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Cloud V. Building better communities, together. MPAC Transformation. MPAC Transformation. Antoni Wisniowski President and Chief Administrative Officer March 26, 2013 MISA Ontario – SIG Cloud Computing. Ontario’s Property Assessment System.
Cloud V Building better communities, together.MPAC Transformation MPAC Transformation Antoni WisniowskiPresident and Chief Administrative Officer March 26, 2013MISA Ontario – SIG Cloud Computing
Ontario’s Property Assessment System There are four main components in Ontario’s property assessment and taxation system. Each plays an important role. The Provincial Government passes legislation, sets property tax policies and sets education tax rates. The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) establishes current value assessments and classifications for all properties in Ontario. Municipalities determine their revenue requirements, set municipal tax rates and collect property taxes. The Assessment Review Board, an independent tribunal that is part of the Environment and Land Tribunals Ontario cluster which reports to the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General, hears assessment appeals from property taxpayers.
MPAC 101 Field Offices across the Province Oversight provided by the Ministry of Finance Central Processing Facility (Data Processing, Land Parcelization, Customer Contact Centre) in Scarborough Head Office in Pickering Funded through a levy to all Municipalities in Ontario Founded in 1998 Not-for-Profit Non-Share Capital Corporation Board of Directors made up of municipal, provincial and taxpayer representatives Approximately 1,600 employees
MPAC’s Role in Assessment Updates Respond to enquiries from property taxpayers and municipalities/taxing authorities Other legislated products: - Preliminary List of Electors - Jury duty lists - Population reports Assess and classify almost 5 million properties Deliver the AnnualAssessmentRoll Supplementary / Omitted Listings (growth)
Our Goal MPAC’s goal is to be recognized as an organization that delivers meaningful value in public service to the communities and stakeholders it serves.
COMMON INTERESTS COMMON OWNERSHIP COMMON PURPOSE We value Community Community is where we live Community is where we work Community is what we foster Community is what we share
New four-year Strategic Plan (2013-2016).18 Victory Statements.Committed to $20M in cumulative operating expenditure savings for 2013-2016. For the first time ever, MPAC has projected an annual municipal levy increase of only 0.95% for 2013-2016.
HOW are we going to achieve this?
By being committed to innovation in the products and services we provide.
“The best public service would driverelentlessly towards effectiveness and efficiency, goals that complement each other.”Don Drummond, 2012
product performance networking product system FINANCE OFFERING business model Types of Innovation service channel enabling process DELIVERY PROCESS brand core process customer experience
Guiding Principles @ MPAC • Simplicity - Simple leads to scalability, maintainability, support and value. • Its all been done before – Learning from the industry. • More Value for Less Money – $0 for Software. • Design – “Think more; Do Less” – As absolutely little as possible software. • Architecture – use proven patterns and techniques. • Services – re-use/commoditize – images, documents, mapping.
Computing Continuums @ MPAC • Historic computing continuum • On Premise, Co-located Managed Service, Managed Service • Solution continuum • SAAS, Buy, Modify, Build • Cloud computing options • IAAS, PAAS, SAAS
All you need is your Roll number, available on your Property Assessment Notice Access information used by MPAC to determine your property’s value File a Request for Reconsideration online Secure, online self-service website that’s easy-to-use & free of charge Access the most up-to-date and complete information on file
Four Keys to AboutMyProperty™ My Notice Here you’ll find a copy of your 2012 Property Assessment Notice. View it online, save it or print a copy – whatever you need. My Property Check the information MPAC has on file for your property and get a detailed Property Profile Report. If any information is out of date or incorrect, you can send updates directly to MPAC through AboutMyProperty™. My Neighbourhood Comparing your property to similar sold properties in your area can help you determine the accuracy of your assessment. By using the interactive map of your community you can create your own Properties of Interest list with access to as many as 100 property snapshots and up to 24 detailed property reports – all free of charge. My MPAC Learn about the role MPAC plays in providing a foundation for fair taxation. To accurately assess residential and non-residential properties in Ontario, MPAC looks at all the major factors that affect market value, including site and structural information, lot size and recent sales information.
AboutMyProperty™ 212,000 registered users (Sept – present) Customer Contact Centre enquiries in 2012: over 352,000 Community outreach in 2012: 1,422 + 20 municipal events
AboutMyProperty™ Customer Experience • How many users? • How often? • When?
AboutMyProperty™ • Driver: Drummond, Technology; $3.3M + $650k/yr • Vision: New Customer Experience • Architecture: Open Source, Cloud, Search, Integrate not Build; Privacy; Security, • Results: 3 Months, $500k, $32k/year; PBD • 200,000 Users; 2M inquiries • Cost Savings; Time Savings; Security and Privacy
Comparable Analysis Resource Tool (CART) - Computational • Problem: Find Comparables for 4.5M Residential Properties • Time: Project 5 months • Example Processing Time: • 5 minutes to create on demand, cloud platform • 6 minutes to load data • 5 minutes to run CART algorithm • 3 minutes to download results • 2 minutes to shutdown on demand, cloud platform • Services Used: Amazon Cloud (RDS) • Cost: • $3.14 USD including Oracle 11g EE License, Support, Monitoring and Report and Portability for 75,000 Properties • $2,875.40 To compare the entire province • 200 million comparisons producing 88.1 million comparables
Comparable Analysis Resource Tool (CART) - Visualization • Problem: Displaying the 88 million Comparables • Time: Project 1 month • Services Used: Google Maps, Google Fusion Tables • Cost: • $0 – Fusion Tables (Experimental) • $10,000 – Google Maps to visualize comparables across the province.
1. service 2. product performance 1. networking 3. product system 2. business model • At least 3 out of 10 employees will have an alternate work arrangement that improves service delivery, drives down cost and improves work-life balance. 2. core process PROCESS 1. channel 2. brand 3. customer experience 1. enabling process • Fair, healthy and respectful work environment FINANCE OFFERING DELIVERY Victory Statements & Strategic Outcomes
1. service 2. product performance 1. networking 3. product system 2. business model • Top 10 taxpayer interactions with MPAC will be available through a self‐service platform, for each property type. 2. core process OFFERING 1. channel 2. brand 3. customer experience 1. enabling process • Innovative, universal and reliable technology to access information FINANCE DELIVERY PROCESS Victory Statements & Strategic Outcomes
1. service 2. product performance 1. networking 3. product system 2. business model • Top 10 MPAC/Stakeholder business processes will be enabled through integrated B2B services. 2. core process PROCESS 1. channel 2. brand 3. customer experience 1. enabling process • Innovative, universal and reliable technology to access information FINANCE OFFERING DELIVERY Victory Statements & Strategic Outcomes
1. service 2. product performance 1. networking 3. product system 2. business model 2. core process Achieve at least $10M in profits for value-added products. FINANCE 1. channel 2. brand 3. customer experience 1. enabling process • Progressive revenue generation and cost-effective service delivery OFFERING DELIVERY PROCESS Victory Statements & Strategic Outcomes
product performance networking product system FINANCE OFFERING business model service channel enabling process DELIVERY PROCESS brand core process customer experience
Be not afraid.Encourage Laziness!“First make it work; then make it beautiful; then make it fast!”Cloud is ubiquitous – Use of it is not.Innovation demands discipline.
“Innovationhas nothing to do with how many R&D dollars you have. It’s not about money. It’s about the people you have, how you’re led, and how much you get it.”Steve Jobs, Fortune, Nov. 9, 1998