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D isadvantaged youth – in search for specific. Krzysztof Wasielewski Institute Sociology Nicolaus Copernicus University E-mail: kwasielewski@wp.pl. Factors influencing youth 's access to higher education. Activities of non-public education (2012 – 330 private universities ) ;
Disadvantaged youth – in search for specific Krzysztof Wasielewski InstituteSociology Nicolaus Copernicus University E-mail: kwasielewski@wp.pl
Factors influencing youth's access to higher education Activities of non-public education (2012 – 330 privateuniversities); Massificationof education (1989 – 400.000 students, 2012 – 1.8 mln); High educational aspirations (70% of 16 years-old want diploma of universitiy); High rates of scholarization (55% - scholarizationrateat the level of HE); Regional differentiation of the school network and universities; Meritocratic rules in the economy (economyneedsprofessionals); Highly valued education; Demographic decline (since 2000 alluniversitieshas a moreplaces for studentsthanallcohorts of 19-olds).
Disadvantagesyouth – mainquestions(not soobvious) Aboutdiagnosis: Do we have young people excluded from access to higher education? (Especially, in context of massification of HE) Who are the young people excluded? Where are they from? But: We donthave a basicinformationsaboutinequalities in acces to HE. We haveonlyknowledg form someregiontenden, someuniversities. Letseebasictendencies,
Place of living/residence and universitieslevel (w %)Survey: a biography of 30-year-olds in two regions, N: 707
Status of the family of origin and university level (%)Survey: a biography of 30-year-olds in two regions, N: 707
The percentage of rural youth at the Nicolaus Copernicus University (fullpopulation) • But: • internaldiversity of faculties, departments, studies, f.e.: maths – 40%, englishfilology – 16%
Student`smarksat the Nicolaus Copernicus University(in %) • Whoearns: • Boys with badmarks from ruralarea • Wholost: • University – lowerquality of students
Status of family origin of studentsat the Nicolaus Copernicus University • But: • Pooryouth from ruralarea and pooryouth from the Torun (place of university)
The main problem areas Aboutsupportinstruments: What kind of support instruments have? 1. Social scholarschip; 2. Scholarships for learning achievements (only 1,000 per year); 3. Scholarships funded by NGOs; 4. Scholarships funded by local government. Whatistheireffectiveness? We do not know!
Summary: Whatcan/shouldwe do? We need an efficient system for the diagnosis capacity of young people,not the school units; We need educational counselors (and professional) in each school; Greaterinvolvement of universities in the search for talented youth and the acquisition of the studies; We need bettersystem of information on higher education, scholarships, dormitories in the regions, ruralareasand marginalized groups; We need to reduce the internal differentiation lower and upper secondary education.