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Iconic Artworks Across Ancient Civilizations

Explore diverse masterpieces like "Augustus of Prima Porta" and "Seated Scribe" from Rome and Egypt, displaying the richness of historical artistry. Marvel at the grandeur of "Parthenon" in Athens and the intricate "Terracotta Army" in China. Witness the enduring legacy of civilizations in timeless sculptures and architectural wonders.

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Iconic Artworks Across Ancient Civilizations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Pantheon113-125 CERome, Italy

  2. Augustus of Prima PortaEarly 1st Century, c. 20 BCEMarble, after a Bronze originalH. 6’6’’

  3. Head of a Roman Patrician from Otricolic. 75-50 BCEMarble

  4. The Parthenon447-432 BCE (Classical)Athens, GreeceIktinos and Callicrates

  5. DoryphorosPolykleitosMarble after a bronze Original1st century BCE (original c. 440 BCE)

  6. Marble statue of a kouros (youth)c. 590-580 BCE (archaic)Marble

  7. Three GoddessesPhidiasc. 448-432 BCEParthenon, Athens

  8. Seated BuddhaLate 6th-early 7th Century CEIndia

  9. Terracotta Army of Emperor Qin Shi Huang210-209 BCEChina

  10. Great StupaSanchi, India3rd Century BCE

  11. Menkaure and His Queen2548-2530 BCEEgypt

  12. Akhenaten, Nefertiti and their Childrenc. 1340 BCEEgypt

  13. The Seated Scribe 2600s BCE Egypt

  14. Pyramid of Khufuc. 2580-2560 BCEEgypt

  15. Pyramid of DjoserImhotepc. 2667-2648 BCESaqqara, Egypt

  16. Narmer PaletteEgyptc. 3200-3000 BCE

  17. Tell Asmar Hoardca. 2900-2550 BCEEshnunna (modern Tell Asmar), Iraq

  18. Ziggurat of Ur21st Century BCEMudbrick, faced with BitumenUr, Iraq

  19. Standard of Urc. 2600 BCERoyal Cemetery, Ur

  20. Warka Vasec. 3200-3000 BCEUruk, Sumer (Modern Iraq)

  21. Venus of WillendorfWillendorf, AustriaPaleolithic, c. 28,000-25,000 BCE4.4 inches tall

  22. Hall of BullsLascaux, FrancePaleolithic, c. 17,000-15,000 BCE

  23. StonehengeWiltshire, EnglandNeolithic Era

  24. Old Saint Peter’s BasilicaRome, ItalyC. 360, destroyed 1405

  25. The Last JudgmentGislebertusSt. Lazare CathedralAutun, Francec. 1130 CE

  26. Church of San VitaleRavenna, Italyc. 547Christ in MajestyTheodora and her RetinueJustinian and his RetinueMosaic

  27. Hagia SophiaIsidore of Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles532-537 CEConstantinople (Istanbul, Turkey)

  28. Virgin and Child between Saints Theodore and George6th or early 7th Century

  29. Imperial Abbey of CorveyGermanyConsecrated 844 CE

  30. Basilica of Saint-DenisAmbulatorySt. Denis, Francechoir completed 1144

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