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Ken Spero June 17,2014 In association with :

Doing more with less: Cognitive Simulations for improved communication, interpersonal skills and judgment outside the Sim Center. Ken Spero June 17,2014 In association with :. Experience is the Best teach er. Today’s Session Outline. Why use Simulation Play a Sim

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Ken Spero June 17,2014 In association with :

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  1. Doing more with less:Cognitive Simulations for improved communication, interpersonal skills and judgment outside the Sim Center Ken Spero June 17,2014 In associationwith: ExperienceistheBestteacher

  2. Today’s Session Outline • Why use Simulation • Play a Sim • Experience Design Methodology • QA

  3. Why use Simulation? Practitioners face Extreme overlapping challenges # 1

  4. Setting the Stage Learning Continuum Instructional Design Learning Continuum Revised Narrative – Experience Design Instructional Design

  5. Why use Simulation? • We have far more data, evidence, and computer models to make decisions today, but that also means we have far more information overload and excessive choice proliferation. The number and complexity of choices seem to be growing beyond our abilities to analyze, synthesize, and make decisions. The acceleration of change reduces the time from recognition of the need to make a decision to completion of all the steps to make the right decision. … Many of the world's decision making processes are inefficient, slow, and ill informed.1 1The Millennium Project, “15 Global Challenges. Facing Humanity,” last modified 2009, http://www.millennium- project.org/millennium/challeng.html. # 2

  6. Why use Simulation? # 3 Experiencing Best Practices Enables Critical Thinking

  7. Why use Simulation? • Assessment (Evaluation) • What & How Vs. • Development (Resilience) • Why & When “Good judgment is the result of experience.  Good Experience is often the result of bad judgment.” # 4

  8. Why use Simulation? “We are all about practicing all the time, only deliberate practice leads to mastery.” (FerdiSerim) # 5

  9. Sims provide experience - emotional engagement • Sims expand the evocable experience base, they become part of your experience portfolio/“gut” • Sims encourage a Systems Thinking approach – incorporating Context • Sims consequate Mindlessness and encourageMindfulness • Sims provides an opportunity for participants to learn from failure, to Fail Forward • Sims enable time acceleration to feel affects of delay • Sims provide a bridge between: Engagement  Retention Retrieval • Sims leverage the power of Storytelling Why use Simulation? Experience is the best teacher

  10. Play a Sim – Leadership Challenge • Reinforcement Simulation • Self –paced and Classroom Debrief • Leadership Scorecard • Vision • Knowledge • Inspiration

  11. Play a Sim – Leadership Challenge • Play Simulation • Small Team Debrief – Review your Feedback and Scorecard (5-10 minutes) • What scenario did you find most compelling? • Why? • Large Group Debrief with everyone (10 minutes)

  12. Simulation Breakout In your breakout rooms, for the person who is screen sharing, please go to the following link: www.humentuminc.com/Ken/LC

  13. Simulation Debrief • What did you think? • Which scenario did you find most compelling? • What story elements did you take note of? • Company • Characters • Names • Story • Choices • Consequences • Scorecard • Other?

  14. How does Simulation Provide Experience to Improve Decision Making?

  15. Why use Simulations? (Cont’d) Focus on Retention • Emotional Engagement • Capturing Attention – memory, interest, awareness • Context (Gist) • Avoid overteaching – brains need a break • Pattern matching • Repetition • Setting • Sensory integration Our objective is not an excellent training product, but rather…an excellent performer John Medina – Brain Rules

  16. Thalheimer Article: Using… Appropriate Scenarios to Support… Remembering Retrieval Practice goes beyond Retention • Scenarios Support Long Term Remembering • Decision Making Scenarios Provide Memory Retrieval Practice • Scenarios Enable Context-Triggered Remembering • Scenarios Enable Language-Triggered Remembering • Culturally Relevant Scenarios Boost Performance Using Linguistically, Culturally, and Situationally Appropriate Scenarios to Support Real-World Remembering Will Thalheimer - A Work-Learning Research Document - 2009

  17. Experience Design – The Key Objective Engagement Retention  Retrieval

  18. Experience Design: Creating Experience Narrative flow – Power of Story Telling Choice Options – Encourage Critical Thinking Consequences – Make it Memorable Scorecard feedback – Make it realistic / measurable Narrative feedback – Repetition / memorable Small Group debriefings and opportunities to share / expand the experience / consequences Large Group debriefings to establish additional connections with larger initiative and/or subject matter

  19. Why use Simulations (Cont’d)?

  20. Experience Design: Authoring Simulations • Establish the Narrative (something that can be re-used – Anchor Story) • Clearly define a problem / Target Learning Objective • Articulate the desired experience and outcome • Timeline and flow • Create Measurable Scorecard: Goals and Boundaries • Establish Context: Environment / Storyline / Cast • Start with ‘Golden Path’

  21. Experience Design: Authoring Simulations (Cont’d) • Articulate and Prioritize Key Learning Objectives • Write a Scene from narrative that reflects each of the selected Learning Objectives • Articulate Alternatives/Choices/Feedback • Lay out scenes in the flow of the narrative • Determine Memorable and Realistic Consequences • Add intros and outros • Score Choices – Link to Objectives in a Measurable way

  22. Why use Simulations (examples)? • Office Equipment Manufacturer – First Time Managers • No leadership experience • Book Store Company – Store Management • Give team experience with others’ perspectives; articulate scorecard • Chemical Manufacturer – Six Sigma DFSS • Authored with MBB’s; Experience with DMEDI vs. DMAIC; articulate scorecard • Pharmaceutical Company – Compliance • Experience the compliance issues in context; engage subject matter experts; Experience becomes part of corporate lore • Chemical Manufacturer – Performance Management • New approach, Leader-driven vs. Employee-driven; Authored with Process Owners; Blended with ILT; Mini Best Practice Sims deployed via LMS;

  23. Ken Spero  • humentum@gmail.com • 25 years of experience with Simulation • Adjunct Faculty at Penn GSE – Experience Design & Simulation Technology (Penn CLO and MedEd) Contact Info: Education Management Solutions(EMS) www.SimulationIQ.com

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