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STOREY CREEK MENS’ CLUB ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 25, 2013 AGENDA Meeting called to order at ______________pm. Minutes taken by __________________________. A quorum was declared at ________ members were in attendance.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. STOREY CREEK MENS’ CLUB ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 25, 2013 AGENDA Meeting called to order at ______________pm. Minutes taken by __________________________. A quorum was declared at ________ members were in attendance. Motion to adopt the agenda as circulated.. Moved-____________. Second by ________________. (yes/no) ________ additions were requested. (Carried)___________________ Motion to adopt the minutes of 2012 AGM as displayed. Moved – ____________________, Second – ____________________. Errors or omissions? (yes/no)_________ (Carried)___________________. Business arising from minutes. – ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  2. Treasurers Report – Motion by _________________ , second by ________________________ that the treasurer’s report be adopted as circulated. Carried (61 – 0) ___________________ NEW BUSINESS Club Storage - discussion Last Year’s Motion to be discussed The opening balance of the chequeing account for the 2013 season was $____________.

  3. Elections –Vacant positions to be filled. President – Joe Knight has 1 more year remaining Club Captain – Kevin Mills has 1 more year remaining Vice Captain - Greg Manzulenko term is up has 1 more year remaining Vice Captain – John McCormac’s term is up Vice Captain – Chris MacDonald’s term is up Treasurer – Dave Free’s term is up and stands for re-election Bank signing authority to held by President – Joe Knight Vice – Captains – Kevin Mills Treasurer – Dave Free. Men’s Labour Day Amateur - Mike Ellis has the option to chair this event again in 2014. Open Discussion Meeting ended ________________pm. Next Year’s AGM – Sept. Wed. 24, 2014

  4. STOREY CREEK MENS’ CLUB ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 26, 2012 minutes Meeting called to order at 7:57pm. Minutes taken by Chris MacDonald. A quorum was declared at 68 members were in attendance. Motion to adopt the agenda as circulated.. Moved. Motion to adopt the minutes of 2011 AGM as circulated. Moved . Business arising from minutes. – none. Dave Chilton made a motion for the men’s club to pay for Kevin Mills and John McCormac to play Bear Mountain and pay $300 towards a hotel. Motion carried unanimously. Treasurers Report – Presented by Dave Free – report adopted by Gary MacDonald and Kevin Mills (see attached).

  5. Elections –previous executive members signed on for another 2 years: President – Joe Knight 2 year term Club Captain – Kevin Mills 2 year term Vice Captain - Greg Manzulenko 2 year term Motioned By Dave Chilton for President, Club Captain and Vice Captain to retain their positions - 1st Sal Salmanen, seconded by Geoff Hancock Bank signing authority to held by: President – Joe Knight Vice Captain - John McCormac Club Captain – Kevin Mills Treasurer – Dave Free Men’s Labour Day Amateur - Mike Ellis has resigned and Kyle Stoudt (Storey Creek Golf and Recreation Society) is taking over the coordinating of the tournament. Meeting ended 8:15 pm. Next Year’s AGM – Sept. Wed. 25, 2013

  6. Storey Creek Mens Club – Interim Financial Statement to Sep 17, 2013 Revenue for 2013 season Sponsor donations ------- $3070.00 Hole in one insurance----$920.00 Member dues---------------3060.00 Prizes (mens night fees)- 19,463.00 Team game-----------------2685.00 Pots of gold/eaglesnest--3540.00 Weekly draw---------------1746.00 Miscellaneous (.50)------889.50 Paid Out Hole in one------------------381.65 Prizes (cash)-----------------15950.00 Pots of gold/eaglesnest--1232.00 Weekly draw----------------1757.00 Pro shop purchases-------2294.00 Sponsor ---------------------700.00 Miscellaneous-------------570.00

  7. Notes 1. Sponsor includes Mike Schmidt $100, Crystal open $150, Mixed tournament $150, Staff appreciation $100, Mens open $200 2. Miscellaneous includes weekly shortages and $300 donation to MCormac and Mills re Chilton Motion. Current bank balance - $12410.51 Outstanding accounts – O/S Cheques $1251.00, O/S Scrip $3562.00, O/S ProShop (est) $2475.00 O/S Pot of Gold and Eaglesnest $2005.00 TOTAL Outstanding 9293.00 Available funds approximately $3117.51

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