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European Values. 2BK (2006/07). Step 1. The students participate in a Comenius Project on European Institutions We are invited by the Intercultural Centre in Vienna to work on European Values.
European Values 2BK (2006/07) Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
Step 1 • The students participate in a Comenius Project on European Institutions • We are invited by the Intercultural Centre in Vienna to work on European Values Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
Together with the Gimnazija Poljane in Ljubljana (Slovenia), we submit an application to the Intercultural Centre and explain which steps we would like to take in order to carry out the project. Step 2 Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
We start reading texts on various European values and create our first list of values: Step 3 Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
List of Values -- European values -- International (global) values -- national values (Austria) -- values of the community (Vienna) -- values of the school community -- values of the class -- values of the family -- personal values -- social values (unemployment, payment for work, payment for medical treatment) -- environmental values (recycling, clean energy, ecotourism) -- political values -- economic values (business philosophy) Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
Step 4 We illustrate our values Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
moderation temperance frugality Tanja, Marco, Max, Fabian, Sabine, Didem, Sandra, Berna Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
Motto: Don‘t forget: You are what you eat! Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
politeness friendliness Fabian, Marion, Sandra, Didem Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
Motto: Don‘t worry, be happy! Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
honesty Marion, Marco, Sabine, Max, Tanja, Berna, Sandra, Didem, Sevket, Adina, Valentina Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
Motto: Be honest towards others, and they will be honest towards you! Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
integrity Marco, Berna, Sevket Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
Motto: Power can corrupt even the integrity of the most respectable indiviuals! Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
responsibility Sevket, Max, Marco, Berna, Sabine, Valentina, Adina Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
Motto: If you want to be a better adult, learn to be responsible! Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
respect Didem, Marco, Valentina, Büsra, Berna, Sevket Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
Motto: Treat your fellow beings with respect! Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
tranquility calmness silence Gernot, Adina, Berna, Sabine Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
Motto: Words are made of silver, but silence is made of gold. Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
justice Christoph, Marco, Sabine, Sandra Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
Motto: A nation is just and free not because of its history, or its documents, … … but because of how it practices justice and freedom today. Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
straightforwardness sincerity Gernot, Sabine, Marion Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
Motto: Your silence will not protect you, say what‘s on your mind! Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
industry Christoph, Sabine Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
Motto: Being busy as a bee makes life more sucessful! Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
cleanliness tidiness Max, Fabina, Marco, Tanja, Didem, Adina Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
Motto: Don‘t live in chaos, keep tidiness for an easier life! Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
humility Gernot, Christoph, Sabine, Valentina, Berna Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
Motto: There are more important people in the world than just you! Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
charity Sevket, Marion, Didem Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
Motto: If everybody spent a little bit of his money, nobody in the world would have to starve. Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
tolerance Marion, Büsra, Tanja, Ivana Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
Motto: We should not criticize difference, we should accept others as they are. Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
democracy Büsra, Berna Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
Motto: Everybody should have the right to vote! Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
freedom Berna Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
Motto: Freedom does not regulate our lives! Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
equality Christoph, Max Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
Motto: Men and women, poor and rich, young and old, black and white should be treated equally! Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
solidarity Christoph Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
Motto: Try to be a voice for the voiceless! Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
humanity Nicole Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
Motto: People are people through other people Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
peace Gernot, Ivana Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
Motto: Give peace a chance, in order to harvest a better world. Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
Step 5 We summarize our values Old Continent? - Young Citizens!
European Values 2BK (2006/07) Old Continent? - Young Citizens!