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Mapping the Cortex. To be human, more does matter. Brains of Mammals. More cortical surface area. KW 2-2. Hemispheres. Two brains in one. Lobes . Based on skull bones. Phrenology . Franz Gall. Broca’s discovery. Neuorologist working in Paris in 1860’s Patient called “Tan”
Mapping the Cortex To be human, more does matter
Brains of Mammals More cortical surface area KW 2-2
Hemispheres Two brains in one
Lobes Based on skull bones
Phrenology Franz Gall
Broca’s discovery • Neuorologist working in Paris in 1860’s • Patient called “Tan” • Understood commands • Couldn’t speak • After Tan’s death, Broca found area of damage in frontal lobe
Tan’s Brain • Broca presented case study on Tan in 1862
Korbinian Brodmann • 1868-1918 • Neurologist • Research suggested by Alois Alzheimer • Mapped the cell structure of the brain • 52 discrete areas • First complete and accurate map (1909)
Brodmann Areas of Cortex Numbered areas to changes in cell structure Kw 2-21
Penfield’s Neurosurgery Wilder Penfield: A pioneer in neurosurgery Temporal lobe epilepsy First studies of living, reacting brain
Motor and Sensory Cortex Note difference in cell structure: Brodmann maps One of Penfield’s discoveries Motor and Sensory strips KW 2-22
Motor and Sensory Strips Homunculus
Sensory strip contains • Skin Sensations • pressure • warmth • cold • pain
Also on sensory strip are • Kinesthesis • the system for sensing the position and movement of individual body parts • Vestibular Sense • the sense of body movement and position • including the sense of balance
Motor and Sensory Strips Homunculus
Contralateral Control KW 2-32
Sensory and Motor Strips • Contralateral control • Amount of cortex related to abilities not size of body area • Sensory and motor side by side
Visual Areas KW 8-17
Visual cortex responds • Functional MRI scan of the visual cortex activated by light shown in the subject’s eyes`
Auditory Areas KW 9-12
Broca’s area Broca’s located next to motor strip area for face (light blue) Broca’s area KW 9-17
Carl Wernicke • 1848-1904 • Born in Poland • Educated in Germany • Psychiatry and neurology • Studies on receptive aphasia in 1874 • Wernicke’s area in temporal lobe
Wernicke’s area • Patient unable to comprehend commands • Able to speak but speech lacked meaning • Wernicke’s area next to auditory area on temporal lobe
Thought to Spoken Word KW 9-17
Prefrontal Lobes Frontal lobes Area just behind the forehead
Prefrontal Cortex KW 11-16
Prefrontal Cortex and Limbic System KW 11-15
Limbic and Frontal Lobes Limbic system and fontal lobes interact to control behavior KW 11-15
Egas Moniz • 1875-1955 • Portuguese neurologist and politician • Developed angiogram to visualize blood supply to brain • Frontal lobe surgery • Nobel prize in 1949
Lobotomy • First lobotomy in US preformed in 1937 by Walter Freeman • Calming effect • Less anxious • Lack of care and concern • Loss of motivation KW 11-24
Gage Recreated • New imaging techniques allow us to see how rod passed through Gage’s frontal lobes. KW 1-5
Visiting Gage Site For directions, visit Gage website at www.hbs.deakin.edu.au/gagepage/pgage.htm
PET Scanner KW 9-20
PET Scan Images KW 9-21