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Please sit in your assigned seat. Silently complete the “warm up” section of your paper.

Please sit in your assigned seat. Silently complete the “warm up” section of your paper. lunes quince. s á bado. jueves. martes. viernes. miercoles. lunes. domingo. Son las. 3:00pm. 9:00am. el oto ño. La Agenda. SWBAT: Identify useful Spanish activity verbs

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Please sit in your assigned seat. Silently complete the “warm up” section of your paper.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Please sit in your assigned seat. Silently complete the “warm up” section of your paper.

  2. lunes quince sábado jueves martes viernes miercoles lunes domingo Son las 3:00pm 9:00am el otoño

  3. La Agenda SWBAT: • Identify useful Spanish activity verbs • Respond to the question ¿QuÉtegustahacer? • Use the verb gustar to express likes

  4. Write, speak, and act Sr. Connolly will put action verbs up on the board. • You will write them down • Everyone will practice the pronunciation • Sr. Connolly will show you an action that we will use with simÓn dice. EVERYBODY will copy action.

  5. mirar la televisión

  6. hablarporteléfono

  7. nadar

  8. escuchar la música

  9. dibujar

  10. bailar

  11. cantar

  12. jugardeportes

  13. jugarvideojuegos

  14. mandartextos

  15. SimÓn Dice • EVERYBODY WILL PLAY THIS GAME AND TRY TO WIN • SR. Connolly will say “SimÓn Dice” + one of our new verbs, and you will complete the action associated with that command. • If sr. Connolly just says the verb without saying simÓn Dice, you Don’t do it • The last person standing wins (just bucks)

  16. Quétegustahacer Me gusta (verbo) Me gustanadar.

  17. Vamos a practicar • You will walk around class asking people ¿QuÉtegustahacer? • When you are asked, respond with one of our verbs . • Write down the names of people you talk to who like each of the items below. • Speak only in Spanish (or you will lose points).

  18. We will now read silently and Independently • First, circle all the verbs you find • Second, answer the reading preguntas below in English

  19. Mitchellville Swim and listen to music Play sports Ski In art class What do you like to do Pablo? Celia Crúz

  20. Complete the independent practice silently and Independently • Try not to use your notes

  21. Prácticaindependiente • JUST DO PART 1 AT FIRST. THEN WE WILL GO OVER IT. • Part 1 answers: • 1. 6. • 2. 7. • 3. • 4. • 5. A Me gustacantar. C Me gustadibujar. D B ¿Quétegustahacer?

  22. TAREA (HOMEWORK) • By next class, follow the directions on your notes sheet • Pretend you are a reporter and ask celebrities their favorite activities.

  23. Exit Ticket • This will let sr. Connolly see how well you understand today’s lesson • You need to work on it silently and independently

  24. Adiós (exit ticket) • Turn to the back of your independent practice shet. • Answer the questions below on sheet: • 1. 2. 3. • 4. How do you write, “what do you like to do?” in Spanish? • 5. Write “I like to send texts” in Spanish

  25. Sr. Pelota • Remember, throw underhanded • Ask a question • ¿CÓmote llamas? • ¿De dÓndeeres? • ¿CÓmoestÁs? • ¿CuÁnDoEs TÚ CumpleaÑoS? • ¿QuÉtiempohace hoy? • ¿QuÉhoraes?

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