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XMLApe Research Group: Enhancing Distributed Query Processing

The XMLApe Research Group is involved in developing a DBMS that connects its GUI to multiple data sources, splitting and merging queries for efficient processing. Future work includes unifying sub-queries, implementing self-joins, and enhancing result reorganization and memory optimization.

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XMLApe Research Group: Enhancing Distributed Query Processing

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  1. Engine Group Namiruddin Ahmed Ali Kamil

  2. XMLApe • XMLApe Research Group • Involved in research on a number of projects that are related to XML and inspired by databases • Engine Group • Develop DBMS that ties XMLApe GUI to multiple XMLApe Data Sources • Split query involving multiple sources into multiple queries on single sources • Merge multiple result sets and return to XMLApe GUI

  3. XMLApe Architecture

  4. Splitting a Query Sub Query 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <query xmlns="" "> <source> <location></location> <alias>Flight_1</alias> </source> <source> <location></location> <alias>Flight_2</alias> </source> <source> <location></location> <alias>CarRental_1</alias> </source> <select> <schemaRef> <alias>Flight_1</alias> <field>flights/flightflightFrom</field> </schemaRef> <value>Detroit</value> </select> <join> <schemaRef> <alias>Flight_1</alias> <field>/flights/flight/flightTo</field> </schemaRef> <schemaRef> <alias>Flight_2</alias> <field>/flights/flight/flightFrom</field> </schemaRef> <schemaRef> <alias>CarRental_1</alias> <field>/flights/flight/rentalFrom</field> </schemaRef> <schemaRef> <alias>CarRental_1</alias> <field>/rentals/rental/rentalTo</field> </schemaRef> </join> </query> Sub Query 2 Sub Query 3 Figure: Query Splitter. Splitting a multi-source distributed query into single-source query documents.

  5. Resulting Queries Sub Query 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <query xmlns=“”> <source> <location></location> <alias>Flight_2</alias> </source> </query> Sub Query 2 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <query xmlns=""> <source> <location></location> <alias>Flight_1</alias> </source> <select> <schemaRef> <alias>Flight_1</alias> <field>/flights/flight/flightFrom</field> </schemaRef> <value>Detroit</value> </select> </query> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <query xmlns=""> <source> <location></location> <alias>CarRental_1</alias> </source> <join> <schemaRef> <alias>CarRental_1</alias> <field>/rentals/rental/rentalFrom</field> </schemaRef> <schemaRef> <alias>CarRental_1</alias> <field>/rentals/rental/rentalTo</field> </schemaRef> </join> </query> Figure: Query Splitter. Splitting a multi-source distributed query into single-source query documents. Sub Query 3

  6. Future Work • Unify sub queries on the same data source • Merge sub queries using operations like self-joins to be performed natively on data source • Projections and non-equi joins • Change Schema Melder to publish result schema for the user interface depending on the projections in the query document • Support result reorganization • Making engine page from disk • Reduce memory drain when dealing with larger result sets

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