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Swine Flu

Swine Flu. By: Jake Pierce. What is Swine Flu?. Swine Flu is a respitory disease which is found in pigs. Swine Flu mostly affects farmers that work with pigs. It is very contagious to humans. There was an outbreak in mexico and so far there have been 1600 cases and 149 deaths.

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Swine Flu

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Swine Flu By: Jake Pierce

  2. What is Swine Flu? • Swine Flu is a respitory disease which is found in pigs. • Swine Flu mostly affects farmers that work with pigs. • It is very contagious to humans. • There was an outbreak in mexico and so far there have been 1600 cases and 149 deaths. • In america 141 cases and 1 death. • So far the disease is in Texas, California, New York, Ohio, and kansas.

  3. Why is Swine Flu important? • Swine Flu is important because it is a killer disease and has already killed 150 people.

  4. What is being done about it? • Scientist are trying to create a vaccine to cure the already ill and try to stop the spread.

  5. Resources www.wikipedia.com www.google.com www.ask.com

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