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Comprehension Strategies: Emergent and Young Readers

Comprehension Strategies: Emergent and Young Readers. ALYSE SCHWARTZ CAPITAL UNIVERSITY ADVISOR: DR. CHERYL DOBROKA. My Experience. *Charter School *Content Area Reading Strategies *Three Students *Literacy at home *Individualized Education Plans (IEP) *Computer Based Learning. Goal.

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Comprehension Strategies: Emergent and Young Readers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Comprehension Strategies: Emergent and Young Readers ALYSE SCHWARTZ CAPITAL UNIVERSITY ADVISOR: DR. CHERYL DOBROKA

  2. My Experience *Charter School *Content Area Reading Strategies *Three Students *Literacy at home *Individualized Education Plans (IEP) *Computer Based Learning

  3. Goal • Increase reading comprehension through use of comprehension strategies

  4. Key Terms Scaffolding Modeling Explicit Instruction Active Engagement Accommodation and Assimilation Encoding and Decoding Differentiation

  5. Encoding and Decoding • Decoding-Ability to read • Encoding-Comprehending what is read

  6. Differentiation • Each student is an individual-make the classroom work for everyone • High Quality Instruction!

  7. Example of Differentiation

  8. Accomodation and Assimilation • Accomodation-Changing what we know to add new information • Assimiliation-Adding information to what we already know

  9. Active Engagement • Involving students • Hands-on • Not lecture based

  10. Scaffolding • Providing support to a student and slowly moving away from the amount of support given as student acquires skill

  11. Explicit Instruction • Direct • Engaging • Modeling • Setting purpose

  12. Comprehension Strategies Using Resources Note-taking Graphic Organizers Reading Guides Multiple Modalities Read Alouds High 5! Making Connections Games

  13. Comprehension Strategies Continued

  14. Using Resources • Vocabulary Acquisition-DIRECT INSTRUCTION Examples: Thesaurus, glossary, “fact finder”

  15. Note Taking Remember and Recall Directly teach and practice Examples: Guided Notes

  16. Modeling How to take good notes! 1. Write the date at the top of your paper 2. Write the subject (Social Studies, Math, etc.) 3. Write what you are learning about in each subject 4. Write down key words and their definitions *Many times key words are words that are highlighted or in bold font. Other times, you can find key words by looking for words that are in the book more than one time. 5. Write neatly and give spaces in between each definition and word. 6. Write down examples to help you remember how to complete a problem (This is especially helpful in math!) Different ways to take notes: 1. Number or letter your notes 2. Highlight words in your notes 3. Use bullets or stars in your notes 4. Use charts • *There are lots of different ways to take notes, try different ways and see what you like best!

  17. Graphic Organizers • Visually organizing information • Examples: Timelines, Venn Diagrams, Semantic Maps

  18. Example of Graphic Organizer

  19. Reading Guides and Questioning Follow along with text-active process Key information Review and Discuss

  20. Example of Pre-Reading Guide

  21. Example of During-Reading Guide

  22. Multiple Modalities & Making Connections Text to…. Prior knowledge Experiences Text/Pictures/Videos

  23. Read Alouds & Shared Reading Young and emergent readers who are unable or in the early stages of learning to read

  24. High 5! Background knowledge Questioning Text structure Mental Images “Making pictures in our head!” Summarizing

  25. High 5! Strategy Continued 1. Activate background knowledge 2. Questioning  3. Analyzing text structure 4. Creating mental images  5. Summarizing

  26. Making comprehension fun Reiterates previously learned concepts Examples: Games, Online Books

  27. Effectiveness of Strategies with my students

  28. What I Learned Use multiple strategies! Teach one strategy at a time Consider Zone of Proximal Development Each strategy will work differently for each student and each text

  29. Future Planning: What I still want to learn Other fun methods to teach and incorporate comprehension strategies Objectively assess reading comprehension Increase parent-involvement Creating a print-rich environment

  30. Key to Reading Comprehension • Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I’ll understand”-Chinese Proverb

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