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Solar neutrino production rates by heavy ion reactions. 7 Be(p, g ) 8 B reaction pp chain in the sun direct measurement of S 17 c.f. Snover Indirect methods Coulomb dissociation ”ANC” method 8 B Coulomb dissociation experiments
Solar neutrino production rates by heavy ion reactions 7Be(p,g)8B reaction pp chain in the sun direct measurement of S17 c.f. Snover Indirect methods Coulomb dissociation ”ANC” method 8B Coulomb dissociation experiments RIKEN - 1, 2, MSU 40-80 MeV/nucleon GANIL - 1, 2250 MeV/nucleon Summary / discussions T. Motobayashi (RIKEN) Nara, June 03
1990 Nara, June 03
Coulomb dissociation 8B+208Pb -> 7Be+p+208Pb (C.D.) virtual photon theory or DWBA 8B(g,p)7Be (abs.) detailed balance 7Be(p,g)8B (capt.) large s thick target (intermediate energy) experiments with R.I. beams Nara, June 03
detailed balance virtual photon number (intermediate energy) thick target charged particle detection indirect i.e.nucl. force / higher order / E2 Nara, June 03
Erel <= pp, p7Be, qp-Be DErel : Independent of DEin p+X, T0=100 AMeV, Erel=1 MeV, Dq=0.5 deg.Dv=1% DErel=200 keV Nara, June 03
@ RIKEN ~50 MeV/nucleon Nara, June 03
RIKEN-2 (98) RIKEN-I (94) Nara, June 03
Questions Nuclear contribution (E1)small but l=2 ? Higher order effects Different multipolarities 7Be(p,g)8B E1 + M1 (4-15 %) + E2 (~0.1%) 208Pb(8B,p 7Be)208Pb E1 + E2 (4-15 %) + M1(~0.1%) angular (q8) distribution angular correlation Nara, June 03
RIKEN-2 small E2 (l=2) Nara, June 03
@ GSI 254 MeeV/nucleon microstrip 2 x PPAC (2nd exp.) Nara, June 03
ds/dE (mb/MeV) Erel (MeV) Nara, June 03
transverse momentum distributions consistent with small E2 contribution Nara, June 03
azimuthal- / polar-angle distributions Nara, June 03
S17 (eV b) Coulomb dissociation recent direct capture (+ GSI-2) Nara, June 03
parallel momentum distribution (MSU) Davids et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998) 2209 Nara, June 03
possible corrections • Multipolarities • E1 dominance: OK in 90% for Coul. Diss. • E2 : controversy ? • angular distribution (RIKEN) small • P// distribution (MSU) 10-15% • Angular correlation (GSI) small • M1: only at the resonance • Nuclear contribution • ~1% (E1) <- microscopic calc. • large ? (E2) <- collective form factor • --> calc.w. microscopic f.f. / CDCC / exp. • Higher order effects • Post Coulomb acceleration: small • multistep excitation: E1-E2 interference • --> dynamical calc. / CDCC Nara, June 03
l = 1 l = 2 C > N C ~N Nara, June 03
Asymptotic Normalization Coefficient (ANC) Method 7Be(p,g)8B 7Be(d,n)8B tail amplitude of w.f.: weak potential parameter dependence Nara, June 03
Analysis: Ogata, Yahiro, Iseri, Kamimura Phys. Rev. C 67 (2003) 011602 Nara, June 03
S17 at E=0 Beijing Ogata et al. (2003) GSI-1 GSI-2 RIKEN-2 RIKEN-1 MSU TAMU-2 TAMU-1 Nara, June 03
Indirect determination of S17 Coulomb dissociation ANC in 10-15% agreement with direct-capture results For better accuracy control of reaction mechanism nuclear force higher-order process E2-related corrections Summary RI-beam theory experiment Nara, June 03