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Explore the time-conscious mindset of Americans, their views on time as money, and how it influences their daily life. Discover ways to bridge cultural gaps through education.
New Horizon English Unit One Section A Time-Conscious Americans
Section A Learning a Foreign Language Text Study Pre-readingActivities Writing Skills Summary
Background Information Compound Dictation Watch & Discuss Writing Summary Text Home Pre-reading Activities
复合听写 视频讨论 Writing Summary Text Home Time-Conscious Americans New Horizon College English There are obvious cultural differences between East and West, people’s opinion about time also are different, or even totally different. Both sides must work at rising above cultural differences and be willing to compromise. Then education is an effective way. The current online EFL learning course for college students, the first and most comprehensive of its kind and the most up-to-date web-based courses for college-level English learners. Refer to http://www.nhce.edu.cn for details.
背景知识 视频讨论 Writing Summary Text Home Compound Dictation You will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S8 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from S9 to S11 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Now listen to the passage.
复合听写 视频讨论 Writing Summary Text Home Compound Dictation For Americans, time is money. They say, “You only get so much time in this life; you’d better use it wisely. ” The S[1] ______ will not be better than the past or present, as Americans areS[2] ______ to see things, unless people use their time for constructive activities. Thus, Americans S[3] ______ a “ well-organized ” person, one who has a written list of things to do and a S[4] ______ for doing them. future trained admire schedule
复合听写 视频讨论 Writing Summary Text Home Compound Dictation The ideal person is punctual and is S[5] __________ of other people’s time. They do not S[6] _______ people’s time with conversation or other activity that has no S[7] ______ beneficial outcome. The American attitude toward time is not S[8]__________ shared by others, especially non-Europeans. They are more likely to regard time as S[9] _____________________________________________________________________. considerate waste visible necessarily something that is simply there around them, not something they can use
复合听写 视频讨论 Writing Summary Text Home Compound Dictation One of the more difficult things many students must adjust to in the States is the notion that time must be saved whenever possible and used wisely every day. In this context S[10]_____________________________ ______________________________________________________. the fast food industry can be seen as a clear example of American cultural product
复合听写 视频讨论 Writing Summary Text Home Compound Dictation McDonald’s, KFC, and other fast food establishments are successful in a country where many people want to spend the least amount of time preparing and eating meals. As McDonald’s restaurants S[11] ____________________________________________________________________________________, bringing not just hamburgers but an emphasis on speed, efficiency, and shiny cleanliness. spread around the world, they have been viewed as symbols of American society and culture
Video Watching 背景知识 复合听力 Writing Summary Text Home Watch & Discuss Directions: Watch the video and then discuss the topics as follows: • What insight can we get from the video? • 2. What new light does the video throw on our opinion about time?
1 3 Text Reading Writing Summary Pre-reading Home Text Study Words & Expressions Structure & Main Ideas 2
Writing Summary Pre-reading Home New Words and Expressions Word Using A Mini-Test Structure Text Reading
1. budget v. plan the spending of or provide (money) in a plan Translation Key Writing Summary Pre-reading Home I. Word Using The government plans to budget a new hospital. • 政府计划在预算中拨款建一家新医院。
1. budget n. a plan to show how much money a person or organization will make and how much they will need or be able to spend Translation Key It is important to balance one's budget. 使收支平衡十分重要。
1. budget a. inexpensive; cheap Key Translation There is a budget motel at the corner. 拐弯处有一家收费公道的汽车旅馆。
2. acute a. ①(of feelings or the senses) fine; sharp Use It 近义、同义词 — What animal do you think have acute sense smell? — I think dogs have an acute sense of smell. delicate, sensitive
2. acute a ② severe, very great Key Translation There is an acute shortage of water in this region. 这个地区严重缺水.。
3. replace v. ① put (sth.) back in its place Key Translation She replaced the telephone handle. .她搁上电话机听筒。
3. replace v. ②.take the place of (sb./sth.) Key Translation Can anything replace a mother's love and care? 世上有什么东西能取代母亲的关爱吗?
4. restless a. ①.unable to be still or quiet, esp. because of lack of interest, impatience, anxiety, etc. Use It Key Translation After one month in the job, he felt restless and decided to leave. The audience was becoming restless. 观众开始不耐烦了。
4. restless a. ②. always moving Translation Key The restless lion paced up and down in its cage. 狮子在笼子里不停地窜来窜去。
5. abrupt a. ①. (of behavior) rough; offensive Translation Key e.g. Which kind of abrupt behavior do you think you can’t endure most? 将军被他生硬的回答激怒了。。 The general was offended by his abrupt reply.
5. abrupt a. ②. sudden and unexpected Translation Key 他的突然离去使大家都很吃惊。 His abrupt departure surprised everyone.
6. ritual a. of or done regularly followed in exactly the same way each time Translation Key Use it ritual expressions of sympathy 每天的工作以例行的问候语开始。 Every day the work begins with the ritual phrases of greeting.
6. ritual n. a method followed repeatedly in the same way every time Translation Key 家庭主妇每天都是一成不变地操持家务。 Wives make a ritual of their household duties.
7. interaction n. communication; working together Translation Key Collocation Interaction between sb /sth with sb/sth 这两个组的相互交流产生了许多好主意。 The interaction of the two groups produced many good ideas.
8. leisure n ① time free from work or other duties; spare time Key Translation 我们已整整干了一周,无一刻闲暇。 We've been working all week without a moment's leisure.
8. leisure n ② ease Key Translation 结束了职业生涯后,她闲居在家。 After the end of her career, she lives in leisure at home.
9. assess judge or decide the amount, value, quality or importance of Collocation 同义词 effects patient’s need that-clause how-clause assess evaluate, estimate
10. probe v. ① examine (sth.) closely ②explore or examine (sth.) with or as if with a probe Example 1 Example 2 • The matter must be probed to the bottom. • 这件事必须彻底调查。 Searchlights probed the night sky. 探照灯探索夜空。
10. probe n. ①探针,探子(医生用来检查伤口的一种工具) ②刺探,查究,彻底调查 Example 1 Example 2 • Scientists put a probe into the muscle of the fish in order to measure its body temperature. a probe into the activities of drug dealers
11. conduct v. ① carry out, direct, manage ② act as the path for (electricity, heat, etc.) e.g.2 e.g.1 他应该学会如何主持会议。 He should learn how to conduct a meeting. 铜具有良好的导电性能。 Copper conducts electricity well.
11. conduct n. person's behavior (esp. its moral element) Translation Key 那个囚犯因表现好而被提前释放。 The prisoner was set free early because of good conduct.
12. fulfill v. ① perform (sth.) or bring (sth.) to a completion ② satisfy (sth.); answer e.g.2 e.g.1 I have fulfilled many of my youthful aims. 我已实现了我年轻时的许多目标。 Does your job fulfill your hopes? 你的工作符合你的期望吗?
The education_________ for th coming year is about $ 4 billion, which is much more than what people expected. A. allowance B. budget C. reservation D. finance 2. Although most birds have only a negligible sense of smell, they have _____ vision. A. acute B. vigorous C. exact D. vivid II. A mini-test
3. A human’s eyesight is not as ______ as that of an eagle A. eccentric B. acute C. sensible D. sensitive 4. We need someone really _______ who can organize the office and make it run smoothly A. efficient B. effective C. beneficial D. valid
5. The road is full of _______ turns. A. accidental B. urgent C. abrupt D. swift 6. There he did________ but sleep all day long. A. something B. anything C. things D. nothing
7. The company is ____a survey to find out local reaction to their recently promoted product. A. holding B. carrying C. spreading D. conducting 8. My secretary is perfectly ____for her job. A. enough B. favorable C. competent D. fit
9. What one thinks and feels is mainly due ____ tradition, habit, and education. A. in B. of C. to D. on 10. Happiness doesn’t necessarily go ____ money. A. for B. to C. with D. at
Structure & Main Ideas Structure & Main Ideas Structure & Main Ideas Structure & Main Ideas Structure & Main Ideas Part II Part III Part I The passage is made up of 8 paragraphs, which tells us how Americans treat time as if it were something almost real and what the cultural difference is, it can be roughly divided into three parts.
Structure & Main Ideas Americans treasure 2 elements: time and labor. Time is a precious resource for Americans. Part II Part III Part I [Para. 1-2]
Structure & Main Ideas The author tells how do Americans treat life, including details about how Americans are in a rush, their attitude of time in business life and the modern ways for saving time. Part II Part III Part I [Para. 3-7]
Structure & Main Ideas Cultural difference between Americans and Other nations. People from other nations think it’s impolite to work too quick and it’ll add weight. While Americans think it’s the sign of skillfulness and being competent. Part I Part II Part III [Para. 8]
Text Reading fall behind sth 落在…后面 这个学生一直很努力, 惟恐落后。 for fear that/fall behind The student has been working hard for fear that he should fall behind.
Text Reading result in/ result from 导致 造成…结果/ 由于 做事不先考虑总会导致失败。 result in Acting before thinking always results in failing.
Text Reading 1.解释/说明…的原因 2.构成…的一部分 account for e.g.1珍妮不得不向父亲说明每一个便士是怎么花的。 e.g.2女生占了我们班一半人数。 have to/account for/half of Key: 1. Jenny had to account to her father for every penny she spent. 2. Girls account for half of the class.
Text Reading run out 用完,耗尽······ e.g.1 他们的补给很快就耗尽了。 e.g.2 我快没耐心了。 run out Key: 1.Their supplies soon ran out. 2. I’m running out of patience.
Text Reading go with 伴随 e.g.1 权利总是伴随义务而来。 e.g.2 贫穷并不总是伴随着犯罪。 go with Key:1. Rights always go with obligations. 2. Crime does not always go with poverty.
Text Reading at hand 1.在考虑/讨论之中 2.时间/空间上近的 e.g.1她提的问题跟正在考虑的事情无关。 e.g.2意识到退休在即,他着手寻找额外的收入。 be not related to/at hand/look for 1.Her question was not related to the matter at hand. 2.Realizing that the end of his career is near at hand, he looked for some additional income.
Text Reading in one’s eyes 在某人看来 即使在专业人士看来,他做得也很出色。 even/ in one’s eyes Even in the eyes of the professionals, he did a good job.