A food could be tasteless when there are no additives on it, same as our life. Life’s not fun when sweets overload thus bitterness comes. That’s why we have our ups and downs in life. These are what we called challenges. Challenges happen anytime and anywhere. There’s no way you can’t face any challenges in each day because in every day there are challenges waiting ahead. For life’s challenges supposed not to paralyze you but to ignite your spirit and form who you really are. CHALLENGES CHALLENGES CHALLENGES CHALLENGES CHALLENGES CHALLENGES CHALLENGES
1. Trust In our lives, trust is a very important thing to all of us. It is a key to be someone’s special. Everyone can’t just give their trust to anybody. Trust is like a diamond, it is so fragile that it can’t be easily given to anybody’s hands. It’s precious. So you have to take good care of it as if it’s yours because trusting someone is not an easy thing. That is why trust is one of the biggest challenges that human beings will encounter. In every relationship, friendships and even in each member of the family, trust should be there or else everything’s going to be a mess.
2. Pride Pride. It’s a thing that every people possess. It may either make or break them. Most people don’t want to step on their pride. A person with a high level of pride faces a great challenge not just from others but towards himself too. If he takes his pride first, nothing will happen in his life. Everything he wishes to will be set aside or worse, be ignored because he values his pride more than anything. Pride is something that stops you from being happy. Yet it ain’t that poisonous pride is, you can swallow it sometimes when needed though.
3. Temptation • Temptation is scary. Why so? It is because temptation is a strong urge or desire to have or do something. Temptation might be short term happiness and forever regretful. Temptation is a matter of choice. Being tempt is not that easy because it may lead himself to make such wrong decisions and could possibly do anything he wants or not. So it’s better to runaway from temptation.
4.Society • Teenagers today think bizarrely. Some teenagers feel too fat, too skinny, too tall, too small, etc. So much for too’s that this feeling leads them to spend thinking or wishing what they want. These things, or should we say problems, challenge teenagers to care about their self-image because of the people around us. Too conscious with themselves that they only care with others’ opinions. They’re ready to change for the sake of not being different. But don’t you think it’s too much? Living with mascara. Change for the better you say? I don’t think so.
5. Emotion Nowadays, people are emotional. Even small things make them cry and common things make them mad. Many people are into this. It’s a challenge to oneself because it’s also a matter of choice. Deciding uncontrollably because you’re mad doesn’t make any sense. In the end, you’ll be the one who’ll be hurt though. Thus don’t make any decisions when you’re mad and don’t make promises when you’re happy. Depression is one of the worst problems that some teenagers suffer from. It’s a dangerous thing to be undergone because it may lead to death or otherwise.
6. Confidence • How’s your self confidence holding up? Let’s face it, maintaining your personal confidence when life is relatively normal can be challenging enough. But when we are confronted by unexpected challenges, it can be very difficult to avoid giving in to self-doubt and uncertainty. When we feel confident, it makes us more resourceful. When we feel confident, it makes us successful. Take away our self confidence and we become unsteady in our ability to make decisions and take action. Thus, being confident with you is another step towards achieving things in life.
7. Communication • Communication is not only important, but without it, human life would be non-existent. We have to be able to communicate on a personal level, both verbally and non-verbally. Things ain’t the same with everybody. Not every family talks openly with each other. This often may not change, even though you are seriously ill or dying. Sometimes events have made talking with each other more difficult. Family members often move away to other areas. Divorce and remarriage can create new families. These things mean that people communicate in a different way. Therefore communication is the key to a good relationship.
8. Insecurities • Everyone has their own insecurities, regardless of how you look or how people perceive you, but sometimes people give their insecurities too much power. Insecurity is the word for what you are probably feeling when you know a person which is known to be perfect with her flaws yet for you she isn’t. But soon you will accept and forget about your insecurities. It can also describe the state of being open to danger or threat. The economy may have you worried about job insecurity. Or maybe it's the insecurity of a rocky relationship that keeps you up at night.
9. Being Dumped • Rejection is never easy, and it's especially difficult for tweens and teens. Sometimes children are rejected, even by long-time friends, or dumped in favor of more popular kids. It's also possible for friends to grow apart during middle school, as interests change or develop. If your child is dumped by a friend, be there to offer support. Let him know that sometimes friendships don't last, and point out friends that are still there for him. Help him expand his circle of friends through social and extracurricular activities.
10. When Friends Go Bad • Some children change during middle school, and it's possible that your child may have a friend who experiments with drugs, alcohol or other dangerous behaviors. Your best line of defense is to know your child's friends, and to chat frequently with other parents. That way, you're likely to spot a dangerous friendship, and deal with it before it gets out of hand. Find ways to keep your child busy in order to limit time alone with a bad friend. Encourage him to find interests and extracurricular activities in order to expand his circle of friends and his interests. Also, be sure your child knows what your expectations for him are, as well as any consequences should he stray from your family rules.