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Firebird Genius

Firebird Genius. Team 13. INTRODUCTION. Objectives. Competitors. System Design. APIs. Novelty. Revenue Model. Revenue Model. Future Plan. User Profiles Expand the Map Add more products Car buy and sell Dedicated mobile app. Team members & Roles. Ashwin Govindaraj.

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Firebird Genius

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Firebird Genius Team 13


  3. Objectives

  4. Competitors

  5. System Design

  6. APIs

  7. Novelty

  8. Revenue Model

  9. Revenue Model

  10. Future Plan • User Profiles • Expand the Map • Add more products • Car buy and sell • Dedicated mobile app

  11. Team members & Roles AshwinGovindaraj Samantha Forbis Haoyan Guo Anushree Sinha Facebook, Twitter Feeds Google Search, Translate Fuel Economy Amazon APIs Backend Design Data Analysis Integration YouTube API Valuation API Business Analysis Frontend Design Batchgeo Map API RSS Feeds

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