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EEA General Assembily October 2014 Biblical Law and Relationships how does it work?

Explore the intricate workings of biblical law in relationships and discover the principles of love, obedience, sacrifice, and community identity. Gain insights into the dynamics between individuals, families, societies, and nations, and understand how organizational rules influence interpersonal connections.

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EEA General Assembily October 2014 Biblical Law and Relationships how does it work?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EEA General AssembilyOctober 2014 Biblical Law and Relationships how does it work? Dr Michael Schluter CBE (c) Relational Research 2014

  2. A person’s relationship with God Love Obedience Sacrifice Money

  3. The community’s relationship with God Identity Festivals Love Obedience

  4. Inter-personal relationships Husband – Wife Parent – Child Employer – Employee King – Citizen Offender – Victim Lender – Borrower Neighbour – Neighbour

  5. Inter-community relationships City – City Tribe – Tribe Nation – Nation

  6. Indirect influences on relationships Organisational rules affect the way people relate

  7. Example 1 Jubilee and Family Parity Roots Redeemer Self-Reliant

  8. Example 2 The Ban on Interest Does money affect relationships? What were the rules? What was the intention? What is the application?

  9. The Ban on Interest Today? A new slogan • No investment without involvement • No profit without participation • No reward without responsibility

  10. Example 3 The Sabbath Time is the currency of relationships

  11. Example 3 The Sabbath Moral, civil and ceremonial purposes of the law Sabbath

  12. Example 3 Purposes of the Sabbath Moral: time for Godand time for rest Civil: family and employee protection Ceremonial: national identity

  13. Example 3 Sabbath for today Why Sunday? What purpose? Why important?

  14. Applying the law todayLessons for relationships Direct teaching Indirect teaching

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