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The World of Blogging

The World of Blogging. By Mrs. Stern. What is a Blog?. A weblog, or simply a “blog,” is a web application which contains periodic, reverse chronologically ordered posts on a common webpage . Since all blogs are on the Internet they are seen as interconnected and socially networked.

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The World of Blogging

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The World of Blogging By Mrs. Stern

  2. What is a Blog? • A weblog, or simply a “blog,” is a web application which contains periodic, reverse chronologically ordered posts on a common webpage. • Since all blogs are on the Internet they are seen as interconnected and socially networked

  3. Blogs explained in Plain English • http://tstern.wikispaces.com/Videos

  4. How can you use blogs? • Blogs can be used as a: • Personal journal or diary • Class project page • Bookmarks or links page

  5. Blog terminology • Blogger: Someone who creates and maintains a blog. • Blogging: The process of creating and maintaining a web log. • Blogsphere/Blogosphere: The totality of blogs; a community or social network of blogs. • Blogroll: A list of a blogger’s favorite blogs, usually placed on the side of that blogger’s blog

  6. What type of topics can blogs cover? • News • Commentary on news • Personal dairies • Subject related to: • Sports • Fashion • Music • Gardening • Cooking • Travel • http://joshandtracey.travellerspoint.com/42/

  7. What can be added to a blog besides text? • Pictures • Links to other blogs • Web links • Video • Music • Podcasts

  8. Search Engine to locate Blogs • Technorati – is a search engine site that tracks 112 million blogs • Technorati tracked blogs in 81 languages in June 2008 • On average those who blog have been posting for three years and are collectively creating close to one million posts every day.

  9. Statistics • Bloggers are a diverse group: • Personal • Professional • Corporate

  10. Blogging Etiquette • Do not confuse your opinion with absolute truth. • It’s OK to disagree with bloggers or those who post comments: • Be respectful • No name calling • No vulgarity • Do not invoke personal attacks.

  11. Blogging Etiquette • Stick to the subject when writing and do not link to irrelevant sites. • Make your English teacher proud, punctuate, capitalize, and avoid babbling run-on sentences. • Take responsibility for your mistakes. Do not rewrite or remove posts if you’ve made a mistake.

  12. Blogging Etiquette • Please, no last names, school names or addresses • Do not OVER write – Short and to the point • Cite your references. ie. Statistics • Do not use other bloggers images or text without permission. • When writing your opinion on a topic, make sure you're not going to be offensive to anyone.

  13. Use Common Sense • Everything you post is accessible for the world to see. • If you do not want the world knowing something, don’t post it. • There can be legal consequences for defaming another blogger • You can be liable for damages • Employers Google potential employees

  14. Class Blog • http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blog_id=795318&blogger_id=224666

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