have the total mass Ms∑: • And the rotary speed: • The calculation of rotary speed of galaxy is realized by Excel program on a computer for the cases which count not mass of photons (VA) out and count that mass but with a different density distribution level of matter and photons, we have VB corresponded to the case when a = 3; b = 0,038 and VC corresponded to the case when a = 1,5 ; b = 0,02 while all other parameters are the same. (20) (21)
II.2 - PHOTON IS THE REASON FOR THE FAST ROTARY OF A GALAXY • I one case, We have Vb (correspondence to the case when a = 7; b = 0,05) and in other case, it is Vc (correspondence to the case when a = 1,5 ; b = 0,035) while the other dimensions are the same. From here, we know that the calculation of gravitational mass of photon as per this new way is completely suitable to the observation result of astronomy: The shape of Vb is coincided with the shape of B on the Fig. 1a, the shape of Vc coincided with the shape of B on the Fig. 1b. Figue 1a Figue 1b
IV - CONCLUSIONS • 1- It is necessary to accept the postulates: • - Every physical object interdependently exist and that existence is shown through the form “body – field”, the content “interaction” and the dynamic characteristics “mass” with two different types, but it has the causality relation together: “gravitational mass” (M), or “interaction mass”, and “inertial mass” (m). • - Electron and positron are the fundamental particles and only appear in the electric interaction but without the gravitational interaction…
IV - CONCLUSIONS • 2- It is clear that, the so-called “dark matter” has been shown one’s face: It is just the photons flooding in the Universe made the galaxies rotating much more extraordinarily with the different modes depend to the distribution characteristic of matter as well as photons in that galaxies.
V - ACKNOWLEDGMENT • The author is grateful to Professor Nguyen Dai Hung, Director of Institute of Physics (Academy of Sciences and Technology of Vietnam) for his highly valuable assistance and honest encouragement to finish this work.
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