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Plant Tissues

Plant Tissues. Highlight or underline- New cells formed in the meristems of a plant are similar in appearance and function Some must remain meristematic Most mature and become other tissues. Plant Tissues. Highlight or underline- Tissues may be classified I Meristems II Permanent

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Plant Tissues

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Plant Tissues • Highlight or underline- • New cells formed in the meristems of a plant are similar in appearance and function • Some must remain meristematic • Most mature and become other tissues

  2. Plant Tissues • Highlight or underline- Tissues may be classified • I Meristems • II Permanent • A Dermal- surface • B Ground • Parenchyma • Collenchyma • Sclerenchyma C Vascular • Xylem • Phloem

  3. Plant Tissues • Highlight or underline- • A simple tissue is composed of only one cell type. • Complex tissues contain more than one cell type

  4. Meristematic Tissue Highlight or underline- Apical meristems are located at the tips of stems and roots. The activity of these meristems results in an increase in plant length. This is primary growth The resulting tissues are called primary tissues

  5. Meristematic Tissue Highlight or underline- Lateral meristems are found near the periphery of stems and roots and are responsible for increase in diameter. This is know as secondary growth and secondary tissues

  6. Questions 4a and b Guard Cells Bean shaped Others?

  7. Surface Tissues Observe and answer questions 4 a and b.

  8. Observe and answer Question 5a and b Other epidermal cells

  9. Questions 6 and 7 6. Protects against __?__ loss 7. The guard cells regulate the size of stomata. As a result they control gas exchange and water loss

  10. Question 8 Clue: how many kinds of cells are present?

  11. Figure 2.9 Lower Epidermis Epidermal

  12. Periderm or cork Highlight or underline – Periderm replaces the epidermis on plants with active lateral meristems. Cork cells fit tightly together and are dead at maturity.

  13. Simple Fundamental Tissue Collenchyma Highlight or underline- Collenchyma is a simple tissue with irregularly thickened cell walls

  14. Collenchyma Answer Question 9

  15. Parenchyma Highlight or underline Parenchyma is the most common kind of simple tissue. It makes up the bulk of the herbaceous (non woody) plant body.

  16. Parenchyma

  17. Sclerenchyma Highlight or underline- Sclerenchyma cells have thick secondary cell walls and are dead at maturity In contrast to collenchyma has evenly thickened walls

  18. Question 11 Sclerenchyma Very thick walls

  19. Sclerenchyma

  20. Sclerenchyma Fibers Figure 2.11

  21. Question 12 Sclerenchyma Parenchyma Collenchyma Figure 2.12

  22. Important Note: Highlight or underline- Parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma are basic cell types that often form simple tissues. Frequent references will be made of these three tissues. Know their characteristics and main functions.

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