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Updated implementation strategy for the remaining Programme period. Wiktor Szydarowski Programme Development Manager Joint Secretariat Karlskrona. Partner Search Forum, Vilnius, 23-24 May 2005. Co - operation area:. Denmark, Sweden, Finland Germany (north–east)
Updated implementation strategy for the remaining Programme period Wiktor Szydarowski Programme Development Manager Joint Secretariat Karlskrona Partner Search Forum, Vilnius, 23-24 May 2005
Co-operation area: • Denmark, Sweden,Finland • Germany (north–east) • Estonia, Lithuania • Latvia, Poland, Norway • Belarus: Oblasts of: Minsk, Grodno, Brest and Vitebsk • Russia: St Petersburg; the Karelian Republic; Oblasts of: Kaliningrad, Leningrad, Pskov, Novgorod, Archangelsk and Murmansk; Nenets Okrug
Programme priorities Priority 1 - Promotion of spatial development approaches and actions for specific tterritories and sectors Priority 2 - Promotion of territorial structures supporting sustainable BSR development Priority 3 - Transnational and bilateral institution and capacity building in the Baltic Sea Region (incl. Tacis CBC priorities) Priority 4 - Border regions (committed) Priority 5 - Cross-border (INTERREG III A) priority Estonia-Latvia-Russia (North) Priority 6 - Cross-border (INTERREG III A) priority Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus (South) Priority 7 - Technical Assistance
Operational framework for the BSR INTERREG III B NP • Budget of 149 M EURO in 2000-2006, with additional 6 M EURO granted by the Norwegian government • 83 approved projects by December 2004 (in 6 calls for proposals), some with Phare CBC and Tacis CBC components • Wide thematic scope for co-operation with focus on key actions: • specific features for the Baltic Sea area (macro-regions, economic development zones, tourism and energy, coastal zones, islands and other sensitive areas) • ESDP topics: polycentric settlement structures, transport corridors and links, natural and cultural heritage) • institutional capacity-building and networking
Delivered outcomes of project co-operation in INTERREG II C and III B Programmes • Politically endorsed spatial development visions, strategies and action plans for transnational territories • Land-use or sector plans based on transnational strategies • Feasibility studies and business plans for site investments based on transnationally elaborated methodology • Pilot cases demonstrating effects of joint transnational planning processes for regional development (incl. small-scale infrastructure investments) • Joint marketing strategies and tourist brand products • Methodologies on assessing environmental and territorial impacts of investment projects • Training programmes, manuals, guidelines and courses
February 2005 census Budgetary resources available after 6 calls for proposals ca. 40 M EURO left
60.5 M EURO requested May 2005 census Budgetary resources vs. demand by the 7th call proposals
Probable outcomes of the decisions by the BSR INTERREG III B NP Steering Committee • Closure of measures 1.2 and 1.3 • Measure 1.1 subject to specific pro-active efforts • Further pro-active campaign directed to priorities 2 and 3 • Shifting of funds from measure 3.2 to measure 3.1 after the SC meeting date? • Upgrade of 6th and 7th round projects with Belarusian partners • No new seed money call • 8th call focused on missing themes in the Programme implementation • Extension stage funding available in autumn 2005 for running projects?
Programme measures likely to be no longer promoted Measure 1.2: Promoting sustainable spatial development of specific sectors Measure 1.3: Strengthening integrated development of coastal zones, islands and other specific areas
Missing themes in the Programme (SCTF Oslo meeting census) Measure 1.1: Supporting joint strategies and implementation actions for macro- regions • methodological issues at the pan-Baltic and/or macro-regional level (ESDP, VASAB 2010, TIA/SEA etc.) • pan-Baltic visions and action plans in specific sectors • strategic identity and socio-economic competitiveness of the BSR
Missing themes in the Programme (SCTF Oslo meeting census) Measure 2.1: Promoting balanced polycentric settlement structures • improving spatial conditions for business activities • profiling (especially medium-sized) cities and strengthening polycentrism through urban design • promoting economic development of urban centres in rural areas • enlarging the labour market as a strategy for urban-rural co-operation • adaptation of macro-regions(defined through measure 1.1) to business development
Missing themes in the Programme (SCTF Oslo meeting census) Measure 2.2: Creating sustainable communication links for improved spatial integration • spatial planning issues in the field of maritime safety • further elaboration of the ‘sea motorways’ concept and its adjustment to Baltic Sea conditions • improved access to ICT, based on e-Europe initiative, including telematic services for structurally weaker areas • pan-Baltic transport multimodal strategy, with a focus on short sea shipping and networking of ports • interregional and hub-bound air traffic in the BSR • East-West transport corridors in the context of the Northern Dimension
Missing themes in the Programme (SCTF Oslo meeting census) Measure 2.3: Enhancing good management of cultural and natural heritage and of natural resources • integrated spatial development of natural landscapes and resources • comprehensive strategic and methodological approaches for management of rural green areas and wetlands • spatial development dimension of the legal EU/HELCOM concepts like Natura 2000 or BSPA • tools for preservation, development and promotion of “green corridors” in a pan-Baltic and European perspective • joint strategies for broad marine and land-based risk analyses and management strategies in areas prone to natural disasters
Missing themes in the Programme (SCTF Oslo meeting census) Measure 3.1: Promotion of transnational institution and capacity building • strengthening capacity of local and regional institutions to run comprehensive policies aiming at sustainable development of the administered area • development of democracy and good governance at the local and regional level • actions promoting social development (participatory approach) • solving common challenges related to border issues in a transnational context • capacity building to run efficient sector policies
Thank you for your attention!www.bsrinterreg.net 8th call for proposals:late August – late September 2005