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CSDF Hungary, 2004. Sustainability. a capacity, a potential, an ability rather than a given fact capacity of the organization to fulfill its mission and reach its visionmore than survival: growth, development, impact perceived indicator of success of the organization. CSDF Hungary, 2004. Elemen
1. EMSP CEED Seminar28-30 April 2004 Balzs Stor
The Civil Society Development Foundation Hungary
2. CSDF Hungary, 2004 Sustainability a capacity, a potential, an ability rather than a given fact
capacity of the organization to fulfill its mission and reach its vision
more than survival: growth, development, impact
perceived indicator of success of the organization
3. CSDF Hungary, 2004 Elements of organizational sustainability Institutional Sustainability: capacity to provide for the strategic framework, effective leadership and efficient organizational background for the NGO
Program Sustainability: capacity to provide for the best possible services and programs, making an impact, improve the lives of beneficiaries with the resources available
Financial Sustainability: capacity to generate the resources necessary to achieve institutional and programme sustainability
4. CSDF Hungary, 2004 Institutional Sustainability Elements of Institutional Sustainability:
Communication/ External and Internal PR
Human resources
Organizational Culture
5. CSDF Hungary, 2004 Program Sustainability Elements of Program Sustainability:
Professional Clarity/Competence
Needs Assessment
Quality Assurance
Project Management
Stakeholder/User Involvement
6. CSDF Hungary, 2004 Financial Sustainability Elements of Financial Sustainability:
Resource Base
Donor Relations
Business Income
Financial Management
7. CSDF Hungary, 2004 Analysis of Internal and External Environment and Resources S t r e n g t h s Internal W e a k n e s s e s O p p o r t u n i t i e s External T h r e a t s