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Librarian Training

Librarian Training. Today’s Objectives:. Launch Chat Conduct a Chat session Conduct e-mail follow-up on a Chat transcript Log out of Chat Process Answered questions/transcripts. Four basic modules comprise the core services of QuestionPoint:. Knowledge Base Administration Profile Ask.

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Librarian Training

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Librarian Training

  2. Today’s Objectives: • Launch Chat • Conduct a Chat session • Conduct e-mail follow-up on a Chat transcript • Log out of Chat • Process Answered questions/transcripts

  3. Four basic modules comprise the core services of QuestionPoint: • Knowledge Base • Administration • Profile • Ask

  4. Suggested Exercise • Pick a practice partner, one is the librarian the other is the patron: • Librarian and Patron conduct a chat session • Librarian assigns follow-up resolution code to transcript • Librarian follows up on the transcript by e-mailing the patron with additional information

  5. On the Full Question screen, you can: • Answer a question (follow-up on a transcript via e-mail) • Claim a question • Add a note • Add a descriptive code • Refer a question • Change the patron’s e-mail address • Move or file a question

  6. What are the three methods you can use to push an URL/page? • Pre-scripted lists and sending it • Copying and pasting one from another browser page and sending it • Typing one into the URL field or text box and sending it • If you type an URL, it needs to have the correct syntax (http://)

  7. Resources • AskMN Staff Wiki: • http://wiki.askmn.org/ • System Requirements for Flash Chat: • http://questionpoint.org/web/requirements/index.html • Guide to Internet Explorer Setup: • http://www5.oclc.org/questionpoint/Chat_setup.pdf • Chat Quick Reference Guide: • http://questionpoint.org/support/documen tation/gettingstarted/qp_flashchat_ref.pdf

  8. Questions and Discussion Carla Steinberg Pfahl pfahl001@umn.edu 612-626-6845 IM - AIM/Gmail: carlapfahl - MSN: cspfahl - Jabber: pfahl001

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