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OPTN/UNOS Transplant Administrators Committee

This committee is involved in educational and communication efforts, considering the fiscal impact of OPTN policies, informing OPTN/UNOS committees, and contributing to cross-committee work groups. They have also released the 2014 UNOS Staffing Survey and the 2015 UNOS RFI, and maintain a Transplant Administrators Listserv for communication purposes.

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OPTN/UNOS Transplant Administrators Committee

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Presentation Transcript

  1. OPTN/UNOS Transplant Administrators Committee Spring 2015

  2. TAC OPTN Activities • Educational/communication efforts • Considering fiscal impact of OPTN policy • Informing OPTN/UNOS Committees • Contributing to cross-committee work groups

  3. 2014 UNOS Staffing Survey • Released: January 28, 2015 • Closes June 30, 2015 • Benchmarking data only for programs that complete survey • Find survey at https://portal.unos.org • Survey access and questions: • UNet℠ Help Desk - 1-800-978-4334 or UNethelpdesk@unos.org

  4. 2014 UNOS Staffing Survey

  5. 2015 UNOS RFI • 2015 UNOS RFI released in January: https://portal.unos.org • Contact payers for deadlines • RFI access and questions: • UNet℠ Help Desk - 1-800-978-4334 or UNethelpdesk2@unos.org

  6. Transplant Administrators Listserv • Join our Listserv! https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/TransplantAdministrators/info

  7. Questions? • Amy Peele, RNCommittee Chairamypeele1953@yahoo.com • Regional Rep Name Region X Representative email address • Angel Carroll, MSWCommittee Liaisonangel.carroll@unos.org

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