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US Army Corps of Engineers

Explore the US Army Corps of Engineers' role in coastal protection, focusing on early 20th-century initiatives and New Jersey's erosion challenges. Learn how the Corps responds to requests and implements beach renourishment projects. Discover the Galveston Seawall and Dare County Beaches Project, their purpose, and the impact on coastal erosion control.

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US Army Corps of Engineers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. US Army Corps of Engineers Coastal Protection

  2. History of Coastal Protection • Early 20 century • New Jersey shoreline erosion

  3. Before the Action • Respond to requests by local entities to carry out shore protection projects as authorized and funded by congress. • Beach Access/parking must be assured before project is considered • Must show a positive cost vs. benefit ratio

  4. Coastal Erosion How the Corps responds • “Hard” and “Soft” Beach renourishment

  5. Galveston Seawall

  6. Dare County Beaches Project • Why? • Which Islands? • The purpose of the project

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