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BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS Altamaha / New Sunbury Baptist Association. Compiled By Jim Elliott Associational Missionary. You Want to Live a Safe Life?. Avoid riding in automobiles because they are responsible for 20% of all fatal accidents.
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS Altamaha / New Sunbury Baptist Association Compiled By Jim Elliott Associational Missionary
You Want to Live a Safe Life? Avoid riding in automobiles because they are responsible for 20% of all fatal accidents. Do not stay home because 17% of all accidents occur in the home. Avoid walking on streets or sidewalks because 14% of all accidents occur to pedestrians. Avoid traveling by air, rail, or water because 16% of all accidents involve these forms of transportation. You will be pleased to learn that only .001% of all deaths occur in church. Therefore, logic tells us that the safest place for you to be at any given point in time is at church!
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS • Across this nation about 85% of our churches are plateaued or in decline. • Of the remaining 15%, about 14% are growing through transfer growth. • Only 1% of churches in America are growing by conversion growth. There is a Tremendous Need for Improvement America’s Churches Are In Decline
10 “Must Do” Duties BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS 1- Know the 10 Bottom Line Numbers [slide 6] 2- Establish, Develop, Maintain and Guide use of Sunday School Prospect Files 3- Create and Guide the Sunday School Leadership Team (faculty) 4- Visit in Homes of your Sunday School Leaders 5- Establish a Prayer Ministry with Sunday School Leaders (lists)
10 “Must Do” Duties BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS 6- Establish New Units and Restructure your Sunday School at least every 2 years 7- Set Annual Goals for the Sunday School 8- Conduct Annual Planning Retreats for your Team 9- Provide for Training of your Sunday School Leaders (and keep records) 10- Give Recognition to your Sunday School Leaders (formally and informally)
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS 10 “Bottom Line” Numbers 1- Sunday School Enrollment 2- Sunday School Average Attendance 3- Enrollment / Attendance Spread 4- Number of Prospects 5- Possibilities (enrollment + prospects) 6- New Enrollment Required to Gain 7- 3 Sundays and You’re Out ? 8- Sunday School Attendance to Baptism Ratio 9- New Units 10- Unsaved Enrollment to Baptism Ratio
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS Flake’s Formula • He did not give us a “magic formula,” but he did give us 5 timeless principles for Sunday School growth that are still relevant today. • Flakes formula does not work, you have to work the formula. • Remember, all great ideas eventually erode into hard work, Flake’sformula is no exception.
Keep definite records of enrollment. Continue to find prospects. Know the difference between a prospect and a suspect. Keep an accurate visitation file of these prospects for each age group. Continue to cultivate new ways to discover prospects. BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS Flake’s Formula 1- “Know the Possibilities”
Sunday Schools must continue to create new classes and departments (units) if they are to grow. New units typically grow faster because they are smaller and want to grow. New units are usually more focused on outreach and evangelism, and have higher rates of baptisms. New units are better at assimilating new members than established classes. New units open more doors for ministry opportunities to individuals and their families. BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS Flake’s Formula 2- “Enlarge the Organization”
BASICS FOR SUNDAYSCHOOL DIRECTORS • 3. Enlist and Train Workers • Enlisting workers properly and enlisting proper workers is a critical element in growing a church through the Sunday School • Provide each potential teacher with a job description of the expectations of them • Train them through specific training events and consistent teachers & workers meetings • Always maintain a proper teacher – pupil ratio in fairness to both teacher and pupil Flake’s Formula
4- Provide the Space & Facilities BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS Flake’s Formula • You can only put so many people in one room. • When the room is full growth stops. • The proper facilities and adequate space must be provided in order to grow. • Like all of Flake’s formula, growth will not automatically happen when you provide great facilities, all the principles of Flake’s formula must be followed to sustain long term, healthy Sunday School growth.
BASICS FOR SUNDAYSCHOOL DIRECTORS Flake’s Formula 5-Go After the People • Visitation of prospects and constantly contacting absentees and members for ministry, witnessing, and spiritual nurture is critical to growth. • Follow-up is the key to reaching people in this busy culture we live in. • “Open enrollment” means there are no qualifications for membership in a Sunday School class, they don’t even have to attend before they can be enrolled.
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS Barnett’s Principles of Enlargement
BASICS FOR SUNDAYSCHOOL DIRECTORS • 1. “The Principle of Leadership”Reaching prospects depends upon an adequate ratio of workers to enrollment & upon the degree of commitment these workers show toward their tasks. • 2. “The Principle of Delegation”Reaching prospects depends upon the effective delegation of responsibility to Sunday School Workers • 3. “The Principle of Grouping”Reaching persons depends on using a grading & grouping plan that respects the individual’s developmental stage and provides for annual promotion in all groups. • 4. “The Principle of Involvement of Learners”Reaching prospects depends upon the degree and quality of involvement which teacher and class members achieve in their Bible Study.
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS 5. “The Principle of Organization”Reaching prospects depends upon the creation of new units designed to meet the growth potential at hand. • “The Principle of Space and Facilities”Reaching prospects depends upon the expansion of space and other facilities as growth potential suggests the need. 7. “The Principle of Relationship”Reaching prospects depends upon balanced, consistent, prayerful action in accordance with all the principles of growth.
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS Ten Characteristics of the Purpose-Driven Sunday School
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS 1. The intent and focus of Bible Study is to bring about life change through an encounter with God’s Word and to help members understand and live out their mission. 2. Every Bible study presents an evangelistic focus in content or application. 3. Unit leaders and members regularly contribute to the evangelistic prospect list, select visitation teams and participate in weekly visitation. 4. Age appropriate curriculum is chosen to accomplish the mission of the church by a team of staff and laity following a developmental process designed for personal and corporate growth. 5. Teachers are certified through a formal apprentice program, being mentored by an experienced teacher (s) combined with an appropriate personal study program. Purpose-Driven
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS 6.Leaders & members are led to maintain a dated prayer list of persons & needs, recording prayer results & sharing answered prayers as appropriate. 7. Fellowships are planned and conducted at least monthly for the purpose of developing friendships, involving members, guests & in-service members as appropriate. 8. Class enrollment is maintained at a number that facilitates growth, with apprentice leaders assigned to each unit ready to begin the next group as soon as the enrollment reaches the birthing level. 9. Units are structured with a ministry/care team that maintains a weekly contact with members & has an action plan for meeting immediate & long term members’ needs. 10. Each teaching unit plans and conducts appropriate service projects designed to penetrate and impact the community for Christ, providing for the involvement of all members. Purpose-Driven
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS An Overview of the Ten Best Practices of Sunday School The best practices of Sunday School as strategy are presented here as 10 brief, concrete, imperative statements. They are not a mechanical formula for success, but describe the process of designing an effective Sunday School strategy.
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS 1- Commit to the Strategy • We will commit to Sunday School as the foundational strategy in a local church for doing the work of the Great Commission by — • Developing an annual plan that supports the church’s thrust to lead people to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and build on-mission Christians. • Including as key elements of the plan ongoing & short-term open Bible study groups & additional Bible study events, such as Vacation Bible School, that focus on foundational evangelism & foundational discipleship. • Providing the best-possible financial support to implement the strategic plans. • Implementing the plan through specific monthly and weekly actions. Ten Best Practices
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS 2. Organize with Purpose We will organize our Sunday School ministry to accomplish the objectives of leading people to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and building on-mission Christians by — using the concept of age-graded, open Bible study groups as the primary organizing principle for Bible study groups. providing groups for all ages and generations, including preschool, children, youth, young adults, and adults. relying on sound learner: leader ratios proven to be effective for each age group in developing the age-group organizational structures. Ten Best Practices
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS 3. Build Kingdom Leaders We will build kingdom leaders who are committed to Sunday School strategy as an expression of faithfulness to Christ, His church, and the mission mandate He has given by — Praying for God to call out leaders for kingdom service through Sunday School ministry. Implementing a leader-enlistment approach that focuses on helping people respond to their personal call from God rather than an approach that is primarily concerned with filling church or organizational positions. Enlisting leaders who themselves are committed to cultivating and multiplying new leaders. Ten Best Practices
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS 3. Build Kingdom Leaders Continued… We will build kingdom leaders who are committed to Sunday School strategy as an expression of faithfulness to Christ, His church, and the mission mandate He has given by — Devoting major attention to leadership meetings that focus on the mission, on relationships, and on Bible study. Providing training that equips leaders for their work and enhances the quality of their leadership. Calling out people who will give their lives to evangelizing the lost and who are willing to participate in ongoing evangelism training and multiplication of evangelism leaders. Ten Best Practices
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS 4. Develop Soul Winners We will lead leaders and members to become soul-winners and witnesses for Christ in all life settings, including the home, by- Teaching members to view being a practicing soul-winner as the role of every believer. Challenging members continually to be aware of the spiritually lost people they encounter daily. Focusing attention on the responsibility of Sunday School leaders and members to lead people to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Training leaders and members how to share the gospel through an intentional, ongoing strategy. Providing regular opportunities for leaders and members to share the gospel as part of personal home visits. Ten Best Practices
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS 5. Win the Lost We will engage in evangelistic actions that result in winning the lost to Christ, as well as in other actions that target the un-churched and reclaim the spiritually indifferent, by — Involving members in discovering individual and family prospects. Maintaining up-to-date master and working prospect files and implementing an ongoing approach for making evangelistic prospect visitation assignments to members. Providing regular, specific times for evangelistic, outreach, & ministry visitation. Ten Best Practices
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS Continued… 5. Win the Lost We will engage in evangelistic actions that result in winning the lost to Christ, as well as in other actions that target the un-churched and reclaim the spiritually indifferent, by — Committing ourselves to witness for Christ in all life settings, including the home. Teaching evangelistically, including foundational teaching, especially with preschoolers and children, that becomes the basis for a later conversion as the Holy Spirit brings conviction of sin. Challenging un-churched or spiritually indifferent individuals and families to commit to living as followers of Jesus Christ. Ten Best Practices
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS 6. Assimilate People We will assimilate individuals and families into the life of the church and facilitate their growth as disciples of Christby — Encouraging new believers to identify with Christ and His church through baptism and church membership. Emphasizing regular participation in systematic Bible study as the foundational step of discipleship. Enrolling people anytime, anywhere in ongoing Bible study and other short-term Bible study groups. Providing an atmosphere for building relationships with one another in an environment of grace, acceptance, support, and encouragement. Encouraging all believers to strengthen their walk with Christ by participating in other discipleship opportunities. Ten Best Practices
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS Continued… 6. Assimilate People We will assimilate individuals and families into the life of the church and facilitate their growth as disciples of Christ by — Developing a system for tracking individual and family participation in ongoing Bible study and in discipleship groups. Developing a system for tracking actions that serve as indicators of spiritual growth and personal spiritual vitality. Providing opportunities for new Christians and church members, and their families, to discover how they fit into the life and ministry of the church. Planning opportunities for individuals and families to pray together and to work together toward fulfilling the Great Commission. Promoting systematic, biblical giving and the stewardship of life as the norm for believers. Ten Best Practices
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS 7. Partner with Families We will partner with parents and families to build the home as the center of biblical guidance by — Providing an appropriate open Bible study group for every member of the family, including family members with special needs. Providing training and resources to help parents fulfill their responsibility as the primary Bible teachers and disciplers of their children. Developing family-oriented evangelistic and ministry strategies that help families to reach other families for Christ and the church and minister to their needs. Ten Best Practices
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS 7. Partner with Families We will partner with parents and families to build the home as the center of biblical guidance by — Building a leadership team that believes in and models the essential partnership of home and church in Bible teaching. Providing Bible study and devotional materials that encourage and support family worship and Bible study in the home. Exploring the possibilities for intergenerational ministries that enable the different generations to interact with each other rather than being isolated from one another. Ten Best Practices
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS 8. Teach to Transform We will engage individuals and families in the biblical model of instruction that leads to spiritual transformation by — Preparing faithfully for the open-group Bible teaching session, including personal spiritual preparation and participation in leadership meetings. Encountering God’s Word in a Bible study group guiding learners toward spiritual transformation. Continuing to guide learners toward spiritual transformation in daily living and family relationships. Centering the transformational teaching learning process around these Bible teaching elements: acknowledge authority, search the Scripture, discover the truth, personalize the truth, struggle with the truth, believe the truth, and obey the truth. Preparing open-group lesson plans to teach in a variety of ways (relational, musical, logical, physical, reflective, visual, verbal approaches). Ten Best Practices
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS Continued… 8. Teach to Transform We will engage individuals and families in the biblical model of instruction that leads to spiritual transformation by — Looking for opportunities in other settings to both teach and model the message of the Bible. Equipping parents to be the primary Bible teachers in their homes. Choosing open-group Bible study curriculum materials that lead learners to explore the entire counsel of God during their life stages. Providing the best-possible teaching resources that enable teachers to teach for spiritual transformation. Providing the best-possible space and equipment as appropriate for age-group teaching and learning. Ten Best Practices
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS 9. Mobilize for Ministry We will take deliberate actions to mobilize people to meet with compassion the needs of individuals and families by — Remembering that the greatest need is to be in right relationship with the Lord. Helping identify ministry needs and informing leaders and members about ministry opportunities. Equipping individuals and families to minister to others in need in all settings. Leading members and their families to be involved in ministry and mission projects as a continuation of Sunday School Bible study. Involving the church family in supporting missionaries and mission work through prayer and giving. Ten Best Practices
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS 10. Multiply Leaders and Units We will develop and implement an intentional process for continually multiplying leaders and units by — Communicating the key relationship that multiplication of leaders and units has to the overall mission of Sunday School as strategy. Teaching every believer to be in service and on mission and to multiply themselves. Developing a potential leader-training ministry that helps members explore their leadership potential and possibilities. Making leader enlistment and multiplication of units an ongoing process rather than annual actions. Ten Best Practices
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS 10. Multiply Leaders and Units We will develop and implement an intentional process for continually multiplying leaders and units by — Encouraging and supporting the initiative of existing Bible study groups to reproduce themselves through new open Bible study groups that increase the opportunity to evangelize and disciple more people. Encouraging and supporting the efforts of leaders to identify prospective leaders and guide them toward service for Christ and His church. Engaging the church to start a new Vacation Bible School, start a new Sunday School, or help to plant a new church mission. Ten Best Practices
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS Sunday School General Officers Job Descriptions
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS Sunday School Director • Being responsible to the church for all phases of Sunday School work including outreach, Sunday School teaching improvement and worker training, witnessing, ministering, and Bible teaching projects such as Vacation Bible School. • Seek counsel and leadership from the pastor or Minister of Education. • Lead the Sunday School Council in planning and evaluating the work of the Sunday School. • Represent the Sunday School on the Church Council.
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS Sunday School Secretary The Sunday School Secretary is responsible to the Sunday School Director for compiling and maintaining weekly, quarterly, annual records, and reports for the Sunday School.
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS Outreach-Evangelism Director • Be responsible to the Sunday School Director for planning, conducting, and evaluating the Sunday School in reaching, witnessing, and ministering to those who are not members of the Sunday School. • Be responsible for training of outreach leaders. Coordinate plans for prospect discovery.
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS Vacation Bible School Director Responsible to the Sunday School Director for planning, promoting, conducting, and evaluating the church's Vacation Bible School.
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS Believing that the privilege of guiding people in the Christian way of life is worthy of my best, I covenant, as a worker in the Sunday School of my church to… • Order my conduct in keeping with the principles of the New Testament, and seek the help of the Holy spirit that I may be faithful and efficient in my work. (Eph. 4:1) • Be regular and punctual in attendance; and, in case of unavoidable absence, give notice thereof as far in advance as possible. (I Cor. 4:2) • Make through preparation of the lesson and for my other duties each week. (II Tim. 2:15) • Attend the regular planning meetings. (Luke 14:18-20) • Use the Bible with my group on Sunday morning, or other meeting times, and help them to understand and love it. (Psa. 119:16)
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS • Contribute my tithe to my church’s budget. (Mal. 3:10) • Visit prospects frequently and make a special effort to contact absentees each week. (Acts 2:46) • Study one or more books from the Church Study Course each year. (Prov. 15:28a) • Be loyal to the program of the church, striving to attend all worship services. (Heb. 10:25) • Make witnessing a major endeavor. Prov. 11:30) • Seek to discover and meet the needs of those with whom I come into contact, especially fellow church members and prospects for my church. (Gal. 6:2) • Pray regularly for the church, the Sunday School, the officers and teachers, and for the pupils and the homes from which they come. (I Thess. 5:17)
BASICS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS • Cooperate wholeheartedly in the plans and activities of the church. (I Cor. 3:9) • Apply the teachings of Christ in moral and social issues of my everyday life. (James 1:22) • With the help of God, I will do my utmost to keep this covenant: ____________________________ Name Date
Additional Assistance • Additional Assistance is available through our Association • We will come to your church for individual training etc • Also assistance is available from GBC • Almost all of this is at NO COST • CONTACT ASSOCIATIONAL OFFICE FOR INFORMATION OR TO SCHEDULE ANOTHER TRAINING EVENT