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Dealing With Detractors on Your Social Media Properties

Dealing With Detractors on Your Social Media Properties. June 29, 2011. The 2010 Census: A New Communications Challenge. What’s New – Notable Launches Since 2000. 2001. 2006. 2002. 2005. 2007. 2003. 2004. 2008. 2009. 2010. Social Media Objectives for 2010 Census.

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Dealing With Detractors on Your Social Media Properties

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dealing With Detractors on Your Social Media Properties June 29, 2011

  2. The 2010 Census: A New Communications Challenge What’s New – Notable Launches Since 2000 2001 2006 2002 2005 2007 2003 2004 2008 2009 2010

  3. Social Media Objectives for 2010 Census • 1) Reach unattached mobiles • These highly mobile, single renters, including college students, gather much of their information through social media. A traditionally HTC group. • 2) Reach everyoneAbout 80 percent of our Facebook fans are 25 and older • Facilitate a national dialogue • Boost transparency • Boost participation (answer questions/correct misinformation)

  4. Social Media Platforms • Launched 1/4/10 • Launched 1/4/10 - Director’s Blog- Road Tour Blog • Over 350 videos posted • Karl Rove, “Chris” most popular with 50k views • Director’s blog: Launch in 10/09 • Destination for media, public employees • Census photo warehouse for Road Tour, Census in Schools and other pictures from the field

  5. Detractors Attacking From Their Own Platforms

  6. Make Sure Google Finds You First Flooding the Zone with Positive Social Media Road Tour blog posts daily updates for 13 vehicles Twitter accounts for each vehicle Images from the road posted on Facebook Images viewed thousands of times on Flickr Interactive map – multimedia content

  7. Why Your Detractors Should Have a Voice on Your Platforms

  8. Build a Community of Advocates • Create an environment of honesty and transparency • Disarms critics • Builds trust among “lurkers” – watching how you respond • Many detractors are people looking for attention; your response can convert them to an advocate • Opportunity to correct misinformation • Advocates will rise to your defense

  9. Monitor Sentiment • Negative comments may provide first indication of developing issues • Gives you a chance to plan comprehensive response

  10. Position as a Credible Source • Honest and open discussion builds makes you a leading source for information. • Online reputation can enhance your ability to manage issues and crises through social media

  11. When to Respond to Detractors: Considerations

  12. Elevating Your Adversary • Response gives legitimacy: You risk elevating your detractor and diminishing yourself. • Optics: Government vs. private citizen Best practice: Let your community of advocates make your case for you. Grassroots response is a strong validation of your position.

  13. Facebook Functionality • Your Facebook wall is only seen by new visitors • Move contentious discussions from your Wall to your Discussion Board. Those interested in a serious discussion will follow.

  14. The Importance of a Comment Policy

  15. Comment Policy: The Key to Successful Two-Way Social Media • Your comment policy: • Sets the rules for communications on your social media properties • Makes clear how public comments will be moderated Once you have your comment policy in place, you can delete inappropriate posts with confidence

  16. Comment Policy: Social Media Team Review • Ensure comment is being processed fairly, consistently • When you do moderate out a comment, take opportunity to repost Comment Policy

  17. Case Studies: Pesky Posters

  18. Ignore (or Moderate Out) • Don’t feed the trolls • Unable to provoke a response, most detractors will quickly burn themselves out and move on • Posts or comments in violation of your comment policy should be removed immediately

  19. Let Your Community of Advocates Respond Successful community self-policing: The story of A.W.

  20. When to Respond The story of G.T. • Persistent poster, not in violation of comment policy • Authoritative reply from your agency required – complexity of question is beyond scope of knowledge of your community of advocates

  21. Questions? Follow Us Facebook.com/uscensusbureau @uscensusbureau

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