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Effective Lecture Design

Effective Lecture Design. Susan M. Stein, DHEd , MS, BS Pharm , RPh. Discussion: Buzz Group. Provide a brief description of a moment in teaching that things went so well, you felt you were born to teach.

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Effective Lecture Design

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Effective Lecture Design Susan M. Stein, DHEd, MS, BS Pharm, RPh

  2. Discussion: Buzz Group • Provide a brief description of a moment in teaching that things went so well, you felt you were born to teach. • Provide a moment in teaching when things went so poorly you wished you’d never been born • In groups of 3-4, discuss the positive experience and identify strengths

  3. Objectives • Develop effective outcomes and competencies using SMART • Create two competencies specific to each outcome • Describe backward course design • Develop rubric to measure a competency or outcome • Create one assessment of an objective • Apply the Lecture Design Map to a topic

  4. The Syllabus: The Holy Grail • Legal document or agreement with students? • Set a format for yourself if none exists for program and stay with it (table format) • Course outcomes/goals/competencies • Schedules: Lectures, discussions and topic organization, activities, assignments, assessment • Requirements, policies: never assume

  5. Material Organization • Philosophy: learner-centered? Activity emphasis? Flow of material? • Resources: Stanford Center for Teaching and Learning http://ctl.stanford.edu/teaching/faculty-resources.html Carleton College On the Cutting Edge http://serc.carleton.edu/NAGTWorkshops/index.html Lecture/Course Design Table

  6. Outcomes, Objectives, Competencies • Outcomes or Goals: groups of objectives create measurable outcomes • Objectives: final expectations of fact • Competencies: application of outcomes or objectives at appropriate level Diamond, R.M. (2008). Designing and Assessing Courses and Curricula: A Practical Guide. 3rd Ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Haenn, N., Johnson, E., Buckwalter, M.G. (2009). The Teaching Road Map: a Pocket Guide for High School and College Teachers, Rowman & Littlefield Education, Lanham, MD

  7. Bloom’s Taxonomy

  8. Helpful Resources SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timely (evaluate, reevaluate) • http://www.tss.uoguelph.ca/uid/index.cfm • http://trc.virginia.edu/Publications/Teaching_Concerns/TC_Topic.htm • http://www.radiojames.com/ObjectivesBuilder/ • http://fits.depaul.edu/Documents/selfcheck.html

  9. More Resources • http://serc.carleton.edu/NAGTWorkshops/index.html • http://ctl.stanford.edu/handbook/course-design.html • http://www.med.wright.edu/aa/facdev/InstructionalTips/LearningObjectives

  10. Activity: Objective Review Using your syllabus/lecture, review the objectives you have created and complete the following: • Create two new competencies for your course/lecture • Switch with the person next to you, assess and write them on a blank sheet of paper to share with class

  11. Backwards Design

  12. Backward Design Resources • http://chronicle.com/blogs/profhacker/planning-a-class-with-backward-design/33625

  13. Systems Approach • What is the aim of the class? • Holistic perspective: what are the elements of the class? • How are the elements connected and how do they interact? • Input  Process  Output (Feedback) Sylvia LM, Barr JT. (2011). Pharmacy Education: What Matters in Learning and Teaching. Sudbury. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

  14. Assessment

  15. Activity: Horseshoe:Assessment Assessment Discuss the following questions in groups of 4-10 in a horseshoe shaped group: • What type of assessment tools do you use? • How often do you assess formatively? • How often do you assess summatively? • How is it incorporated into measure of learning and understanding?

  16. Rubrics or Rubriks

  17. Rubric Resources • http://uwf.edu/cutla/rubricdevelopment.cfm • http://www.calstate.edu/itl/resources/assessment/scoring-rubrics-examples.shtml • http://fits.depaul.edu/Documents/selfcheck.html • http://teachingcommons.depaul.edu/Feedback_Grading/rubrics.html • http://www.uwstout.edu/soe/profdev/rubrics.cfm#oral • J Dental Ed article 2011 http://www.jdentaled.org/content/75/9/1163.long

  18. Activity: Pair Partners Using the Lecture Design Table as a guide, complete the following: • Design two activities for a competency in your lecture • Write two assessment questions to directly address this competency • Switch with the person next to you, assess and share

  19. Ideas: Team Teach Format • Is this for you and your subject matter? • Professors Preach 10 Commandments of Team Teaching http://news.stanford.edu/news/2006/march15/team-031506.html

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