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Modular and hierarchical learning systems

Modular and hierarchical learning systems. Michael I. Jordan and Robert A. Jacobs Presented by Danke Xie Cognitive Science, UCSD CSE 291s Lawrence Saul 4/26/2007. Outline. Decision Tree Mixture of Experts Architecture The Mixture of Experts Model Learning algorithm

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Modular and hierarchical learning systems

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Modular and hierarchical learning systems Michael I. Jordan and Robert A. Jacobs Presented by Danke Xie Cognitive Science, UCSD CSE 291s Lawrence Saul 4/26/2007

  2. Outline • Decision Tree • Mixture of Experts Architecture • The Mixture of Experts Model • Learning algorithm • Hierarchical Mixture of Experts architecture • Demo

  3. Introduction • Why modular and hierarchical systems? • Divide into less complex problems • Ex: supervised learning y x f(x) g(x)

  4. Decision Tree • Classification problem • Decision Tree x y  {0,1} X5 > 3 y n X2 < 4 ? X6 > 7 ? y n n y 0 1 0 1

  5. Decision Tree • What’s missing • Living in10,000-dimension space? • Learning is greedy  optimizing likelihood • Soft decision / assignment of task to experts 2 1 4 3 Example: 4 classes in high-dimensional space

  6. Mixture of experts (ME) architecture • Gating network Generating weights • Expert network Interpreted probabilistically as

  7. Generating data • Data set • Given x, randomly choose labels i with probability where is the parameter of the data generating model • Generate y according to • Learn to estimate and from data

  8. A Gradient-based Learning algorithm • Maximize log-likelihood • Optimize with respect to and where =

  9. Analogy of Mixture of Gaussians • The learning algorithm can also be derived using EM algorithm • EM algorithm can be used to find maximum likelihood estimates of parameters, where the likelihood cannot be computed without knowing how to assign data points to clusters / experts • The probabilities of the assignments can be seen as latent variables. This is similar to all of Mixture of Gaussians and (Hierarchical) Mixture of Experts.

  10. EM algorithm • Mixture of Gaussians (unsupervised)

  11. EM algorithm • Mixture of Experts (supervised)

  12. Hierarchical Mixture of Experts

  13. Training set

  14. Classification of test set

  15. Thank you

  16. A Gradient-based Learning algorithm • Maximize log-likelihood • We derive learning rules for the special case • Expert networks and gating networks are linear • Simple probabilistic density for Expert Networks

  17. A Gradient-based Learning algorithm • Take derivative of l with respect to өi

  18. Learning rule for ME • Experts are linear models

  19. Learning rule for HME • LMS-like learning algorithm

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