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Education as Ideological State Apparatus: Social Reproduction in Capitalist Society

Explore how education functions as a tool for social control and ideology transmission in capitalist societies, as discussed by Marxist theorists Louis Althusser, Bowles, and Gintis. Learn about the concepts of the ideological state apparatus, the reproduction of an obedient workforce, and the hidden curriculum.

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Education as Ideological State Apparatus: Social Reproduction in Capitalist Society

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Presentation Transcript

  1. For Marxist’s what is the most effective instrument in controlling the subject classes.?

  2. ruling class ideology

  3. What did Louis Althusser (a Marxist) (1971) argue that the main role of education in a capitalist society is?

  4. the reproduction of an efficient and obedient work force

  5. Following on from the previous question Althusser argues that ideology in capitalist society is fundamental to social control and education is the state’s instrumentin transmitting this ideology. What name did he give to this process?

  6. He argues education is an ideological state apparatus

  7. Bowles and Ginitis argue schools create a hard-working disciplined workforce for capitalist societies. What did they call this process? (to help you, this process is essential for social reproduction – the reproduction of a new generation of workers schooled (disciplined) into accepting their role in society).

  8. Long shadow of work

  9. How do Bowles and Gintisview meritocracy?

  10. It is a mechanism to legitimize social inequality.

  11. For Marxists what process is instrumental for social reproduction? – the reproduction of a new generation of workers schooled (disciplined) into accepting their role in society

  12. The hidden curriculum is seen by Bowles and Gintis as instrumental in this process.

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